Senin, 19 November 2007

Lexus SUV Hybrid, Comfort On The Road : Car lover Lexus new car review 2008

Lexus SUV Hybrid, Comfort On The Road : Lexus new car review 2008

Lexus SUV Hybrid, Comfort On The Road
by Ernest Jarquio
Lexus has provided the first luxury hybrid vehicle when it introduced the Lexus SUV hybrid in the US in 2005. Together with hybrid car technology leaders Toyota, Honda, and GM, Lexus is producing more energy efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles.Hybrid vehicles are powered by both gas and electric engines and aim to lessen the effects of global warming by producing less harmful gas emissions. Emission output is 70% less than conventional cars.What Makes Lexus SUV Hybrid Different?Lexus SUV Hybrid can use its electric motor when cruising. Its engine is efficient enough to generate output whether the car is in motion or fully stopped. It can provide high-density output on electric motor and battery.The electric engine provides extra energy to start and accelerate faster than a conventional car. Faster acceleration and decreased emissions lead to less fuel consumption and more savings to the consumer. Energy is stored and saved when the electrical engine takes over the gasoline engine as the car brakes or slows down.The Lexus hybrid uses a nickel-metal hydride battery that does not need recharging. Charging automatically happens during braking when electric power from the brakes is transferred to the battery.Smoother, Quieter RideDriver and passenger hardly notice the transition in between accelerations in a Lexus SUV Hybrid. The Electronically-controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (ECVT) technology stabilises the vehicle so that it does not move abruptly.Lexus SUV Hybrid provides quiet and comfort inside. Changes in air intake design have been made and extra insulation provided to the body panels and wheel wells.Lexus continues to develop hybrid cars that could surpass the efficiency and power of the Lexus SUV hybrid. This car, however, is a sure tough act to follow with its efficient engine, state-of-the-art control panels and safety features.

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