Rabu, 30 April 2008

Water For Fuel - Why It's EASY To Make Happen : new water Hybridcar 2008

Water For Fuel - Why It's EASY To Make Happen : new water Hybrid autos
by Dave Latimer
Water power can provide alternative energy to run your automobiles. Are you surprised? Don't be. The advanced technology has made it possible to use water as an alternative to gasoline and other fuels to run your automobiles. People have long been trying to find out an alternative way to save on the huge expenses incurred on fuel that has so long been eating away the lion share of their budget. You may have heard or seen movies that feature electric and other alternative energy driven cars. Such movies actually bring to fore the concept of alternative fuel.Scientists have long been engaged in research to find a feasible alternative to expensive gasoline, diesel, and petrol. Today they are realizing a successful way out as they have succeeded in devising an ICE system that runs on water. They have developed technology, where water can be broken down to release energy enough to drive a car. Do not for a minute think in terms of power plants that use water to produce electricity. Water actually turns into fuel in this new system. Before you know how you can install a waterpower system in your car, it is important for you to understand the system involved.The first thing you must know is that water does not directly work as fuel. Even the kids know that water itself is a non-combustible substance. How then, can water be treated as a fuel? Well, scientists have taken the chemical composition of water into account to turn it into a viable fuel source. Each molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen - H2O. As electricity passes through water, it breaks the water molecules into hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms. They combine to form a new compound - HHO - which is highly combustible. For this process to take place smoothly, we need to add a few other necessary chemicals along with water. Therefore, it will be a misconception to assume that you can fill the oil tank with tap water and it will work like gasoline. This process is not as simple. The water that you pour inside the jar is not used as the fuel directly. You need to install a system to change it into fuel. The water, as stated earlier, needs electrolysis to transform into fuel. The system will produce inflammable gas from water that acts as fuel.The next important thing is to understand the process of installing the system in your car so that it runs on water. The installation process, unlike popular belief, is not at all complicated. It is a fairly simple and low-cost procedure. There are two ways to install this system. Either you can visit a garage where you can a competent technician to install the system in your car; or you can buy the device from any reputed shop and install the system on your own. Many people are not very confident in doing it themselves and take aid of technicians from a garage. Once you have a fair idea about the functionality of the system, you do need any such assistance.

Hybrid vihecle review

The Future Of Hydrogen Powered Cars Is Here Today : New Hydrogen Hybrid cars 2008 review

The Future Of Hydrogen Powered Cars Is Here Today : New Hybrid cars 2008 review
It was an honor to attend a talk by Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson when he spoke at the Hammer Cultural Center on the Westside of Los Angeles last night. Colonel Wilkerson is is the highest ranking official who defected from the Bush Administration. Which, he confessed, he considers to be a personal embarressment and that he has no hesitancy in saying that he will have trouble living with as long as he lives More precisely that the man saw a lot of things that were not acceptable but stayed in the Administration for five years. The Colonel said so much that was true last nite. But it wasn't all true. He said that he believes that the switch over to more sensible fuel solutions would take at least seventy five years. He spoke of the need to change the whole industry, its infrastructure and on like that... and that we didn’t even have the technology yet. So, here you have a man with as much honesty and integrity and love of country as Colonel Wilkerson demonstrated who is yet on stage talking about these false statements about the future of alternative energy then perhaps it means that many people in power don’t know. Which means that the oil companies and other such "experts" have done their job in hiding the truth from the public. In reality it isn’t going to take seventy five years nor even one year. Because we already have it now. I suppose the infrastructure will just have to get used to having to maintaining pace with the people. Because there are now many collaborative members of Water4Gas scattered around the globe who are helping in their own unique ways for the common purpose of pushing this fantastic technology up as high as we can take it as rapidly as humanly possible. As of right now at a standard where pretty much anybody with technical skill or little can assemble and install the system and roll their car out for a drive with a gas/hydrogen hybrid car. So there are those who are actively working on creating the smoke screen and there are those who may have gotten blinded by it and some such are out there forwarding false information. You don’t have to join them! But you don't have to be either of those. You are welcome to join us, instead!

Hybridcars review
: http://newcarhybrid.com

How to Cut Your Gasoline Bill in Half : New Auto Hybrid cars 2008

How to Cut Your Gasoline Bill in Half : New Gas Hybrid cars 2008
by Myla MadsonI
don’t know about you, but with gas prices the way they are, I’m struggling just to survive. I’m a single mom with four kids, a mortgage, auto loan etc.Spending hundreds of dollars a month on gas for my car is absolutely ridiculous! What really gets me mad is, not only have the oil companies driven the price of gas up, they are in co-hoots with the auto makers and the Federal Government to keep automobile engines running inefficiently by manipulating the fuel to air mixture ratio to convert the fuel you put into your car into only 25% actual energy for movement and the rest is unburned and blown out your tail pipe.This inefficient burning also is bad on your engine, thus ensuring failure within twelve to fifteen years, if you’re lucky.When I found out the technology currently exists to create a gasoline/water hybrid that would cut your fuel expenses by 50%, I was furious.I’m not talking about hydrogen fuel cells either. I’m talking about a very practical and inexpensive system that separates the water molecules into what is called Brown’s Gas which mixes with the gasoline and allows it to burn more efficiently, drastically improving gas mileage while reducing engine wear.Did you know that you can actually build one of these systems and install it in your vehicle in less than a day? And for under $150.00?I was shocked to hear about it as well but actually saw it in operation. My neighbor added it to his car a few months ago and cut his fuel cost by 80%.You don’t have to modify your engine either. In fact, you can remove the system in under three minutes…not sure why you would want to though.I’ve installed one on my car recently and it really was as easy as my neighbor claimed it to be. I’m a woman who has trouble changing a light bulb so if I can do it, anyone can.I’ve seen a drastic improvement in engine performance, no more knocking and my fuel mileage is way better. I’m tracking it over a few months so I know exactly what I’m getting but my wallet already feels the relief!

Hybrid review
: NewcarHybrid.com

Alan Jones


Alan Jones and Williams,Worldchampions 1980

oil on canvas 10x9" sold

Selasa, 29 April 2008



Well,that was Barcelona......
acrylic on canvas 5x8"

Minggu, 27 April 2008

The Best Device To Save Gas - Save Money On Gas From Tomorrow : New Auto Hybrid car 2008

The Best Device To Save Gas - Save Money On Gas From Tomorrow
by Nicusor Valentin Prefac

Do you know that the economists predict that the gas price will double sometime next year? Are you able to pay more than 3. 5$ a gallon on gas? I think not .

All this gas consumption also damage the environment, because the gases destroy the quantity of Oxygen on the Earth. The researchers think that if people pollute in the same way as now, in almost 40 years the environment will suffer dangerous modifications, dangerous for us, for our kids, for our friends. But we can't just give up to our needs to use the car right?You won't have to, because someone created a device to save gas, and improve mileage. It's time to stop polluting so much and use water, hydrogen as fuel for our cars.

The best device to save gas was created by an US resident and his solution was on presented on Fox News- Project Energy as a very efficient way to improve mileage and save money on gas. His device to save gas is made from a few parts, that you can create yourself, with no risk, and it will be able to improve your car's mileage by over 40%. After you create the parts you will attach them to your car and that's it. Only ¼ of a litre of water can save you gas for over 900 miles (proved in tests) , depending on several factors, like the engine size.

Don't worry on the costs of this device, because you can built one with less than 150$ and can save you thousands of dollars every year, money which you could use to rent a new house, to buy new appliances, or why not, a new car.

Why Are Gas Prices So High? : hybrid cars review 2009

Why Are Gas Prices So High?
by Mark Myers

Why has gas prices doubled? Why is oil hovering at $100 per barrel? Why won't somebody do something? Why are gas prices so high? Here's the answer…
The infamous questions everybody is asking themselves and each other. The answer is simple; however the solutions are quite a bit more complicated.

So, why are gas prices so high? Two reasons, supply and demand. Supply is increasing but not at the rate that it is being demanded. Unfortunately the times of cheap oil are quickly coming to an end, and will more than likely never return.

So what's with the supply?

The US is the number one consumer of gas and oil in the world. This fact hasn't changed. In fact oil demand is a direct result of the economic prowess an economy has. This leads to the biggest increase in demand for oil, growth of developed countries, and the very rapid growth of emerging economies, mainly China and India. The more they grow, the more energy they consume.

Supply is also being purposefully limited by countries that can. Top oil producing countries are limiting the amount of oil they refine and produce. If a country's economy is dependant on oil exports, it is in THEIR best interests to keep supplies limited.

Blame should not only fall on OPEC and oil companies. The United States is equally to blame for high oil prices due to their failure to act. Not only were refineries destroyed in hurricane Katrina, but they were not rebuilt. America has not built a new refinery in 30 years. Not to mention the fact that the United States refuses to drill for new sources of oil because it may negatively impact the ice pollywog, or some nonsense.

What about demand.

Short of putting an oil well in your back yard, it will be difficult for the average consumer to affect the supply side of the equation. Demand we can do something about. Everyone has heard for years all the little things we can do to decrease consumption. Drive less, carpool, use public transportation, etc. Sounds great but it is hardly feasible on a mass scale.

The painful truth is the American people refuse to change their lives. They want, and will, go where they want, when they want, driving what they want. So, why are gas prices so high? Because of Americas unwillingness to change. If auto makers continue to produce inefficient cars, we will accept them and buy them, no questions asked.

There are alternative energy cars available today and coming in the future. Today's hybrids are an excellent example. But they are expensive to produce and buy. The average consumer cannot afford to just go out and buy a new hybrid to save some gas. New alternative energy vehicles are in the pipeline promising some relief, like plug in hybrids, electric vehicles, and hydrogen fuel cells. The problem is these vehicles are still in development and are some years off.

Another reason why gas prices are so high is people have become spoiled by technology. They like to get in their car start it and go, with as little required from them as possible.

So, what can be done today?

Today there are modifications you can make to your car based on 90 year old patents, which could increase fuel mileage by 30% to 80%. There is an alternative to high gas prices. There is something you can do today to make a difference. WARNING, it will require some time and effort to implement and maintain, but only a fraction of the cost of doing nothing. It is possible and doable for the average consumer to convert their present car to burn hydrogen and gasoline at the same time.
For more information visit http://water4gas.getoffgrid.com/Why-Are-Gas-Prices-So-High.html

A Look At The 2008 Mazda CX9 : New Mazda CX9 2008

A Look At The 2008 Mazda CX9
by Anthony Fontanelle
In a report in The Auto Channel, Steve Purdy, one of the site’s writers, shared his experience driving a 2008 Mazda CX9 test vehicle. According to his story, he has been driving his 2008 Mazda CX9 test vehicle when he encountered a Mazda CX7 when parking in his favorite restaurant. An untrained eye could be able to see that the 2008 Mazda CX9 and the Mazda CX7 were the same vehicle however the difference actually lies in the size. The 2008 Mazda CX9 is far bigger.
To be able to own a 2008 Mazda CX9, you would have to shell out over $10,000. However, knowing that this vehicle is a Mazda, you would be given the knowledge that Mazda vehicles are great vehicles. You would be given comfort and luxury once you get a Mazda vehicle and this 2008 Mazda CX9 is no different. The design of the vehicle is surely something for it has been able to make heads turn. This vehicle is large since it has been built using the Mazda 6 platform as the base. The 2008 Mazda CX9 is a crossover vehicle and it could come as a front wheel drive vehicle or as an all wheel drive unit. However, all versions of the 2008 Mazda CX9 come with three rows of seats which could conveniently seat seven grown up passengers.

If you have a lot of cargo to drive around, you would not have to think much on where you would store them. The 2008 Mazda CX9 offers plenty of space that you could even buy tons of Mazda Tribute parts and still have room to spare for your kids’ soccer bags. This vehicle is going to be an ideal unit to bring and drive around especially when taking those long family trips.

Take a seat inside, you would find out that the 2008 Mazda CX9 has one of the most luxurious and most comfortable seats you would ever come across on in all vehicles in the market. For the Grand Touring version, you would be getting seats that have been covered in leather. As for the front seats, they have been made to be bucket seats and they are firm enough to keep your back support and are spacious enough to make you feel comfortable. The second row of seats can be reclined and can be folded easily. As per the last row of seats, these are also comfortable and could be folded to make more space.

Jumat, 25 April 2008

Danica Patrick


oil on canvas 9x12" sold

History...last Sunday Danica Patrick was the first woman to win a major motor race ...wrong in my books that is still Michele Mouton,she won plenty of rally's and was nearly world champion beating all the big guys.still an excellent result for this feisty little lady and the IRL!remember Lella Lombardi,Desire Wilson and Davina Galacia....

Kamis, 24 April 2008

Is a Water4Gas fuel conversion "Enviromentally" superior to biofuels-YES : Cars hybrid review 2009

Is a Water4Gas fuel conversion "Enviromentally" superior to biofuels-YES
by R.Bill Williams

Is a Water4gas fuel conversion Enviromentally superior to biofuel- YES
Part 1
Electricity production emits greenhouse gasses therefore electric driven cars will indirectly continue to contribute to the greenhouse gasses problem.
Nuclear generated electricity is practically carbon free but what's the end result of this type of production? The reality, exchanging carbon free air now for an expired nuclear reactor (life span 25-30 years ) which has to be decommissioned and cocooned away from the public for at least a hundred years - who is going to be around then to find out if a hundred years later it is actually safe. Also decommissioning costs can far exceed the construction cost of a nuclear facility adding billions to the cost of the electricity produced.
Hydrogen fuel cars, one of the major problems involved with this fuel is its distribution and storage because it is either liquid or pressurised. This system loses out to electric cars as all you require to keep an electric car running is an extension lead to charge up overnight ( when economy rates apply) but having said that you are then back to square one - having to produce more electricity.
Hybrid (electric and petroleum) cars, are on the road at present and there is some good press written about them; however very little is said about the dangers built into these cars.
Take the battery for starters (sorry!), most hybrid cars have new type batteries made of nickel and lithium.ion, both components are regarded as more enviromentally friendly than the traditional lead based type, which constitute the majority of car batteries today. Although nickel and lithium.ion batteries are accepted as less toxic than the traditional lead ones they are known carcinogens and can lead to an array of other health problems. Not a great deal of testing has
been done on the human body but possible side effects include xencephaly, everted viscera, short and twisted neck, short and twisted limbs, microphthalmia, haaemorage and reduced body size. ( Source:- Teratogenicity and Embryotoxicity of nickel cadmium in Syrian hamsters, William F. Sunderma. Univ. of Connecticut ).
A further overhanging problem for the hybrid car is in the manufacture of their advanced electric motors. The rare earth element dysposuim is required in their production, the problem is that nearly all this rare earth element comes from China and Chinese home consumption is expected to take up the whole supply by 2012. There are only two other known sites where this rare earth element can be found, in Canada and Australia, but whether production in these countries will
be sufficient and online by 2012 is questionable.
To sum up the above from the point of view of claiming to supplying environmentally friendly
fuels we have:-
a)..Nuclear..which admittedly is very near carbon free but the nuclear, potentially dangerous, footprint from each power station will be around for 100 years plus. (If any one of you has ever had the experience of living near a decommissioned nuclear facility as I have you will know this
is what is required.)
b)..Hydrogen..at the present time our technology is not sufficient to make this a safe viable option, and should therefore be ruled out.
c)..Hybrid..here we have serious problems with the supply of scarce materials for the production of vital components and also medical dangers which could result in serious deformities of the human body following the use of certain raw materials.
We already have the answer to our vehicles providing a much cleaner carbon free air via lower gas emissions,. at the same time saving money with much improved m.p.g. in the low-cost Water4Gas fuel conversion system. Full details, diagrams and technical data can be found at:-
http://www.the-car-hub.co.uk R.Bill Williams

2008 Hybrid Cars : New hybrid car review 2008

2008 Hybrid Cars
by Steven Longoria
If you're looking into buying a 2008 hybrid car or truck, make sure you don't get fooled into thinking that "hybrid" automatically means more fuel efficiency. It's not sufficient that your hybrid car or truck gives off fewer emissions, it also has to be fuel-efficient or you're not helping the environment anywhere near as much as you think you are. And, since you'll pay more for a hybrid and gas is running over $3 a gallon, that's an important consideration.
Often US automobile manufacturers focus too much on performance at the expense of fuel efficiency. As an example, the 2008 Toyota Prius gets up to 48 mpg and gives off 4 tons a year of carbon dioxide, while the Chevy Tahoe gets a whole 20 mpg and gives off 9.2 tons of carbon dioxide annually. Quite a difference! Particularly for people considering buying a hybrid for environmental reasons.
When considering buying a 2008 hybrid car, remember to take several things into consideration.
One factor is that they tend to be more expensive, but don't necessarily hold their resale value. It depends on the model. If you're buying a hybrid, don't plan on its paying for the difference in price by the savings in fuel.
Another is that your favorite mechanic might not be able to work on hybrids, beyond the basics such as oil changes, leaving you stuck with having to use a dealership, which also tends to be more expensive.
Also be clear on what you want from a hybrid car. Smaller hybrids get far better mileage than larger vehicles. Larger hybrid cars get better acceleration but at a cost in mileage. Also, consider how you plan to use your hybrid car...long trips, trips around town, hauling things...as all these need to be factored into what hybrid car is best for you and your family.
Definitely make sure you read the reviews of the various 2008 hybrid cars you're interested in. Consumer Reports obviously is an excellent resource, as is Car and Driver (caranddriver.com). And, when possible, check out owner reviews as well.
For example, the Car and Driver editors' rating for the 2008 Honda Civic hybrid was a 7/10. However, users rated it as a 9/10, and the only complaint from owner reviews was road noise. This type of review, in combination with those of professionals, can help you decide which 2008 hybrid car is best for you.

Look online for advice if wanting to buy a used Audi : Audi car loan car credit review 2009

Look online for advice if wanting to buy a used Audi
by Louis Rix
The internet is a very valuable tool in regards to resources for you to use when considering buying a used Audi. You might have already got a specific model in mind, but then you might not have had the chance to consider the different types of Audi. You also need to be aware of safety measures you need to take when buying second hand, particularly if buying from a private dealer. Along with this thought has to be given to the financing of the car and how much it would cost to insure it. All of this information can easily and quickly be found by going online.Unless you have the luxury of a pocket full of spare cash then you are going to need to take a loan to cover the cost of the car. If buying a used Audi privately then almost certainly you will have to take the loan yourself with a lender. Buying from a dealership and you will be offered finance; however it is not always the cheapest way of borrowing to pay for the car. You still could be better off looking for the loan yourself and then going with the cash in hand to the dealership.Before looking for the loan you should find out on average how much the model you have decided on costs. Make use of a used car search tool which can be tailored right down to the age of the car and even colour and you will be presented with a range of prices on average. You can then tell if the car is within your budget before going any further.The next step should be finding out how much you could expect to pay to insure and put the car on the road. Again comparing quotes with a specialist that allows you to search with many insurance brokers on the same page is the easiest way to go. It can be easy to snap up a bargain car and then go on to find after the deal has gone through that the insurance is sky high, so do not make this mistake.Once you have chosen the model and checked it is within your budget, have checked insurance costs and figured out which type of finance is the best option then you can go about looking for the car. The easiest way to do this is online. A search engine will list cars with dealers and private buyers based on your criteria. Narrow down your search a few cars that match your needs and then find the contact information.When going to look over the used Audi of your choice always be sure that you meet the seller at their residence rather than meeting them somewhere. You should also have their landline number not just mobile and of course they should be able to show you the relevant paperwork for the car. Make sure you take your time going over the car both the exterior and interior and if the car is a convertible make sure you see the roof retract. Use the information gained from the internet when inspecting every inch of the car. The test drive should consist of motorways and town streets so that you can get a good idea of the handling when travelling at different speeds and on different surfaces.

Loan review

Rabu, 23 April 2008

Daytona Demo part1


decided to enlarge this little acrylic into a larger oil on canvas and like to show you my progress...

very little drawing in this one,i like to start with blocking in the the dark colors,
using a large brush and very thinned paint

the thin paint dries quickly so i can block in the other big shapes,not interested in details,working loose,making mistakes that will later show up as movement!

constantly comparing the large color shapes,to see if they work together,adjusting values to keep things far away or up close

Daytona Demo part2


things are taking shape now,slowly trying to make sense and details...

here i decided to move up the first three lights,due to the difrent dimensions of the original,
the rest is just finishing off,correcting mistakes and/or creating a few more...

and here we are...
still need a few touch ups,blueing the distand track,play a bit more with the lights...
but this is enough for one session,will let it dry first.
i'm pleased i managed to stay loose,always easy to over do things when working bigger
but if anything,i think i used even less brush strokes

oil on canvas 18x24"

Selasa, 22 April 2008

Volkswagen Polo - The Car With No Holes : New Volkswagen 2009

Volkswagen Polo - The Car With No Holes
by Jake Delur

It always amazes me how efficient the Germans are. Whilst settling down to watch Grand Designs the other day, I saw an entire house built in a Bavarian factory, shipped to England and built in three days, all without mistakes and of course - with a top quality finish. It's the same story with sport, I bet Michael Schumacher could waltz back into the Formula One paddock, shake Lewis Hamilton's hand before demolishing him on the track, without breaking a sweat.
German cars are no different and a perfect microcosm of this can be found with one look at the Volkswagen Polo. Staggeringly this car has been with us for 33 years and is just as popular today as the first model was in 1975, which sold over 500,000 units worldwide in just six years. Originally a rebadged Audi 50, the Polo was sold alongside it's Audi counterpart but was cheaper to buy. Unsurprisingly, the Polo outsold it's identical twin and Audi stopped production of the 50.
Buoyed by it's success a face lifted Polo appeared in 1979, with subtle styling changes to bring the baby Polo into line with the design of the existing Jetta Saloon (this included square headlights on the top-of-the-range 'Derby' derivative). It was VW's intention for this to act as a stop-gap until the Mk II Polo arrived in 1981.
It's fair to say that Porsche are often criticised for having a lazy design studio, after all the 911 has looked almost identical for 40 years, but Volkswagen made a fair fist of clinching the title in 1981. The Mk II Polo was essentially identical to it's predecessor, although crucially what it lacked in originality of styling, it more than compensated for with build quality and reliability. Whilst it's main rivals the Renault 5, Fiat Uno and Austin Metro have long since gone to the great scrap yard in the sky, the Mk II Polo is still in plentiful supply on Britain's roads.
Built until 1994, the Mk II also allowed Volkswagen to pioneer new technology - most notably a G-supercharged engine that would later be the basis for the one found in the Corrado and Golf. As with the Mk I, the second generation Polo received a subtle facelift in 1990 for the final four years of production. Despite new headlights and bumpers it still bore a near identical resemblance to the original 1975 model. One notable feature however was the introduction of a removable stereo/cassette unit, allowing for increased security and was a hit with buyers and is now de-rigueur with all in-car audio units.
1994 finally saw a significant update of the Polo. Available in 3 and 5 door hatchback versions, the car sat on a new chassis shared in part with the SEAT Ibiza (VW also owning SEAT) and the Polo's big brother the Golf. Eight different engines were available, the largest choice yet in the Polo range and more contemporary styling was also on offer. The turn of the millennium saw the obligatory facelift with 70% of the components being changed, although this wasn't outwardly visible. The car certainly continued the tradition of being better made and having a more upmarket feel than its rivals and sold well. It also won a number of awards including best 'Supermini' from Top Gear, Auto Express, and Which? in the late nineties.
The Mk IV Polo was launched in 2002 and further built upon the heritage of it's predecessors. Again sharing a platform with the SEAT Ibiza and additionally the Skoda Fabia, the Polo's appearance was dramatically changed, with quad headlights similar to the smaller Lupo featured in the new design. No fewer than 11 different engine options were available, each with different levels of trim to complement. Despite early promise, the Mk IV didn't sell as well as previous Polos and faired poorly in many customer satisfaction surveys, including high profile ones such those conducted by Top Gear.
With this in mind, the Mk IV, was redesigned in 2005 and is the model found on the roads today. Subtle exterior changes were made for the car to again share the design style of others in the Volkswagen range, particularly the Passat and interior components were redesigned in the light of previous criticism. The latest model is the Polo Bluemotion, specifically designed to be more environmentally friendly, by reducing the vehicles weight, electronic equipment and engine emissions.
Reliability and value for money continue to be the Polo's standout features, although there is no doubt the latest model is a very classy looking vehicle. The best way to sum up this car is to steal the phrase from the German company themselves - "small but tough".

Skoda Website Creates Happy Drivers With Immediacy : Skoda new car 2008 review

Skoda Website Creates Happy Drivers With Immediacy
by Skoda

Immediacy, part of the Mediasurface group, Europe's leading content management solution provider, announce the launch of the new website for Automotive car manufacturer Skoda.
06 March 2008. Immediacy, one of the leading UK content management solution providers (part of the Mediasurface group (UK, AIM: MSR)) has announced the launch of newly designed website for Skoda. Fun and simple to navigate, www.skoda.co.uk incorporates unique and innovative features such as flipcharts and flash applications to give viewers even more information. The new website was built for ease of use and simplicity on Immediacy Web Content Management suite (WCMs) 6.0 and designed by digital communications agency, Reading Room.
At the heart of Škoda's marketing plans, the new website is designed to encourage users to "experience the happiness of Škoda on-line", embodying the new branding 'the manufacture of happy drivers'. Wanting to keep the website clean, fun and simple to use, Škoda needed a solution that would be easy to manage but also have the scalability to run an additional 130 network of UK retailer's microsites.
Škoda chose Immediacy Web Content Management suite (WCMs) 6.0. Selected for its plug and play technology and ease of use, Immediacy WCMs 6.0 enables non-technical staff including Škoda's retailer car salesman to edit and maintain content on their own web pages. Employing Immediacy WCMs 6.0 to integrate depth of functionality into the new website means visitors can benefit from new designed flash and XML technology to help them book test drives, order brochures and use online new car configurator. The use of fun tools, such as a car conveyor belt on the home page, moves the new Škoda website away from the archetypal, masculine sleekness of other automotive brands. Instead www.skoda.co.uk aims to attract a younger audience through the creation of a 'happy' user experience which is reflected by the use of Immediacy Web Content Management suite (WCMs) 6.0 to deliver a site with a simple underlying structure, that serves up to date, accurate information and follows straight-forward navigation terms.
Sarah Chapman, Direct Marketing Manager Škoda, said: "We are absolutely delighted with our new website. Immediacy WCMs 6.0 was the right choice to run our website and UK retailer microsites and has done a fabulous job."
Andy Peart, Chief Marketing Officer for Mediasurface adds: "Škoda has an amazing new, fun website that fully reflects their new branding. The project has been perfectly executed by Reading Room and is a success for everyone involved."

Senin, 21 April 2008

Tyrrell 001


Acrylic on paper 8x11" sold

Jackie Stewart,Tyrrell 001
do you know where and when?

Sabtu, 19 April 2008

A Hybrid Car Races Round The Block : Auto hybrid review 2009

A Hybrid Car Races Round The Block
by Alex Baumm

It has been reported that Toyota is planning to run a hybrid car in the NASCAR endurance race soon. The endurance race runs for 24 hours, so the question is, can the NASCAR's hybrid racer finish the race let alone win it?
Toyota has been developing and making hybrid cars since 2006 and the world's leading seller of hybrids vehicles, Yomiuri Shimbun, wants the Le Mans endurance race to be the main showcase for the hybrid vehicle.
There are professionals in all fields working hard on the NASCAR's hybrid racer to get it ready for 2010.
It may seem like a lifetime away, but in reality it will come up to them quicker than a starting car. There are dozens of people from Toyota in the racing and the hybrid divisions working round the clock to perfect the car.
Toyota as a company is no stranger to this field as it has had a hybrid racer win an endurance race that lasted 24 hours. It was the Supra HV-R hybrid car that Toyota won with. They stopped however during 1999 when the car only placed second. They started to focus on the formula 1 racing world.
Hybrid cars can stand the test of an endurance race as Toyota has proved in the past. Is it only a matter of time before every car in races such as NASCAR and Formula 1 are hybrid cars?
The green cars still play second best to diesel or petrol cars; can they ever make it up to and beyond them? There is no doubt that hybrid cars can stand up in style, speed and comfort stakes.
However, when we are talking about 24 hour endurance races and Formula 1 races; will they ever be able to get anywhere close?
Hybrid cars of NASCAR may be said as not second best, however, as these cars have shown through tests that they are at par with the world's best diesel and petrol cars.
There is no doubt that the world is starting to take hybrid cars more seriously than ever before, we are more focused on what is green now than we ever have been. It is important for all aspects of motoring that NASCAR's hybrid racer can perform and outperform other standard cars.
It could lead the way for everyone else to take notice too. Right now, the world over is betting that hybrids have lots of good things to offer to the riding public.
And they are certainly right about that.
NASCAR hybrid racers like that of Toyota will make big news, as predicted by sports fans, in the upcoming endurance race because of the increase efforts invested by automakers.
Design, engineering and endurance tests have been amazingly doubled by most companies to give the hybrids especially the NASCAR racers the push they need to further upgrade their reputation and worldwide acceptance. NASCAR hybrid racers will give avid car racing fans the show they want to see come the next Daytona or even F1.
Hybrid cars have really gone a long way and the world has indeed realized that the gas guzzling, environment harming vehicles are not going to save the world any time soon.
The eco-drive that hybrid cars offer has finally found its way to America and they have managed to do it in amazing style... Not that we expected anything less of course.

Used Ford Ka vs Bugatti Veyron - And The Winner Is.... : Used Ford car review

Used Ford Ka vs Bugatti Veyron - And The Winner Is.... : Used Ford car review
by Kevin Creese
Aren't dreams great? Just this week, I've scored a hat-trick for Manchester United on my debut, married Holly Willoughby and played guitar with Metallica to 100,000 people. I'd be willing to bet that something amazing has happened to you this week too, (obviously not Holly, you bigamist) - we all love dreaming. I must admit however that as I reach the peak of my REM each night, the last thing I dream of is a used Ford Ka. I've fallen off pavements lots and buildings for that matter, but I've never found myself with both hands behind the wheel of a blue ovalled used Ford Ka.With Ford priding themselves on making affordable, yet well-built, reliable cars, our car-loving sub-consciousness heads to 0-60 in 0.000005 second land. You see, owning a Ford isn't dream material, you can actually have one yourself and it's precisely because of that, we all wish we had something different. To put it another way, your boyfriend or girlfriend may be decent looking and nice company, but Johnny Depp or Cameron Diaz and their like would lead you astray in two seconds. It's the attraction of wanting something you can't have that is so appealing. Tell you what though, after Cameron's been in bathroom for 3 hours putting on layer ten of her make-up, you'll wish you had your old partner back to cook your dinner. In short, don't desire what you can't have, make sure you choose wisely what you can. The end...except I should probably tell you why I think the Ford Ka is (arguably!!!) better than the Bugatti Veyron I left Holly washing at Old Trafford.The Ka I drove was, in short fabulous. Despite the design being 12 years old, it still looks very funky, hence the large influx of young females that carry them around in their handbags. The model I drove was a 2004 registration 'style' - one up from the bottom of the range and with body-coloured bumpers to distinguish this hierarchal advantage. Inside, my six foot and a bit frame had no trouble fitting in and my legs remained comfortably below my waist, rather than around my ears as first feared.The dashboard was well laid out and the driving position was versatile enough to cope with my lanky arms. The highlight though, was Ford's pandering to my neon light fetish, with beautiful green light bathing the white speedometer dials. I was also pleasantly surprised with the engine the car had tucked away in front of me. All Ka's come with a nippy 1.3 litre engine and when you combine this with the car's diminutive proportions, 0-60 is achieved in 0.000005 seconds.On my travels, I encountered all the obstacles and pitfalls you'd expect to find when driving around town: roundabouts, road-works and Reliant Robins. The Ka swiftly dealt with these with well-weighted steering and decent grip from it's titchy 13 inch wheels. Considering the Ka is essentially a bubble on these little wheels, the lack of body roll was arguably the car's most impressive achievement as I slipped in and out of boy racer mode. Boot space is atrocious mind. A quick stop at the corner shop will have your passenger holding the milk and groceries, as there is no room in the boot for a flea. Also the gearbox is a tad clunky on occasion, but these are minor issues in what is a truly superb car, that is head and shoulders above the competition. Besides, if you wanted a car with boot space, you'd buy a Volvo estate - or a hearse - if they are mutually exclusive.The reason I drove a used Ford Ka rather than a sparkly new one is simple. If Ford are selling their cars so cheaply, then the build quality must suffer as a result too. By driving a four year old version, I wanted to see if the joints were creaking and a hip operation was required. As the above road test clarifies, Ford seem to have cracked the impossible - the ability to cheaply build a reliable car, that is fun to drive. The Ka can comfortably compete against the other rivals in it's class and stacks up very favourably - that's why they are so popular with so many people - owning a good, reasonable car is not the stuff of dreams.So next time you are lusting after what you can't have remember this: you can have 333 of these fun cars for the price of my Bugatti and for that you get a cool little car that is so light on your wallet, you needn't dream of owning one. The boot is larger than the Bugatti's too.
Ford review

Classic Car Insurance - Free Interesting Guideline : volvo new car 2008

Classic Car Insurance - Free Interesting Guideline : volvo new car 2008
by Deepak Kulkarni
If you are looking for information about classic car insurance, you will find the below related article very helpful. It provides a refreshing perspective that is very related to classic car insurance and in some manner related to auto insurance quote in Canada, auto insurance agency, cheapest vehicle insurance, auto owners insurance or cheap auto insurance company. It isn't the same old kind of information that you will find elsewhere on the Internet relating to classic car insurance.Look into discounts. Insurance companies sometime offer discounts, find out what those are, and if you might qualify for any.Combining your insurance over another car can help too, as well as combining it with a house and contents insurance. The more business you send their way; the more likely they are to offer discounts.Teenage drivers - who also fall into the category of what insurance companies call "new drivers" - tend to pay the highest car insurance premiums of all. Most teens of course, are inexperienced drivers with no lengthy record of safe driving and the higher premiums are in place to cover the increased possibility of an auto accident. Statistics indicate that 16-year old drivers get into accidents almost 10 times more frequently than drivers aged between 30 and 59.AUTHOR'S NOTE -- I hope you are enjoying this article so far. It should prove very helpful whether your actual query is about classic car insurance or any other related other related auto insurance rates, Arkansas auto insurance, cheap auto insurance quote, save on auto insurance and auto insurance quote information. Read on.Obtaining a lower rate for your car insurance starts when you still in school - you can often get a discount just by providing your most recent school report card. Most insurance companies consider students who have a grade 'B' average, to be lower risk drivers. If your school or college offer a driver's education course, take the class and let your insurance company know.Even the make of the car can determine how much you pay for the insurance of the car. Attractive and expensive cars are more theft prone and hence make the car insurance expensive. The inherent nature of the car and the likely profile of the user can also determine the insurance amount. Volvo, a symbol of safety, is likely to be driven responsibly but a Mustang is likely to be driven by a less cautious driver. Therefore, if you are planning to buy a car in the near future, spare a thought about the insurance front too, since a low-profile car can have a lower insurance cost.Add your teen driver to your own car insurance policy. There is no reason to purchase a completely separate car insurance policy for your teen driver when you can add him or her to your own car insurance policy. This alone will save you money, and you may even be able to get a multi-policy discount, too. Ask your own car insurance agent.Get several quotes. For cheap insurance, compare quotes from several companies, and ask about different policy options. One more thing: take notes.Many people looking for information about classic car insurance also looked online for the car cheap compare insurance quote, compare auto insurance rate, and even a car insure.

Volvo review

Jumat, 18 April 2008



when i painted this, i felt in the driving seat,Raikonen playing catch up in Melbourne.
acrylic on paper 8x11" sold

Top Five of the Most Fuel Efficient Cars : hybrid cars review

Top Five of the Most Fuel Efficient Cars
by Steven Magill

Copyright (c) 2008 Steven Magill
With oil prices steadily climbing up, it seems logical to start considering fuel economy among the many criteria that consumers use for buying their next vehicle. Wise consumers are now eyeing at the most fuel efficient cars that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) comes up with every year. This list pertains to cars that are capable of attaining the best gas mileage due to their specific features and engine performance.
Here is a list of the five most fuel efficient cars that are available in the market today.
Honda Civic GX
One of the main reasons why this particular Honda model has made it to the list of most fuel efficient cars is that it uses compressed natural gas unlike other vehicles. It has a fuel economy rating of 28 miles per gallon (of compressed natural gas). It comes with an at-home pump that you can use to tap into your home gas line to fill it up before you leave your home. However, since compressed natural gas isn't likely to be available in all gasoline stations everywhere, you will want to carefully plan your trips if you're going to use Civic GX. It may be one of the most fuel efficient cars but it can only travel 170 miles on a single fill-up.
Toyota Prius
Prius has always made it at the top of the list for the most fuel efficient cars from EPA. It has an overall fuel economy rating of 46 mpg, one of the lowest in the market these days. The mid-sized sedan features a spacious interior which has made it a crowd favorite as well. As one of the most fuel efficient cars in the market, Prius has an estimated annual fuel cost of $1019.
Honda Civic Hybrid
The Civic Hybrid features electric motors that maximize the potential of its small 1.3-liter engine. It is another one of Toyota Prius' direct competitors when it comes to rankings for the most fuel efficient cars. With an overall fuel economy rating of 42 mpg, one can easily surmise how it came to figure on the list for most fuel efficient cars.
Toyota Camry Hybrid
The Camry Hybrid has a fuel economy rating of 34 mpg which barely made it to the list of most fuel efficient cars today. Its battery pack, while a bit bulky compared with other models, is one of the main features that have made it figure in this roster of the most fuel efficient cars. It also features a fuel economy gauge that lets the driver know when its average mileage rises.
Nissan Altima Hybrid
The Altima Hybrid uses practically the same technology that the Toyota Camry Hybrid has but with a couple of different features. It also has an overall fuel economy rating of 34 mpg making it another one of the most fuel efficient cars among compact sedans. Altima is great to use for city driving. According to estimates, it fares better in the city when it comes to best mileage than when used on the highway. But with its superb engine performance, it has managed to maintain its place among the most fuel efficient cars available today.

The Honda Civic Hybrid From The Drivers Perspective : New Honda civic 2009

The Honda Civic Hybrid From The Drivers Perspective : New Honda civic 2009
by Tony R.
We all know, in basic terms what a hybrid is all about and what some of the advantages are, but do we really know how they work and why they work? Let's take a closer look at that question starting with Honda's Civic hybrid as an example. To make it simple we have a vehicle with a gasoline powered engine much like any other. Added to that, is an auxiliary electric motor that functions to keep the gasoline motor working at a minimum. The electric motor needs some type of power supply to make it function, enter the hybrid system battery which is in addition to the normal 12 volt vehicle battery. Now, we have all the basic components covered so lets get a little deeper into how all these parts work in harmony to power your hybrid vehicle.We have to think about how and when the IMA system in a Civic hybrid is functioning. There are 2 modes that are used when you're in the car. Either the System is in charge mode working to recharge the hybrid system battery or it is in assist mode where the electric motor is being used to power the vehicle.How does it work? "Assist"Now, jump in your hybrid and let's take a look at how things get going. Turning the key to start your Civic hybrid is about the only step that would be comparable to a conventional car. Instead of a starter, your Civic uses the electric motor that is positioned between the gasoline engine and the transmission to get things turning. Now your up and running and heading for the grocery store, your watching that fancy little gauge that shows whether the car is charging or assisting and how much. Your climbing that hill and notice it indicates full assist, good thing since that little gas motor doesn't really like accelerating too quickly on its own.How does it work? "Charge"Well, lets pretend that hill was really long and now you've spent a good amount of the energy stored in the hybrid system battery. On the way down your gauge shows full charge mode because the car is using something called regenerative braking to charge the battery back up again for the next hill. Basically, instead of throwing away all the energy that's lost while decelerating or braking, we use regenerative braking to recapture and store some of that energy for when we need that assist function again.How does it work? "Autostop"When we come up to a stoplight right before the grocery store, it turns red and we stop. When we stop a Civic hybrid it goes into autostop mode, where the gasoline engine shuts down completely. The unique thing about hybrids is some of your traditional features are electric now instead of mechanical. So, when your sitting at the red light, your air conditioning, audio system, and other comforts continue to work as they would if you were idling there burning gas in a conventional vehicle. Now, when the light turns green and we are off to the races again, you step on the gas peddle and seamlessly the gasoline engine is back up and running. Remember, there is not a normal starter, so it functions just like when you go to start your hybrid.So what do i get out of it? "Advantages"With all this back and forth between charging and assisting we find our savings on fuel. We get the advantage of using wasted energy to charge our battery instead of having to plug into an outlet every night. We get the convenience of filling up at normal gas stations, but less often. The biggest advantage when talking about hybrids is, you can walk out to your driveway, get in your car, and head on down the road just as conveniently as you could in a gas only car. Nothing is drastically different from a drivers standpoint, you will not need to get used to a new routine of plugging your car in or trying to find some obscure alt-fuel station.

Honda review

Kamis, 17 April 2008

Nigel Mansell


Nigel Mansell,in the Lotus 88b single body,as it drove at the Monaco Grand Prix 1981,a pretty little car...

acrylic on paper 5x8"

Senin, 14 April 2008

Save Big Money On Gas :: Save money with hybrid car

Save Big Money On Gas : New Auto Hybrid car 2008 review
by kc govens
How To Save Gas Money By Running Your Car or Truck On Water This Article looks at the claims of running your car on 100% water and tells you if it's really possible or not. When you look closely at such 100% water driven technology, one ends up spending even more than using the usual fuel for powering vehicles. So, the method I recommend for powering your car with water that will save you cost of fuel is to make your own low-cost hybrid car that will run on water and gas, thereby saving you huge costs you would have spent using only gas. In other words - Hydrogen-On-Demand system where you run your car on Hydrogen WHEN you need it! Note that I am not saying you should build a car from scratch that will run on water. Not at all. This instead is about constructing simple devices that will enable your car to run on water as well as gas. You don't have to alter your car make-up or get a new car. The technology can work with almost any car or truck. In simple words, this technology involves putting together home-made devices that use a little electricity out of your car's battery to separate water into a gas called HHO (2 Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen). HHO, also known as Hydrogen*Oxygen�,,� or Hydroxy, burns beautifully and by so doing provides TONS of energy. And the most remarkable beauty is that this pound for pound HHO gas is even much more potent than gasoline. In fact 3 times more potent than gasoline. By using such cars you effectively save money that would have been spent on fuel for your car. It is estimated that this could save you as much as $897.40 per year. If you are two, three or four drivers in the family, this yearly savings increases dramatically. And what if you have a fleet of 50 drivers in your company? Then your yearly savings will multiply to $44,870. First things first... this isn't about running your car on 100% water. Of course there are information available about running your car on 100% water but I don't recommend them because they are not only complicated but seriously expensive and completely unpredictable. To learn more about water for gas technology and how you too can build your own water for gas powered car, visit http://tinyurl.com/4eq46a for all the SECRETS of Water Car Technology

Fuel Economy For Pennies : : Auto hybrid review 2009

Fuel Economy For Pennies
by Holly Johansen
Over three dollars is what you're shelling out at the pumps... you've felt the pain. Chances are fuel will go down in price tomorrow and then rise again to a new expensive standard. Fuel prices are obscene and most people just accept this and how the government does things. The truth is the government and the oil companies are out of control. Exxon is a tyrant and as the daughter of a commercial Alaskan salmon fisherman I can tell you first hand how true this is...more oil is not the answer but saying "stick it" to the oil companies is. The reality is that you don't have to take it. Fuel economy for pennies is an absolute reality. The progressive thinkers are way ahead on this. No, I don't mean stopping by your local china cafe for corn oil (though for some this works quite well). But let's look at something a little more streamlined. There is a technology you can apply in as little as ten minutes that will change your life forever.Fuel economy is part of your immediate future so listen up. Have you heard about running engines on water? Well now you have...ANYONE can do this and by that I even mean your grandmother. This hydrogen fuel idea has been around for about 100 years and the idea was borrowed from Nikola Tesla. The modern version was gleaned from a forgotten patent and prototype and is now readily available, safe and efficient. The oil companies are the dragon you're going to slay but first you have to educate yourself. Here's the facts: The hydrogen fuel process uses a small amount of electricity from your car's battery. The gas that is made from this process is known as hydroxy or HHO. You will frequently hear this gas referred to as "Brown's gas". It is three times more potent than regular gasoline and will boost your car's performance. Plus this patient old planet earth will thank you. This is a smog free technology that will have you passing MARTA with flying colors. The converter kit you will be installing couldn't be easier. The converter can be used in any vehicle carburator engine or fuel injected. It can be installed on a semi truck to increase it's power and speed. You can use it on your motor home and be able to travel twice as far. The economy will go through roller coaster prices but your fuel costs will remain stable. HHO is supplied to the intake manifold or to the carburator. The connection is childs play. The device connects to the 12 volts on your battery via your ignition switch. This prevents hydrogen production when your engine is turned off. The device only draws 1-3 amps of current and is protected by a fuse.Your fuel economy will skyrocket and your acceleration will be faster. You can create a hybrid car using tap water now and the savings will be incredible. If I didn't mention it...the IRS will give you a refund simply for installing this converter so you have absolutly nothing to lose. This is a progressive green technology that's very hot right now. How safe is it? VERY, no worries... there are literally thousands of these cars on the open road right now. Every day truckers are catching on to the idea more and more.It won't be long before the music biz catches on and tour busses take a go round. If you're interested in slashing gas prices anywhere from 50% to 285% then this is your best bet.Success is no accident. Successful people take action and they think outside of the box. Consider yourself the next fuel economy success story and end the outrageous prices at the pump. Remember...educate yourself, take action and get back "on the road again." Here's wishing you great success in all your endeavors....

Hybrid auto review



The little 1.5 mile tri-oval of Phoenix in the Arizona dessert what a place to race! i am sure JJ left a happy man...

acrylic on paper 8x11"

Sabtu, 12 April 2008

Audi R10 TDI


street fighter, thought the winning Audi deserved a close up...
just click on it,

acrylic on paper. 8x11" sold

Jumat, 11 April 2008

Keeping Your Car Cool with Honda Water Pump : New honda hybrid car 2008 reviews

Keeping Your Car Cool with Honda Water Pump : New honda water hybrid 2008
by Anthony Fontanelle
We know your Honda car delivers the kind of horse power and torque you've always wanted. Overheating troubles, though, may set you back. So to keep things nice and cool, every Honda car is equipped with the Honda water pump. The water pump is an integral component of your Honda car's cooling system. Your Honda water pump delivers liquid coolant or water to your radiator from your engine to avoid overheating.Your water pump is composed of an inlet valve. This enables the water or coolant to hit the pump vanes, eventually allowing the water to return to the engine. A faulty water pump causes engine overheating which might (and probably will) lead to the following wrinkles and pickles: a warped head, a blown head gasket, as well as premature engine wear and tear. Save yourself from these unnecessary problems, replace your old, faulty, worn-out water pump with a Honda water pump.With a Honda water pump you are rest-assured your car's cooling system and combustion engine are safe. That is because every Honda water pump comes with a quality guaranteed to last a long, long, long time. In this site you will find an extensive array of Honda water pumps. Our selection includes stock water pumps, high-flow water pumps and reverse-rotation water pumps. Using our site, you can find the right Honda water pump, fast and easy. Not only that, we carry a wide range of cooling system parts. We know that as a consumer, you are wary of buying imitation or second-class car parts. Our site guarantees that you get every penny's worth with our top-of-the-line genuine car components. In addition, our site not only provides one of the most comprehensive line-ups of Honda products in the market today, we also offer them at the most affordable prices. Keep your engine cool without burning a hole in your pockets. Order your Honda water pump here.

Make your used car look new forever : New Acura 2008

Make your used car look new forever : New Acura 2008
by Tom Mathew
There about 58 millions of Americans interested to buy used car this year, if you are among them then you really need to check out some tips before you actually get inside the market. You further also require knowing how you keep your car look new forever. That might sound little difficult, but it is not impossible. You just need to follow some basic steps and tips to keep this happen. Remember dents, cracks and dings are few items, which age the look of your vehicle. Luckily, today's technology has assisted us in advance the answers to these troubles, making the repairs faster and less costly. Along with mobile fix units, these items usually could be taken cared on site simply at your home or work, adding up more expediency.Many kinds of door dents or tiny dings are repaired without sanding, stuffing or painting also, protecting the reliability of your vehicle's unique factory look. Technician's uses particularly intended tools, which permits them to solve the problem and really massage it out so that it looks new. If in case paint touch-ups are needed, the expertise is accessible to go with your vehicle and fix scrapes, small chips and blemishes on almost all surfaces. In fact, there are few of the factors, which have an effect on the achievement of this process. Check out the below options:* The position of the dent on your car is very significant. For instance, a dent on the border of a door, stem or cover possibly cannot be set using the same process.* If in case there is paint break or scrapes around the numerous panels, this might state that the hurt is too stern, as the paint might break as the dent is detached.Just like dents and dings, cut cracked glass could as well lessen the price and worth of the car. On the other hand, the glue is not automatically a fresh windshield. 65% of all the glass damage is very much repairable. Using resins, which are all the time being enhanced, expert technicians not only could fix your glass, but are also capable to make it stronger. On top, the resin could make a repair, which is hard to notice. This know-how could be used to mend glass injure in automobiles such as: star breaks, mixture breaks, bulls-eyes and also for cuts of any length.Before carrying any repairs, we suggest you to select the competence as cautiously as you would select your automotive maintenance shop. Make sure to get all approximates and warranties in written document. Ask for more than two references and call them to locate the reliability. In conclusion, you can maintain your car new forever!

New cars

Kamis, 10 April 2008

Water Powered Cars - Some Of The Common Myths About Them : hybrid cars review 2008

Water Powered Cars - Some Of The Common Myths About Them
by Dave Latimer
We live in a world where the oil wells are drying up with a finality that indicates that we need to find alternate sources of fuel. Most of the cars running on the roads use gasoline to derive power. The gasoline prices are however increasing constantly. Therefore, the car companies are constantly searching for alternative sources to make the vehicles less dependent on gasoline.
Recently the market has seen an increase in the number of vehicles running on alternative fuels that have been released by the auto giants.

Most people remain in doubt about the nascent technology of running the car on water. The technology has been received with much skepticism among the automobile enthusiasts. So here is a list of few myths regarding this technology along with what it is in fact.

1. Water powered engines will damage the car: The fact remains that a car's engine is more damaged by unburned fuel than anything else. The most important factor that one must keep in mind is that water is actually beneficial for the engine. This technology not only cleans up the carbon deposit caused by unburned gasoline but actively cleans out the engine every time you drive your car. This flushing of your engine with water helps it perform smoother and better. With the help of this technology, the engine will steam-clean itself regularly.

2. The engine becomes noisier: This rumor is completely baseless. The water powered device, after being installed into the engine, makes the engine perform better. The noise made by the engine is reduced substantially. The engine also stops "knocking" and "pinging". Right from the moment the device is installed, the effect is not only reduction in noise, but lesser vibration, smoother transmission, cleaner pistons and valves.

3. Water heats up the engine: The fact remains that the water actually cools down the engine. For many years, truck owners have known how water helps in reducing the number of engine break downs. It also reduces the cost of repair to a greater degree. With the help of the water powered systems, now you can take advantage of the cooling effect of the water, which will cost you a fraction of the expensive water injecting systems.

4. Such system reduces the pick up of the vehicle: The water driven system actually widens the range of torque of the vehicle, thereby enabling the vehicle to accelerate. This has resulted in better engine efficiency, thereby making water driven cars the choice of most people eager to make their cars greener.

5. The change is irreversible: Unlike most other variations made to the car, this technology is entirely unobtrusive, which means that the car's original configuration is not changed due to the installation of this system. If somehow you are not satisfied with the operation of this machine, you can certainly remove the device so that your car will be back to its original performance.

The installation of this system does not require the owner to alter the engine and computer of the car in any way so it is completely safe.

Rabu, 09 April 2008

St. Petersburg


acrylic on paper 8x11" sold

A German affair at St. Petersburg,
Audi,Werner and Lohr beat Porsche at the ALMS shootout.

Selasa, 08 April 2008

The Advancement Of Hybrid Technology To Trucks And SUVs : hybrid cars review

The Advancement Of Hybrid Technology To Trucks And SUVs

Because the the technology is not quite up to snuff for an entirely electric run vehicle, car makers have devised the hybrid cars, a combination and integration of the conventional gasoline powered cars and the technology on electric cars that we have attained so far On the average, a hybrid car costs about the price of the most expensive car in the market today. That is because the car is still new and car makers are also still in the process of overdue development. Vic Johnstone, the manager for alternative vehicles and specialized vehicles of Toyota, verifies that the expense of these vehicles is even worse because the batteries are built to last for less than a decade. The motor of a hybrid car was design to have some resistance on the drive train, which slows down the wheels. In this way, energy generated by the wheels turns the electric motor, functioning more like a generator, and converting the energy produced into electricity. The energy in turn is stored in the battery, ready for used by the electric motor when needed. Hybrid cars info refers to as regenerative braking. Fuel efficiency should be appreciated more for its wide-reaching benefits. These will not only help modern consumers minimize their expenses for expensive fuels, but will help in conserving fuel reserves. This will limit pollution in the process. Hybrid cars for sale can be viewed from online car dealership shops. Because the Internet never runs out of action, it is also becoming a popular venue for online shoppers who rely more on the convenience of shopping virtually. SUVs Next year, new hybrid SUVS are expected to be out, including the Toyota Sienna Minivan, The Chevrolet Tahoe and the Saturn VUE Hybrid. The Tahoe Hybrid is expected to be 25% more fuel-efficient than the traditional Tahoe car. Also in the works, but likely to come out at a later time, are the Ford Edge Hybrid, the Cadillac Escalade, the Mazda Tribute, the Honda Pilot, the GMC Yukon, the Porsche Cayenne and the Lincoln MKX. BETTER YET, SCRAP THE WHOLE THING! We have a better solution for you! WATER4GAS is offering information at a low price which folks can use at home to create a small gizmo which infuses hydrogen into the gas/air mixture that their car runs on. The process makes smaller particles out of the particles that the system burns as fuel. Because of the smaller size it gets to use much more of the gasoline. With WATER4GAS you can reasonably expect to reduce your gas usage by thirty to fifty percent or even more. Those particles must have been pretty darn huge in some engines before. But with W4G they are made usable so you can reduce your gas usage. It also helps make emissions substantially cleaner. This information has been purchased by over NINE THOUSAND car owners already and the percentage of happy customers is about 99%! So how about you?

Senin, 07 April 2008

Massa's answer


Felipe Massa answered his critics,including me,in the best possible way,by winning once again in Bahrain.Kimi Raikonen was off color and Hamilton took care of himself...that was it really....
butt for Maxxx...hehehe...dictators they're all the same!
acrylic on paper 5x8" sold

Minggu, 06 April 2008

Facts You Need To Know About The Hybrid Car : New Toyota hybrid new car

Facts You Need To Know About The Hybrid Car : New Toyota
by William Stephenson
Popularity of Hybrid CarSince 2000, when Honda and Toyota introduced Hybrid vehicles to the U.S. market, they have become increasingly popular. The American Government has begun to offer incentives to hybrid owners, and many establishments offer free parking. Why has the hybrid become so popular?In order to understand why this type of vehicle has become so popular, you must first understand some of the facts. A hybrid car is one that combines two technologies; the gas powered engine, along with an electric motor, which has batteries that continuously charge while the vehicle is in motion, and powers the vehicle during certain times to aid in the reduction of harmful fumes.Running of the Hybrid CarGenerally, even in a hybrid, the gasoline powered engine is still the primary source of power for the vehicle. However, the electric motor may be used at any time, either alone, or in conjunction with the gasoline motor. Whenever the vehicle is stopped, the gasoline engine shuts off, while essentials stay on with use of battery power. When the car is once again accelerated, the engine resumes. The idle state of the motor is shown with lighting indicators, as the quiet sound will often deceive drivers and parking attendants.Advantages of a Hybrid CarThere are several direct and indirect advantages to owning a hybrid car. Perhaps the most talked about advantage is the economic cost, and the increase of mileage for fuel use. The second advantage is the fact that hybrids are much more environmentally friendly, requiring much less fuel to operate, meaning that less emissions make it into our atmosphere. The last advantage is the lightweight of the vehicle. These cars are so light because they are manufactured with aluminum and plastic.You may be thinking that if these cars are so lightweight, that they just cannot be safe. Well, the manufacturers have considered this opinion, and to ensure your safety, have used special shaped panels for the vehicle, which give it increased strength and ability to withstand substantial impact.Having read this article, you are now more informed about the advantages of a hybrid car, as well as some facts about them. With this knowledge in hand, you now have what it takes to make a decision about becoming a more environmentally friendly citizen, while saving yourself some money.Hybrid Cars: The Energy Saver AdvantageElectric hybrid cars are environment friendly, burn less oil, and are more cost effective as compared to gasoline run cars. Since the hybrid cars burn less fuel, they can be the fitting answer to environmental problems of air pollution, reduced levels of oxygen in the air and hole in the ozone layer. Moreover, the fuel efficiency offered by hybrid cars will help us to conserve our depleting energy resources and cut down on the fuel costs. Now that we are aware of the advantages of hybrid cars, let us understand what hybrid cars are and how they work.The Mechanism of Hybrid CarsThe hybrid cars operate on a fusion of gasoline and electricity engines. The cars have a gasoline engine for starting backed up by an electric power motor, for speeding the vehicle. The generators are for using the energy generated by braking and deceleration to charge the batteries to run the electric motor.There are two variants of hybrid cars-parallel hybrid cars and series hybrid cars. In a parallel hybrid car, the transmission is connected to the gasoline engine just as in a conventional car, as well as an electric motor. It is called a parallel hybrid because there are two distinct energy sources running the car. When the electricity is running the engine, it is not burning gasoline.The other kind of hybrid car, is known as a series hybrid. In this car, the gasoline engine works in sequence with the electric motor to run the car. The car eventually runs on electricity.The Pros and Cons of a Hybrid CarA hybrid car will save your money on petrol, and prove to be a boost to our environment by not causing pollution. It will also help conserve our natural resources. Among its few shortcomings, its cost is the main hindrance. This is preventing more people from purchasing hybrid cars. However, this limitation is not a permanent feature. The high cost of hybrid cars is due to limited demand and production. The production cost will come down with an increase in demand and subsequent increase in production of hybrid cars.Another drawback is that the hybrid car is that the car can run on electric engine only on low speeds. The gasoline engine starts running if the car is on a highway and does not experience frequent braking or deceleration.Now, we have something that we can drive around without feeling guilty about causing pollution. However, it would make real difference only if each of us would drive a hybrid car. The hybrid technology has not yet been introduced in all kinds of vehicles, such as tractor-trailers or large commercial automobiles, which are bigger consumers of fuel and major source of pollution. Therefore, until that happens, we cannot expect much to change with our environmental problems.
Toyota review

Grab wonderful deals on Toyota cars at Expressway Toyota : New Toyota 2008

Grab wonderful deals on Toyota cars at Expressway Toyota
by Akon Collins
Check out the unbelievable deals offered on Toyota vehicles at Expressway Toyota located at Dorchester, Massachusetts. We have been proud dealers of this fantabulous make and have sold and serviced countless models in and around Boston, East Boston, South Boston, Roxbury, Milton, Quincy, Mattapan/Hyde Park, Roslindale, Wollaston, Holbrook, Weymouth, and North Weymouth consistently. We invite you to join us!There is not a single convenience you would not find at our dealership. Take a look at our features aimed at making your shopping simple and fun-filled. and you will realize what we are talking about.Our New Vehicles section has a glittering array of these beauties for you to choose from. You can also access a quick quote on your models, get to know what Toyota Incentives have been on for your benefit, rent a Toyota, etc. We also have a pre-owned car section, which brings you highly-dependable used Toyotas. These Toyotas are in top fitness, yet you can satisfy yourself with certified preâ€"owned cars to get an authentic seal of quality .Our Online Specials is a virtual treat with as many as five different varieties of special sections to cater to all your needs.. Parts and Service, Research and Finance are some of the other features. Just visit these sections to explore the world of Toyota, all at your fingertips.It goes without saying that we, as leading dealers of this carmaker, sell and service all models of Toyota. Each one of them is designed for your needs; no matter which one you are looking to buy or lease from among Prius, Avalon, Camry, Camry Solara, Corolla, Matrix, Yaris, 4Runner, FJ Cruiser, Highlander, Land Cruiser, RAV 4, Sequoia, Sienna, Tacoma and Tundra. You name it, we have it. There is more to our dealership than selling and servicing cars, something that comes from the heart while serving you. Do visit us and discover this cordiality.

Toyota motor show

Sabtu, 05 April 2008

Water For Gas - Is Water For Gas Worth It?

Water For Gas - Is Water For Gas Worth It?
by Jas Oh
Is WaterForGas the answer to saving your petrol cost and the environment?
Well if look at it this way - yes.
No more need for the ever increasing price of gas and diesel fuel, and it's pollutant compounds.
You must agree, water has many uses and benefits to the planet - and us.
With such as a simple concept, running the engine on hydrogen using water, WaterForGas can work.
If regenerative medicine, (that is regenerating body parts using stem cells) are showing signs of progress, anything is possible - especially when it comes to the use of water. So why can't we use a car battery to generate the electricity to electrolyze water in order to run the car?
Aside from the saving cost in running a car on water - you just cannot ignore the global warming impact it will have. Although cars play one part of the global warming problem - can you imagine a world full of cars running on water pumping out less threatening pollutants.
Or if you can't - just imagine a busy Los Angeles or Bangkok traffic - you can imagine thousands of cars jam packed at peak hour just pumping and running on water. No more pollutants coming out of the car - just frustrated drivers wanting to get to where ever they need to go.
The threat of global warming will be slowly disappearing.
WaterForGas is the way forward to help the environment and make automobiles more economical.
In other words, WaterForGas is worth it.

What 2008 Chevrolet Silverado Performance Exhaust Performs the Best? Brand Exhaust Accessories and Mufflers to Look for. : New Chevrolet 2008

What 2008 Chevrolet Silverado Performance Exhaust Performs the Best? Brand Exhaust Accessories and Mufflers to Look for.
by Shaun Davidson
This blog is more information to help the consumer pick and choose the best exhaust for their later model Chevrolet Silverdo. I will mainly focus on the model ranges from 1999-2008(New Body). There are so many new brands and applications to help make that new pickup rumble, there's nothing like a marquee street presence. I will also go over what you will need to know to comply with your local emissions laws.The primary function of your exhaust system is to dispel gases being produced by your engine. The stock factory setup is always unappealing to look at, how they sound, and how restrictive they can be to the performance of your ride. A more free flowing system can enhance horsepower and torque. And make the change good enough that you wouldn't be obligated to squander thousands of dollars for supercharges and modified engines that may or may not pass local emissions.There are a couple variables when trying to choose the right system. Is there a price budget you had in mind? Do you want something with deep sound, or maybe a small subdued rumble will suffice? And lastly, would you want dual pipes or maybe a swept side catback will do? Everything just questioned is more or less preference, there are numerous applications that help out.Dealer installed or aftermarket? Sure you pay more for the dealer installed exhaust, but usually these systems are backed by the dealer or the company that installed them. Plus you wouldn't have to hassle with doing it yourself and taking time out of your busy schedule to get it done. With aftermarket, you can get any customized application you prefer and use any brand that you want, this would be my choice. A huge plus is the aftermarket installation is also worlds cheaper.What brands are there in the market? There are a lot of manufacturers that have quality systems for various budgets. Want great quality? Borla, Corsa, and Bassani might be the choice for you. Want something affordable? Then maybe Flowmaster, Edelbrock, or Hedman is the one for you. The one I can say is, all of these companies have an established reputation for quality and reliability. The website below will most certainly provide closer specs and available applications for your Chevrolet Silverado.To get more informatio on ALL performance exhaust, plus other performace and exterior automobile enhancements please visit: Click Here!Posted by kookoox10 at 3:24 PM 0 comments Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)
Chevy review

Jumat, 04 April 2008

Ferrari or Aston Martin__a Tie ? : New ferrari coupe new car 2008

Ferrari or Aston Martin__a Tie ?
by Frank Collins
Ferrari will display the new F430 GT California at the 2008 Detroit Auto Show made to compete against the Aston Martin V8 Vantage. A feature is the folding roof in the 2+2 convertible coupe.Although Ferrari is known for its timeless designs, the engines get equal press attention. The F430 GT will feature the same motor as the F430 and an updated chassis to accommodate the roof and rigidity when the roof is down. Pininfarina will design this Ferrari and features the most up to date release of the F430 aluminum spaceframe.The F430 GT California will sport underneath the hood a 4.3 liter V8 direct injection engine with an output of 450 hp. It will feature the same F1 "Superfast" sequential-shift gearbox as in the F430 Scuderia. As an option, the manual gearbox will be offered upon request.The F1 Superfast will reduce gear change times to just 60 milliseconds. Additional features include the same Scuderia traction control which will combine the E-Diff electronic differential and the F1-Trac traction and stability control into a integrated system. Experts see the F430 GT California to do the 0 to 60 mph jaunt in less than four seconds and have a top speed of 195 mph. All this for just around $200,000 USD.The Aston Martin V8 Vantage Roadster is considered a pure sports car, a car that heightens the senses and provides a dynamically thrilling driving experience’ quoted by an Aston martin spokesman.The Roadster features the proprietary Aston Martin bonded aluminum VH (Vertical Horizontal) architecture �" the backbone to all modern Aston Martins. Combining to this structure, are materials such as lightweight alloys, magnesium and advanced composites used for the body, which contribute even more to the sports car’s low weight and high rigidity.The Vantage Roadster performance compared to the F430 GT still delivers exceptional performance and engineering to ensure that the Roadster is on par with the accomplishments of its Coupe sibling, by doing 0-100km/h (62mph) in 5.0 seconds (0-60mph in 4.9 seconds) and a potential maximum speed of 280km/h (175mph).The V8 Vantage is so sporty that it is being seen in many Hollywood movies recently and most famously used in the latest James Bond film. Aston Martin does bring performance, style and a true sports car driving experience. With either car, how could you go wrong? The Ferrari and Aston Martin both feature exceptional performance, engineering and a style that seems timeless. However, don't be surprised in the future when they inevitably raise the bar again.

Gas-Saving Smart Car Debuts in the United States : New coupe hybrid new car 2008

Gas-Saving Smart Car Debuts in the United States
by Shad Connelly
In a time when gas prices have eclipsed the $3 mark and continue to climb, fuel-efficient vehicles have seen their stocks rise. With U.S. consumers finally moving away from gas-guzzling trucks and SUVs, smart, a division of Mercedes Benz, has decided to debut the smart fortwo - a two-person car that measures only 8.8 feet long - in the United States.The smart fortwo is the shortest car on the market and the company claims you could fit two of them in a single parking space. The vehicle's innovative design even earned it exhibit space in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City - one of only six cars ever to bear that distinction. With over 770,000 fortwos already on the road worldwide, smart is now ready to introduce this much-buzzed-about car to the U.S. market. The company has opened up an online smart fortwo Reservation Program, allowing interested buyers to reserve their choice of model and color for a $99 fee (applied to the eventual purchase of a fortwo or refundable at any time). Once smart finalizes its dealership locations in the U.S. (expected to be announced at the end of January), dealers will begin calling reservation holders to formalize their purchase agreements.Three different models of the smart fortwo will be available in the U.S.: the entry-level pure (starting at $11,590), the well-equipped passion coupe (starting at $13,590) and the convertible passion cabriolet (starting at $16,590). All of the models come with a 3-cylinder, 1-liter gasoline powered engine and have an electronically limited top speed of 90 mph. The gas tank holds 8.7 gallons, and the smart fortwo is designed to achieve 40 city/45 highway according to 2007 EPA standards (or 33 city/41 highway miles according to the EPA's revised 2008 standards). Along with standard safety features like electronic stability program and ABS brakes, smart also touts the vehicle's tridion safety cell - designed to keep occupants protected in the event of a crash through displacement of impact and redistribution of energy.Perhaps what surprises people the most considering the compact size of the smart fortwo is the amount of space inside of the vehicle. The back of the car features 8 cubic feet of storage space (12 feet if you load to the roof line), and smart also notes that the fortwo has the same amount of headroom as most luxury vehicles. Other innovations incorporated into the production of the fortwo include the use of energy efficient and recyclable materials, removable door panels (you can actually change or mix and match colors for the car) and a high driving position for visibility. With its fuel-efficiency, compact size and unique design, the smart fortwo could very well become this year's Mini Cooper - a car that's both practical to drive and hip to own.For more information about smart or the smart fortwo, you can visit www.smartusa.com.

Coupe reviews