Kamis, 27 Maret 2008

What’s So New About Hydrogen Gas For Automobile Fuel?: New Hydrogen hybrid car 2008 review

What’s So New About Hydrogen Gas For Automobile Fuel
Isaac de Rivas was a Swiss inventor who, in 1805, was the first to design an automobile powered by an internal combustion engine. That was an amazing feat and way ahead of its time, but what do you think that he used as fuel since gasoline wasn't invented for another seventy years? Holy time travel, Batman! T he firstvehicle ran on extracting HYDROGEN from WATER! Yull Brown �" an Aussie from Sydney discovered a method of extracting hydrogen from water in 1978 and how to make use of it as a car fuel and as a fuel for cutting steel and brazing. Why has the world been so myopic re gasoline for fuel? It is helping to make our planet environmentally unliveable, causing cancer, fosters global warming, motivates hostilities and is moving us towards. Why do our governments insist on suppressing alternative energy sources? Why not focus on extracting clean hydrogen gas fuel from water instead of from dirty hydrocarbons? Petroleum is in everything from pills to plastics. So, Big Oil owns the lion’s share of the stock of all industries. The Department of Energy another asset of Big Oil passes on regulations which all Car Manufactures have to adhere to. Every Water Car inventor, once his car becomes known about gets visited by the DOE, FBI, CIA MIB, the Sheriff, the MOB, etc at their door. They tell you to stop with your car. They take your water car experiment away. They ransack your garage looking for plans parts, everything you have may have been working on. Some are paid to stop. Some are found dead in the gutter. No joke. Or they “commit suicide” . This is planet Earth, folks, and I had heard of such instances over and over again. If it were a movie you would walk out I get fed up with hearing the bad ending, or dead ending. What happened to the triumphant ending?! Don't you want to breathe clean air? Next time you find yourself where there is a lot of traffic, take a deep breathe of what you smell. You are breathing unburned hydrocarbons & nitrates, carbon monoxides, a total of THIRTEEN toxic chemicals which are anatagonistic to your organism. The air is no longer safe to breath. And Bill Clinton may not inhale but we do! When I go on road trips I always come back feeling exhausted and sick from the breathing of it. The only way to escape car exhaust fumes, is to have a cabin in the country and avoid road trips. Opt out!WATER4GAS is offering information for a nominal fee which individuals can use in their garage or wherever to put together a small device which infuses hydrogen into the gas/air mixture that their car runs on. What this does is make bite sized particles out of the particles that the engine burns as fuel. Therefore the system gets to use considerably more of it. With WATER4GAS you can reasonably expect to improve your fuel economy by 30-50% or even more. Those goblets must have been pretty "blankin'" huge in some engines before. But with WATER4GAS they are made consumable so you can improve your fuel economy. It also helps make emissions significantly cleaner. This information has been purchased by over NINE THOUSAND people already and the percentage of happy customers is about 99%! So how about you?
New hybrid cars review

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