Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008

A Fuel Water Separator Could Increase Your Gas Mileage :New hybrid car Gas Mileage 2008-2009

A Fuel Water Separator Could Increase Your Gas Mileage
by Tony Newton
It's certainly not a new thing and has been going on for years but trying various fuel types in getting increasingly important in today's world. Hybrid cars, water cars, electric cars, all of them have benefits but sadly many of them have negatives too. And often the negatives outweigh the positives. Cost is the main reason why these types of cars haven't took off in popularity. Although they are friendly to the environment, they just aren't affordable to the everyday person. So what about a fuel water separator? How can they save you money?
Well what we are talking about here is using water as well as gas to run your car. Yes, you read that right, normal tap water that you use to wash yourself with everyday. It can be used as a fuel source to run your car. Now I know what your probably thinking at this moment, "There's no way water can run my car!" Am I right?
Well the truth is, water is used as part of the fuel source for the car, not the full source. Actually, the water isn't used at all. The fuel water separator removes the hydrogen from the water and uses that as the fuel source for the car. The water and the oxygen are simply discarded in the process. When this process occurs, it creates what is commonly known as Brown's Gas. This type of gas can burn and is what is used to create the fuel to use as power for your engine.
It might sound a little bit technical but it's actually quite an easy process and also easy to install on your car. Every car can be adapted to run on water. There will be no loss of power and it will run exactly the same way. The only difference will be the amount of money you will save by not filling your car up with as much gas. You can save up to 50% in many cases and what is more, you can claim back tax directly from the IRS because of the conversion you have made. So you really have many reasons to look into converting your own car as quickly as you can.
A fuel water separator is a very cheap and quick solution to reducing your gas bills and increasing your mileage. For more information, including reviews on the guides that show you exactly how to convert your own car, just visit our website below.
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