Rabu, 30 April 2008

The Future Of Hydrogen Powered Cars Is Here Today : New Hydrogen Hybrid cars 2008 review

The Future Of Hydrogen Powered Cars Is Here Today : New Hybrid cars 2008 review
It was an honor to attend a talk by Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson when he spoke at the Hammer Cultural Center on the Westside of Los Angeles last night. Colonel Wilkerson is is the highest ranking official who defected from the Bush Administration. Which, he confessed, he considers to be a personal embarressment and that he has no hesitancy in saying that he will have trouble living with as long as he lives More precisely that the man saw a lot of things that were not acceptable but stayed in the Administration for five years. The Colonel said so much that was true last nite. But it wasn't all true. He said that he believes that the switch over to more sensible fuel solutions would take at least seventy five years. He spoke of the need to change the whole industry, its infrastructure and on like that... and that we didn’t even have the technology yet. So, here you have a man with as much honesty and integrity and love of country as Colonel Wilkerson demonstrated who is yet on stage talking about these false statements about the future of alternative energy then perhaps it means that many people in power don’t know. Which means that the oil companies and other such "experts" have done their job in hiding the truth from the public. In reality it isn’t going to take seventy five years nor even one year. Because we already have it now. I suppose the infrastructure will just have to get used to having to maintaining pace with the people. Because there are now many collaborative members of Water4Gas scattered around the globe who are helping in their own unique ways for the common purpose of pushing this fantastic technology up as high as we can take it as rapidly as humanly possible. As of right now at a standard where pretty much anybody with technical skill or little can assemble and install the system and roll their car out for a drive with a gas/hydrogen hybrid car. So there are those who are actively working on creating the smoke screen and there are those who may have gotten blinded by it and some such are out there forwarding false information. You don’t have to join them! But you don't have to be either of those. You are welcome to join us, instead!

Hybridcars review
: http://newcarhybrid.com

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