Water For Fuel - Why It's EASY To Make Happen : new water Hybrid autos
by Dave Latimer
Water power can provide alternative energy to run your automobiles. Are you surprised? Don't be. The advanced technology has made it possible to use water as an alternative to gasoline and other fuels to run your automobiles. People have long been trying to find out an alternative way to save on the huge expenses incurred on fuel that has so long been eating away the lion share of their budget. You may have heard or seen movies that feature electric and other alternative energy driven cars. Such movies actually bring to fore the concept of alternative fuel.Scientists have long been engaged in research to find a feasible alternative to expensive gasoline, diesel, and petrol. Today they are realizing a successful way out as they have succeeded in devising an ICE system that runs on water. They have developed technology, where water can be broken down to release energy enough to drive a car. Do not for a minute think in terms of power plants that use water to produce electricity. Water actually turns into fuel in this new system. Before you know how you can install a waterpower system in your car, it is important for you to understand the system involved.The first thing you must know is that water does not directly work as fuel. Even the kids know that water itself is a non-combustible substance. How then, can water be treated as a fuel? Well, scientists have taken the chemical composition of water into account to turn it into a viable fuel source. Each molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen - H2O. As electricity passes through water, it breaks the water molecules into hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms. They combine to form a new compound - HHO - which is highly combustible. For this process to take place smoothly, we need to add a few other necessary chemicals along with water. Therefore, it will be a misconception to assume that you can fill the oil tank with tap water and it will work like gasoline. This process is not as simple. The water that you pour inside the jar is not used as the fuel directly. You need to install a system to change it into fuel. The water, as stated earlier, needs electrolysis to transform into fuel. The system will produce inflammable gas from water that acts as fuel.The next important thing is to understand the process of installing the system in your car so that it runs on water. The installation process, unlike popular belief, is not at all complicated. It is a fairly simple and low-cost procedure. There are two ways to install this system. Either you can visit a garage where you can a competent technician to install the system in your car; or you can buy the device from any reputed shop and install the system on your own. Many people are not very confident in doing it themselves and take aid of technicians from a garage. Once you have a fair idea about the functionality of the system, you do need any such assistance.
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