Minggu, 23 Maret 2008

Tips for a Better Auto Loan : Autos loan 2008

Tips for a Better Auto Loan
by Danna Walker
When you want to get a new car you usually need the loan. Of course, you may take the loan, which the dealer proposes to you. But in order to save money you should choose the most profitable credit Follow the next rules: 1. Be aware how much you can afford! Remember that a car is "a member of your family". It needs money every day (food - gas, treatment - repairs). So, your budget should take into account all these aspects. 2. Get preapproved for an auto loan. Find a lender, give him some quotes and see what sum he will lend you. In this case you save time and money, because you will be aware of the sum of loan you deal with. After that you should choose the car and sign the check. 3. Choose the car you like. The next step is to imagine what car you want. Use the searching online. Then find the cost of the chosen car. But don't pay money for seeing cars and their test-drive. These procedures should be free of charge. 4. Negotiate price. You have a right to negotiate the price of the car with the salesman. If you are lucky, you'll save near 200$. Don't remember, the greater you down payment, the less you pay each month. 5. Drive away. Now you are happy with your new car. Enjoy your driving!

Car loan review

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