Kamis, 15 Mei 2008

SUV Hybrids versus Compact/Sedan Hybrids : SUV hybrid cars sedan hybrid car review 2009

SUV Hybrids versus Compact/Sedan Hybrids : New hybrid car 2009 review
by Thomas Jones
Telling the difference between a gas hog and a more fuel efficent vehicle when your driving a gas only vehicle is usually pretty easy to do. You can tell which ones are better your not only the environment but also which ones are easier on your pocket book. The ones that people usually lean towards as being the best at these things are either the sedans or compact cars. That has all changed since the new hybrid SUV’s hit the market along with the compact cars and sedans. It’s not so easy anymore to choose which is better for the environment and your pocket book. Come with me as we take a sneak peak at some of the various differences that might be obvious to the naked eye and some that are not so obvious between the SUV hybrids and the compact or sedan hybrids that you should know before you take the leap and purchase a new hybrid.Size- One thing you can see just from looking at these cars is the fact that the SUV is larger than the other cars. But lets take a look inside. Not only is the hybrid SUV smaller inside than original SUV so are all the other Hybrid models. The reason behind this is the fact that smaller vehicles can run better and more fuel efficiently on a smaller engine, which is one of the many ideas behind the making of any hybrid vehicles. If you have a family of four or you want to take all five of your buddies to the big game you might want to reconsider getting that hybrid sedan and take a peek at the SUV hybrids. You should also keep in mind that not only is the interior smaller when it comes to people room it is also much smaller when it comes to finding places to put your things
Fuel efficiency-If you think that maybe even though the SUV hybrid is getting better gas mileage that his original version but it surely can’t mean they can stack up against other smaller hybrids, you would be dead wrong. The top two hybrids that are SUV’s on the market are the Ford Escape Hybrid and the Mercury Mariner SUV hybrid. Both of these SUV hybrids have a high fuel economy rating or 30 miles per gallon driving on city streets and a whopping 34 miles per gallon when driven on the highway.
Cost-While you will still see that fact that SUV’s will still cost you a few thousand dollars more than many of their counter partners the sedans and compact cars even though this is the age of hybrid vehicles. This extra cost is because although they are hybrids SUV’s still take quite a bit longer to manufacture and are still heavier than a smaller care. This cost is usually off-set by the fact that SUV’s can go more places and do more towing that a compact or sedan could every do.
Remember, when you’re choosing your next hybrid vehicle, it’s okay to give SUVs a chance.
To learn more about hybrid cars visit hybridcarchat.com and join the hybrid car forum
source: www.hybridcarchat.com
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