Minggu, 15 Juni 2008

Should You Convert Your Car To A Hydrogen On Demand Vehicle? : hydrogen Cars hybrid review 2009

Should You Convert Your Car To A Hydrogen On Demand Vehicle?
by Mike Hickmon

Gas prices are going through the roof, and the fuel economy question is getting get very serious. Gas prices near me, in Los Angeles, are now pushing or over $4 per gallon for regular unleaded, OUCH. Gas Prices may soar to between $7 and $10 a Gallon. Get ready for another economic shock of major proportions. A virtual doubling of prices at the gas pump to as much as $10 a gallon. By the time that we cash our pay checks, we pretty much start calculating how much we will be spending on gas. We are pretty much just working for taxes, bills and gas.
So then it is a no brainer to convert your car to run on water or HHO gas. Doing so can save you over from 25% to 100% in fuel costs. Less than one gallon of water provides over 1800 gallons of HHO gas, which can literally last for months and significantly increase your vehicle's fuel efficiently, improve emissions, and save you money. It has already helped me save tremendously on fuel costs. And it only requires you to make a 5-minute maintenance check every week to make sure that everything is working correctly. Not only will you save money; you'll reduce your carbon footprint to help the planet.
Interestingly, converting your car to run on water was one of the most searched for terms last year. Converting cars to burn water is not new. While running your car on water 100% of the time is very complex, converting your car into a water hybrid is really quite easy. The simplicity comes from its being an "on-demand" system requiring no fancy storage or plumbing. The system allows you to burn gas more efficiently. It also decreases the noise and wear and tear of the engine.
The system is composed of simple parts that you can purchase over the counter at the local hardware store, and that are easy to mount to the engine. The HHO Electrolyzer uses the process of electrolysis to convert water into a hydrogen/oxygen gas, which is then introduced into the intake of the internal combustion engine. It is completely untraceable when taken off of the engine. Also, this hybrid system does not require you to make any direct modification to your cars engine itself.
Kits designed to convert a car to run on water have made the conversion process a whole lot simpler. Most of the parts can be bought at your local hardware store, automotive store, or off the Internet. The easiest way to convert your car to run on water is to use a pre-made kit. There are more and more people in the marketplace that makes and sells these systems. As for me I made my own systems. I have a lot of experience in these areas so this is just plain fun for me. If you want to find someone who sells the pre-made system you will have to hunt them down, they are out there.
There have been many skeptics that do not believe in the efficiency of the system, but doubts soon vanish after seeing the system in operation. I'm getting people wanting me to install this system on their car after they see my car. I guess that a V8 getting 29.88 mpg is pretty good. Also what I found is that when you go to actually buy the parts you come in contact with many success stories of people already using the system and saving money on gas. This thing is going viral.
I hope that this article has proven useful to you so that you can convert your car to run on Water.

relate : http://newcarhybrid.com/do-hydrogen-conversion-kits-work-with-diesels-new-hybrid-car-hydrogen-review-2009/

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