Sabtu, 28 Juni 2008
Kamis, 26 Juni 2008
How to Make a Car That Runs on Water? : New water hybrid cars 2009
by Dr.Eswararamanan VR
With gas prices soaring and the supply of fossil fuels dropping yearly, more people are looking for a solution that will allow them to keep driving their cars while also having enough money to pay their mortgage, put food on the table, and keep the lights on. Many people are looking to ethanol as the solution. Creating fuel from corn crops may seem like a great idea until one realizes the tremendous strain such a decision puts on the food supply. What good is lower priced fuel if no one can afford to buy food? Other alternatives, such as solar-powered cars, just aren’t practical. And the most fuel efficient cars on the market - the hybrids - are so expensive they don’t fit the budgets of the average family, especially in current economic conditions.What can a car owner do to keep his or her costs reasonable? The answer might be dripping from your faucet right now.
Water-Powered Cars: The Reality
A number of web sites are selling the promise of water-powered cars. While that may sound fantastical - like something out of a science fiction film - it isn’t. However, don’t just pour some water into your gas tank and expect your car to go. Don’t expect water to completely replace your need for gasoline either. The promises available today are converters that allow your current car to become more of a hydrogen-hybrid. You can purchase a guide which will help you make the changes to your car using very affordable equipment, usually costing less than a full tank of gas. The converter allows you to add water to your car in order to fuel it. However, it’s important to understand how the process works.
Why Water Can Work as a Fuel
First, it’s not really the water that provides the energy. Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. When exposed to a process known as electrolysis, the hydrogen and oxygen are separated. The hydrogen can then be used to power the engine. Hydrogen is a very volatile gas. For that reason, some people believe hydrogen-powered cars are a threat on the roads. However, the gasoline we use today is just as volatile. When used with car and common sense, hydrogen is no more dangerous to drivers than any other type of fuel.
Another advantage is the reduction in pollution. When fossil fuels are used by the internal combustion engine, they emit dangerous chemicals into the air. These chemicals stay in the air and end up causing environmental problems, such as acid rain. With a hydrogen-powered car, the only emission is water vapor. While more water vapor may lead to more clouds and rain, it could also reduce the carcinogens in the air and prevent further damage to the planet.
Water & Your Car
Besides the benefits to the environment and to your wallet, water-powered cars have another advantage. They may extend the life of your car. Research suggests that water and hydrogen are not as hard on your engine as fossil fuels so it’s likely to last longer and to have fewer problems. That also means less money spent on repairs and possibly a higher resell value. Plus, the conversion is entirely reversible. If you’re not happy with the improvement in your gas mileage, then you can always return to the old-fashioned method.
Tags: hybrid water cars 2009, Save money water cars hybrid, Save your money with water cars hybrid
Lexus GS 450h Hybrid Extended Review : New lexus Cars hybrid review 2009
by Thomas Jones
The first thing to realize about Lexus’s GS 450h hybrid is that the vehicle wasn’t solely designed to be a fuel-efficient hybrid. The fact of the matter is that as a Lexus, this line is expected to consistently develop more impressive and sophisticated vehicles, be it gas-powered or hybrid. This is no exception, as the GS 450h is still a high-performance vehicle, able to keep up with any other luxury sports car or sedan. As a result, car enthusiasts will always continue to enjoy and be comforted by driving such a smooth and valuable vehicle.Considering that Lexus is a name under Toyota, the technology in the GS 450h is just as up to date as is to be expected. The Hybrid Synergy Drive from Toyota is the technology that makes the acceleration much easier to achieve. Since the Drive technology can generate combined horsepower of 340, the GS 450h can rev and blaze down the road like any other sports sedan.
The GS 450h handles like any other sports car, with being able to reach 60 mph in 5.2 seconds and then can come to a full stop from 60 mph in only 123 feet. At its top speed, the Lexus GS 450h has been recorded at 131 mph. Part of what makes that so possible is the Mark Levinson system and the CVT technology utilized in this Lexus vehicle.
This beautiful vehicle runs quietly, smoothly, and with the top speeds for hybrid vehicles today. Amazingly, the Lexus GS 450h set out to bring together high-end performance vehicles with the eco-friendly necessities of the environment. And Lexus has succeeded in creating an elegant, chic, playful, smooth and luxurious vehicle has wins over other hybrid cars hands down.
The handling itself of the vehicle is extremely precise, with a suspension system to match. A speed-sensing steering wheel and the double-wishbone suspension in the GS 450h create the precise handling you’ve come to expect from a Lexus.
Fuel Efficiency and the Green Factor
In 2007, Consumer Reports reviewed the GS 450h and it was determined that this vehicle was an overall success, ultimately quite reliable. Thanks to that report, people took note of Lexus’s hybrid sedan, looking at the environmental factors of the car.
The EPA rated the gas mileage for the GS 450h at 22 mpg in the city, and 25 mpg on the highway. While not quite as good as Toyota’s Prius, the GS 450h is still better than its conventional counterpart. The difference really shines through in city driving, where the hybrid gets 22 mpg and the conventional only gets a paltry 19 mpg.
The fuel-efficiency factor of the Lexus is easily accessible and obvious in the car’s design, inside and out. Most notably it is in the two electric motors that operate during specific situations in tandem or separately from the gas engine. This way, the ride you experience is a seamless transition from one form of energy to another, while silently reducing harmful emissions and lowering gasoline consumption.
Another feature that has become a staple of the Toyota-brand hybrids is this regenerative braking technology that self-charges the integrated battery pack. When the brakes are activated, or even if the car is decelerating, the energy produced is converted into electrical energy, stored in the battery pack for later use.
Additional Features
The safety feature of the GS 450h are high-tech and near pre-cognitive when you need them. This hybrid utilizes a Pre-Collision radar system to detect oncoming vehicles. This way, even your vehicle can help you prevent collisions or incidences and in the event it can’t, prepare for oncoming trauma. In fact, the safety features are prominent from the moment you step into the vehicle. You may not notice at first, but the moment your foot is on the brakes, decelerating, you can feel the seatbelt retract and the brake assist is instantly activated. As far as active, not passive, safety systems, you would be hard-powered to find one as extensive as in the GS 450h.
In the event of a crash, the hybrid is standard with dual-stage airbags in every location that would be able to protect you and your passengers in the event of a crash. The vehicle has airbags placed so that in the event of frontal impact, or other major collision incidences, everyone is protected on all fronts.
There are several other safety features of the GS 450h, and not all of them have been mentioned. The fully colored backup camera, braking assist, and airbags have all been mentioned, but there is also an electronic traction control, child-care system, a rigid body structure to the vehicle, crumple zones, and anti-lock braking systems leave you feel well protected.
The next question is the one of price, and be very aware that it is a hefty. At the base cost, expect to pay about $54,655. That cost is already $10,000 higher than a conventional gas-powered Lexus GS, but considering the car’s quality and brand, the price is nearly to be expected. After all, it is a Lexus, and the brand is known for expense, luxury and high-end quality.
So, if you find yourself in a position that you can spend the money to purchase a Lexus GS 450h, the vehicle will last you quite a while and will be well worth every penny spent.
To learn more about hybrid cars visit hybridcarchat.com and check out the hybrid car reviews.
Tags: Lexus hybrid cars 2008, Lexus hybrid cars 2009, New Lexus GS hybrid cars 2009, New Lexus hybrid cars 2009
Convert Car to Run on Hydrogen
Convert Car to Run on Hydrogen
by Tony Williams
If you are serious on saving money on your fuel bill you should be looking at alternative ways of stretching your car’s fuel efficiency and one of the simplest and cheapest ways to do so is to convert car to run on hydrogen. It is not only easy and inexpensive but also is very environmentally friendly.How to Convert Your Car
Some people are apprehensive about running their cars on hydrogen simply because they are afraid of carrying a combustible gas- far from understanding its safety features. But when you do convert your car, you are not actually carrying any hazardous gas but just water. Yes, many car owners who want to do this aren’t aware that plain water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen which can be separated by a simple process called as electrolysis. In the following paragraph let’s see how you can get your car to run on hydrogen.
All you need to do it at home are
1. A water tank fitted with two electrodes in the shape of plates
2. Wires to connect the electrodes to car battery
3. Flexible tubes (preferably insulated) and nozzles to pass the hydrogen to carburetor
4. A few screws to fasten them all up
By now you must have understood how you can modify your car to run on hydrogen. The principle that runs behind is when you energize the water, it electrolyzes and hydrogen or HHO evolves as bubbles. You need to mix the water with baking soda which acts as a catalyst. The hydrogen gas that evolves is carried through to the carburetor where it mixes up thoroughly with gasoline and air. And what happens there afterwards is the normal combustion process which the car is designed for and this process is completely automatic.
How Much It Costs
If you are oblivious of the cost of conversion and making your car run on hydrogen, it may pleasantly surprise you. You can definitely do it at your own garage for about $100. The entire list of materials you need to make your car run on hydrogen is available from any hardware store if not already available at your home.
The real fun is you don’t need a mechanic to get your car run on hydrogen and you can do it yourself at home. More than the cost of conversion what pleases you is its complete safety and potential to cut down fuel cost by at least half.
Thanks to better combustion properties of hydrogen (HHO, in fact), after you convert you car into a hydrogen based hybrid car, you are not only saving on fuel cost but can also pride on running a greener car which hardly emits flue gases.
Tags: hydrogen hybrid cars 2009, hydrogen hybrid cars engine,
Rabu, 25 Juni 2008
nr 3

Selasa, 24 Juni 2008
Dale jr
Dale Earnhardt jr walked on air as he cruised to a fuel starved Michigan race win!
acrylic on paper 6x7" sold
Le Lego
Jumat, 20 Juni 2008
Fuel Economy For Pennies : New save fuel hybrid cars 2009
Fuel Economy For Pennies
by Holly JohansenOver three dollars is what you’re shelling out at the pumps… you’ve felt the pain. Chances are fuel will go down in price tomorrow and then rise again to a new expensive standard. Fuel prices are obscene and most people just accept this and how the government does things. The truth is the government and the oil companies are out of control. Exxon is a tyrant and as the daughter of a commercial Alaskan salmon fisherman I can tell you first hand how true this is…more oil is not the answer but saying “stick it” to the oil companies is. The reality is that you don’t have to take it. Fuel economy for pennies is an absolute reality. The progressive thinkers are way ahead on this. No, I don’t mean stopping by your local china cafe for corn oil (though for some this works quite well). But let’s look at something a little more streamlined. There is a technology you can apply in as little as ten minutes that will change your life forever.Fuel economy is part of your immediate future so listen up. Have you heard about running engines on water? Well now you have…ANYONE can do this and by that I even mean your grandmother. This hydrogen fuel idea has been around for about 100 years and the idea was borrowed from Nikola Tesla. The modern version was gleaned from a forgotten patent and prototype and is now readily available, safe and efficient. The oil companies are the dragon you’re going to slay but first you have to educate yourself. Here’s the facts: The hydrogen fuel process uses a small amount of electricity from your car’s battery. The gas that is made from this process is known as hydroxy or HHO. You will frequently hear this gas referred to as “Brown’s gas”. It is three times more potent than regular gasoline and will boost your car’s performance. Plus this patient old planet earth will thank you. This is a smog free technology that will have you passing MARTA with flying colors. The converter kit you will be installing couldn’t be easier. The converter can be used in any vehicle carburator engine or fuel injected. It can be installed on a semi truck to increase it’s power and speed. You can use it on your motor home and be able to travel twice as far. The economy will go through roller coaster prices but your fuel costs will remain stable. HHO is supplied to the intake manifold or to the carburator. The connection is childs play. The device connects to the 12 volts on your battery via your ignition switch. This prevents hydrogen production when your engine is turned off. The device only draws 1-3 amps of current and is protected by a fuse.Your fuel economy will skyrocket and your acceleration will be faster. You can create a hybrid car using tap water now and the savings will be incredible. If I didn’t mention it…the IRS will give you a refund simply for installing this converter so you have absolutly nothing to lose. This is a progressive green technology that’s very hot right now. How safe is it? VERY, no worries… there are literally thousands of these cars on the open road right now. Every day truckers are catching on to the idea more and more.It won’t be long before the music biz catches on and tour busses take a go round. If you’re interested in slashing gas prices anywhere from 50% to 285% then this is your best bet.Success is no accident. Successful people take action and they think outside of the box. Consider yourself the next fuel economy success story and end the outrageous prices at the pump. Remember…educate yourself, take action and get back “on the road again.” Here’s wishing you great success in all your endeavors….
Tags: Fuel Economy hybrid car, hybrid cars 2009,
Kamis, 19 Juni 2008
Save gas now : New hybrid cars
by Terry Zak
With fuel costs on the rise many people are looking for ways to save money. But many run into questions about what to save money on and how to do it. Do we drive less often? Should we cancel the family vacation? What are the answers? Who should ‘fix’ this fuel-cost increase? The Federal Government? Energy companies (a.k.a. Big Oil)? Automobile manufacturers?The answer is none of the above. As independent adult citizens of the greatest country on Earth, we have the responsibility to fix what isn’t working. If it cannot be fixed then change is in order. We need better options for helping us get from place to place. But what options are there? Take the bus. I live in a part of town where the bus or taxi is not an option. Walk? It’s 21 miles to work for me. I simply can’t walk or even bicycle to work realistically. I know for many Americans there just simply is no way to avoid paying over $4, now pusing $5, per gallon for gasoline and even more for diesel.I’ve been dreaming of a hydrogen car but that is an answer that isn’t available yet. Ethanol isn’t a viable solution and non-hybrid electric cars don’t have long-range capabilities. We need help. And I think I might just have an answer for you.I’ve recently heard a lot about hydrogen gas, more popularly known as Brown’s Gas, being used as a supplement for gasoline engines and in some extreme cases cars that run on only Browns Gas, or HHO.The theory goes like this. Use the electricity from your cars current battery to electrolyze water. This creates HHO gas. Then inject that highly-combustible gas into your engines air intake. This makes for a more fuel rich environment, giving you more power for the same fuel. The long and the short of this idea is that you press down on the accelerator less but get the same results as if you were using more gasoline.This is very simple in theory and doesn’t require a mechanic or even much knowledge of cars.Assemble a water hydrolyzer unit, mount it under the hood, Find the battery, find the air intake and that is about it.But does it work? Time and tests will tell. As for those early adopters who claim it does work they report fuel economy increases of 25% up to 75%, and all for a bearable cost of around $150, on average. I haven’t tried it fully yet, but I am in the process of making my own system. Even at 33 mpg in my Corolla I feel that stinging in my wallet every time I fill up. Over the past few months each fill up has gone from $30 to $45. It sure would be nice to stretch that money just a little farther.While HHO may not me a permanent solution, maybe it can alleviate the problem for a little while. At least until the next best thing comes along.Please visit my website or read my blog linked below. http://boostfuelmpg.com
Tags: gas hybrid car review, gas hybrid cars 2008, gas hybrid cars
Should You Convert Your Car To A Hydrogen On Demand Vehicle? : New hydrogen cars hybrid engine
by Mike Hickmon
Gas prices are going through the roof, and the fuel economy question is getting get very serious. Gas prices near me, in Los Angeles, are now pushing or over $4 per gallon for regular unleaded, OUCH. Gas Prices may soar to between $7 and $10 a Gallon. Get ready for another economic shock of major proportions. A virtual doubling of prices at the gas pump to as much as $10 a gallon. By the time that we cash our pay checks, we pretty much start calculating how much we will be spending on gas. We are pretty much just working for taxes, bills and gas.So then it is a no brainer to convert your car to run on water or HHO gas. Doing so can save you over from 25% to 100% in fuel costs. Less than one gallon of water provides over 1800 gallons of HHO gas, which can literally last for months and significantly increase your vehicle’s fuel efficiently, improve emissions, and save you money. It has already helped me save tremendously on fuel costs. And it only requires you to make a 5-minute maintenance check every week to make sure that everything is working correctly. Not only will you save money; you’ll reduce your carbon footprint to help the planet.
Interestingly, converting your car to run on water was one of the most searched for terms last year. Converting cars to burn water is not new. While running your car on water 100% of the time is very complex, converting your car into a water hybrid is really quite easy. The simplicity comes from its being an “on-demand” system requiring no fancy storage or plumbing. The system allows you to burn gas more efficiently. It also decreases the noise and wear and tear of the engine.
The system is composed of simple parts that you can purchase over the counter at the local hardware store, and that are easy to mount to the engine. The HHO Electrolyzer uses the process of electrolysis to convert water into a hydrogen/oxygen gas, which is then introduced into the intake of the internal combustion engine. It is completely untraceable when taken off of the engine. Also, this hybrid system does not require you to make any direct modification to your cars engine itself.
Kits designed to convert a car to run on water have made the conversion process a whole lot simpler. Most of the parts can be bought at your local hardware store, automotive store, or off the Internet. The easiest way to convert your car to run on water is to use a pre-made kit. There are more and more people in the marketplace that makes and sells these systems. As for me I made my own systems. I have a lot of experience in these areas so this is just plain fun for me. If you want to find someone who sells the pre-made system you will have to hunt them down, they are out there.
There have been many skeptics that do not believe in the efficiency of the system, but doubts soon vanish after seeing the system in operation. I’m getting people wanting me to install this system on their car after they see my car. I guess that a V8 getting 29.88 mpg is pretty good. Also what I found is that when you go to actually buy the parts you come in contact with many success stories of people already using the system and saving money on gas. This thing is going viral.
I hope that this article has proven useful to you so that you can convert your car to run on Water.
Tags: Car Run on Water, hydrogen cars hybrid 2009, hydrogen cars
Rabu, 18 Juni 2008
Peugeot 908
You are in the tiny cockpit of the fast but fragile Peugeot 908, the car is boiling hot, it's the middle of the night, only halfway the 24 hours of Le Mans,
flashing under the famous Dunlop bridge,fighting the mighty Audi's,
enjoy it while it lasts...
acrylic on paper 7x11" sold
Selasa, 17 Juni 2008
Le Mans 2008
acrylic on paper 10x14" sold
It was all a bit predictable wasn't it? Peugeot fast...Audi steady,
Audi and Tom Kristensen are just too good for this game...
Audi auf Le Mans
Minggu, 15 Juni 2008
Should You Convert Your Car To A Hydrogen On Demand Vehicle? : hydrogen Cars hybrid review 2009
by Mike Hickmon
Gas prices are going through the roof, and the fuel economy question is getting get very serious. Gas prices near me, in Los Angeles, are now pushing or over $4 per gallon for regular unleaded, OUCH. Gas Prices may soar to between $7 and $10 a Gallon. Get ready for another economic shock of major proportions. A virtual doubling of prices at the gas pump to as much as $10 a gallon. By the time that we cash our pay checks, we pretty much start calculating how much we will be spending on gas. We are pretty much just working for taxes, bills and gas.
So then it is a no brainer to convert your car to run on water or HHO gas. Doing so can save you over from 25% to 100% in fuel costs. Less than one gallon of water provides over 1800 gallons of HHO gas, which can literally last for months and significantly increase your vehicle's fuel efficiently, improve emissions, and save you money. It has already helped me save tremendously on fuel costs. And it only requires you to make a 5-minute maintenance check every week to make sure that everything is working correctly. Not only will you save money; you'll reduce your carbon footprint to help the planet.
Interestingly, converting your car to run on water was one of the most searched for terms last year. Converting cars to burn water is not new. While running your car on water 100% of the time is very complex, converting your car into a water hybrid is really quite easy. The simplicity comes from its being an "on-demand" system requiring no fancy storage or plumbing. The system allows you to burn gas more efficiently. It also decreases the noise and wear and tear of the engine.
The system is composed of simple parts that you can purchase over the counter at the local hardware store, and that are easy to mount to the engine. The HHO Electrolyzer uses the process of electrolysis to convert water into a hydrogen/oxygen gas, which is then introduced into the intake of the internal combustion engine. It is completely untraceable when taken off of the engine. Also, this hybrid system does not require you to make any direct modification to your cars engine itself.
Kits designed to convert a car to run on water have made the conversion process a whole lot simpler. Most of the parts can be bought at your local hardware store, automotive store, or off the Internet. The easiest way to convert your car to run on water is to use a pre-made kit. There are more and more people in the marketplace that makes and sells these systems. As for me I made my own systems. I have a lot of experience in these areas so this is just plain fun for me. If you want to find someone who sells the pre-made system you will have to hunt them down, they are out there.
There have been many skeptics that do not believe in the efficiency of the system, but doubts soon vanish after seeing the system in operation. I'm getting people wanting me to install this system on their car after they see my car. I guess that a V8 getting 29.88 mpg is pretty good. Also what I found is that when you go to actually buy the parts you come in contact with many success stories of people already using the system and saving money on gas. This thing is going viral.
I hope that this article has proven useful to you so that you can convert your car to run on Water.
relate : http://newcarhybrid.com/do-hydrogen-conversion-kits-work-with-diesels-new-hybrid-car-hydrogen-review-2009/
Make Your Car More "Green" :New Cars hybrid review 2009
by Charles Carter
Copyright (c) 2008 Charles Carter
If you have been to the pump lately it might be your wallet that makes you want to go more "Green" with your car then before. As it relates to the environment automobiles account for 20% of all greenhouse gases emitted into the air. How ecological friendly you handle your car is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Still the only way to offset your carbon footprint is to plant trees. Listed below are the Top 10 things you can do to make your car more "Green."
1. Buy a Hybrid Car or Green Car
Yes, it doesn't take rocket science to understand that if you buy a more environment friendly car you have reduced your carbon footprint. Hybrids now come in sedans, SUV, and luxury vehicles. If buying a hybrid right now isn't in your budget choosing a car with excellent gas mileage is going to make a big difference.
2. How You Drive
You drastically increase the fuel you consume and the emissions your car gives off when you accelerate quickly and stop quickly. Driving the speed limit and more smooth as it relates to aggressive driving through the city will save on your gas bill. Also, the more you can take care of all your errands in one trip is better than many short trips to the store.
3. Keep Your Car in Shape
Regular tune ups of your car will keep your car producing less greenhouse gases, using less gas, and prevents future trouble. It is estimated that if every American's tires were properly inflated to the right level we would save 3 billion gallons of gas every year.
4. Offset Carbon Footprint
You can plant trees to offset the greenhouse gases you are emitting each year. Planting trees is the only way to offset your carbon footprint.
5. Carpool
If you have been on the freeway during rush hour you see all the commuters driving by themselves. Not only will you drastically lower your impact on the environment by carpooling you get to go in the carpool lane, as well.
6. You Don't Need a Car for Everything
For short trips you can take your bike or walk. With cars we don't even think about the other ways we can travel; we just hop in our cars and off we go. Many store items can easily be carried on a bike with a backpack. Also, you can get an electric scooter to get places faster.
7. Drive Half Way
For some trips walking or your bike isn't the complete answer. Driving your car and then getting on mass transit or driving your car and then parking to then go on your bike both work. Many times if you are going during rush hour, driving until the traffic gets thick and then going on your bike will get you there faster than sitting in the bumper to bumper traffic.
8. Use Less AC
Using a windshield protector can reduce how hot your car gets allowing you to use less air conditioner in the car. Turn your AC on low instead of high uses less gas. Don't forget to park in the shade to also keep your car cooler.
9. Use the Web
With the easy access to the web these days you can have video conferences, send email, and buy your products online. A video chat can be just as good as a face to face meeting without using gas and your car.
10. Go without a Car
For those that are willing to take it on it can be done. You would be surprised with a change in thinking how it is possible for some to go without a car. Using physical transportation like a bike and mass transit can get you around. Also, for those that want to it may be important to live closer to work or the stores you need or making your work day virtual so your home is your office.
Who Killed The Electric Car? : New Electric Cars review hybrid car 2008
by Gillfinn
The auto makers and you have conflict of interests. They sure can produce cars which will last longer than you want, require no expensive service and no gasoline. You want such a car, but the manufacturers want to make sure they keep getting steady income from far more profitable SUV sales, car maintenance, and the oil companies - income from the fuel sales, be it gasoline or hydrogen. EVs are so good that require none of that so you'd pay very little to nothing for your car maintenance and your personal "gas station" is as far as the nearest electrical outlet. So what do you think auto makers will sell you - what's good for you or what's good for them? They afraid of EVs, they try very hard (and unfortunately succeeding) to convince you that no one wants electric cars. They can make EVs if forced by law but at first opportunity they destroy perfectly normal EVs (sad GM's EV1 story). Hard to believe? Yes, this is unfortunate but well documented fact. Despite long waiting lists, they try to convince you there was no demand. EV1's of course were never advertised. Simple truth is, they never offered EV1's for sale to the general public precisely because they knew there was demand. If they would offer EV1's, the public would demand more, GM would be pressured to work against their business interest, so they simply decided to only lease the vehicles putting such lease conditions that very few would qualify, which is "proof" no one wanted EV1's. Can you buy EV1 or RAV4? How about Ford's Think City or Ranger? No. GM scrapped its EV program, and despite long waiting lists, kept telling "there is no demand" while never allowing anyone to buy a single EV1 vehicle and destroying them at the end of lease. If you want to know more about it get "who killed the electric car" movie. Today (2008) they GM changed the tune and promises Chevy "Volt". We'll see. But I'm afraid based on the past history of promises and deliveries, you will die waiting for Detroit. EV technology exist today. Far less complex, electric cars would cost less than gas ones if produced in the same quantities. You can compare the costs of ownership of ICE vs. EV. A word about fuel cell (FC) vehicles, namely ones using hydrogen as an energy source. Don't hold your breath to see them any time soon if ever. A FC vehicle is no doubt a step in right direction in a sense that inefficient internal combustion engine is replaced with an electric motor. The only difference between pure battery EV (BEV) and FCEV car is the energy source; the drive systems and control electronics are almost identical. However, instead of just a plain rechargeable battery, FCEV has to carry a very complex hydrogen reformer using exotic expensive materials, full of pumps, blowers, hoses, and a tank of liquefied or compressed hydrogen you need to keep putting in. Fuel cell manufacturers claim that they are quiet since contain no moving parts. Did you have a chance to stay next to a working fuel cell vehicle? I did. A FC itself is sure quiet, but all necessary supporting equipment (blowers and pumps) make far more noise than modern ICE engine. Here is an example of "quiet" FC for a city bus demonstrated at Michelin challenge Bibendum event in California in 2003. A FC car will have scaled down version of all these components. When it runs, you can't keep a conversation unless you move 50 feet away. For the record, the serious work on FC started in the 60's and GM back then announced that practical FC car for masses is "around the corner". Well, today, 50 years later, we're still wondering about location of that corner...and still waiting. Why? Well, sorry, regardless of your opinion on this subject, it's because of the cold and unpopular in PR fact of reality: MONEY. Auto makers say fuel cell cars are clean an environmentally friendly. But so are EVs, which are even cleaner, considering charging from solar, hydro or wind sources. Auto makers sure are pro environment, but as long as you keep buying fuel and keep servicing overly complex vehicles. Doesn't matter what type of fuel, as long as they are in control of your pocket, they're happy. Are you happy too? Not to mention who exactly gets the money for all that imported oil... Have you questioned anyone how much energy is needed to produce a hydrogen you're going to pay for? You need electricity to run the equipment reforming hydrogen to the useable for FC form. And then, the hydrogen is going to be used to get back electricity to run a vehicle propulsion motor. What's wrong with this picture? Isn't it simpler, cheaper, more efficient and just plain makes more sense to just store initial electricity directly in a car's battery in the first place? Hydrogen is an extremely clever scam. When you step back and ask, "Where will the hydrogen come from?" the house of cards falls apart. You will get hydrogen from fossil fuels. The most economic way to get hydrogen is to catalyze natural gas. When you do this, you throw away 50% of the fuel value. If you were to put that hydrogen into a fuel-cell car, it would only go 50% the distance (at best) that a hybrid car would, if fueled from the natural gas directly. The oil company loves it. They get to sell twice as much per mile driven. It is also twice as much CO2 per mile driven. (G.W. = Global Warming)
If you choose to make hydrogen for your fuel cell car from electricity, an EV using that electricity directly will go at least twice as far.
Many of the foaming advocates of hydrogen say, "But we can figure out a way to make hydrogen more efficiently if we hurl big research dollars at the problem." Unfortunately, there are only so many hydrogen atoms in each methane molecule. Also, until we unlock the secret of photosynthesis, there will be no efficient way to make hydrogen. Batteries will always be more efficient at storing electricity than hydrogen gas.
Think of all the money we have spent on fusion power and it will give you just a peek of how much we would have to spend on electrolysis to make it more efficient. There are many many other areas in alternative fuels that will reap greater rewards on a faster timetable for far less money. (Like biodiesel) Of course, the oil companies really wouldn't like that, would they. Can an EV run far? Well, if an EV could run more than 340 miles on a single charge 10 years ago, you'd think that today technology can be only better, especially if part of the money going into FC research would be spent advancing EV batteries. Can it run fast? Is about 300 mph fast enough for you? Can it be quick? How does 0-60 mph in 3.6 seconds sound? Can you own an electric car for every day use? Yes! If you're fed up with Big three, motivated enough and have a handy man skills or can get help, you can convert a conventional vehicle to an EV yourself. Or you can buy a conversion made by other EVers. Thousands have done it. You too can make a difference.
Is Water & Gas Technology a Scam? : best gas hybrid cars 2009
by James Jones
Are you interested to find out how your car can run on water? Some think it's a scam, but it is possible these days. People all over the world are converting their vehicle with the water hybrid technology. This can be achieved when H2O is combusted with gas.1. How Does A Car Run on Water?You will need to have your car battery make electricity to electrolyze water in order to make this technology. By doing this, your car can extract a gas called oxyhydrogen or Brown Gas that's able to make energy large enough to run your car. The end product of this process is oxygen and water.2. Why Should You Run Your Car On Water?With this water fuel technology, I saved more than half in fuel costs savings ever since I began using this system. The by products from burning water are also cleaner than burning gasoline, as burning gasoline would only produce dirty carbon emissions that damage our planet.3. How Can You Build This System For Yourself?Most people would choose to do it themselves as it is not as expensive, but you also have the option to purchase an expensive hydrogen gas car kit from the market.If you decide to build this hybrid car system yourself, it should cost you less than 150 dollars, and you can do it from your own home. All you need are some parts and materials that can be bought at any hardware store and you may possibly even have some of them at home already.It is understandable that some might think running their cars with water is a scam. However, it's not! It's better for the environment, and does not contribute to global warming as much as burning gasoline does. It also helps drivers save on ever-increasing gas costs, thus running a car with water seems like the natural choice if you own an automobile.Click here to read more about this exciting technology (site:http://jlfarley.water4gas.hop.clickbank.net)
Jumat, 13 Juni 2008
Use Less Gas on your Commute : New gas hybrid cars 2009
by Mark Gardner
The cost of gas has reached historic prices and it continues to go up on a daily basis. Every night on the news you are bombarded with this fact, as if you didn't notice how much money you are currently spending to fill up your tank compared to a year ago. Increasing gas prices could possibly be a blessing in disguise though. Gas prices a blessing? Up until this fuel crisis, other countries had already begun looking for and successfully found more eco-friendly fuel alternatives. The urgency of this event made researchers world-wide work even harder, also in part from consumer demands. Current petroleum consumption to fuel America's cars does affect our wallets, but it does something else, we have preferred to ignore over time. Petroleum produces disastrous effects on our planet. Here are a few examples of how petroleum pollutes and it affects our world: * Car exhausts release fossil fuel hydrocarbons into the atmosphere leaving soot deposits in water sources or they are washed out to the ocean by precipitation. * Approximately half the carbon dioxide emitted stays in the atmosphere. * Oil leaks in cars, often pooling in your driveway or parking spot, wash away with rain water into sewers which empty out into streams, rivers, and oceans. * Marine life exposure to oil produces long-term effects on the sensitive habitats and population of marine organisms; primarily resulting in death of millions of living creatures. After reading these facts, you will hopefully begin to realize your individual impact on the world around you and you will start to make lifestyle changes. Transforming bad habits will make a difference in our environment and will save you money and time. Here are 4 steps in the right direction: Step 1- Plan Errands Leave for work an hour early and make stops along the way. Planning errands early in the morning will save you time because stores are less crowded. Plus, you are not going out of your way to do them. You have to go to work so why not check off your "To-Do List" as well. Step 2- Take the Bus If you don't plan on going anywhere special or need to run any errands, the best alternative in urban living is to go to work via public transit. It is a fraction of the cost compared to the gas you will use and most American cities that offer public transportation that uses only eco-friendly vehicles. They are state regulated and inspected to maintain a high level of fuel efficiency and a low production of greenhouse gas emissions. 3. Carpool None of my co-workers have ever carpooled and most people shy away from it because of safety reason. That is a weak excuse though. Most people hate the inconvenience of having to wait on someone or having to leave for work a little early and getting home a little later because they have to pick up or drop off a co-worker. If safety is a real concern, try starting a friends-only carpool with those people you trust and work close to you or along the way. Establishing a carpool route is also another idea you can implement to include people that may be a little out of the way but yet want to participate. 4. Purchase a Hybrid You may think hybrids are too expensive, but the truth is, they aren't that much more expensive than an economy car. New releases of these vehicles pay for themselves over time and maintain their value over time. This step is truly not that hard of a decision. Hybrid cars use two energy sources: a small fuel-efficient gas engine and an electric motor. The electric motor is battery powered, recharges automatically while you drive and assists the gas engine when accelerating. The most efficient is the Toyota Prius which will run you about $22,796 at base price. According to Consumer Reports miles-per-gallon rating the Prius drove 50 on the highway and 44 in town. The $18,700 base priced, MINI Cooper top rated among economy cars does 28 MPG in town and 37 MPG on the highway. When you are done comparing, there is only a $4,096 difference between the two and close to double the gas mileage if you choose the Toyota. In the end, changes only take place when someone is willing to take that first step. Be that person! To engage other co-workers, you may want to calculate how much money you saved after following these 4 steps. Even the most hesitant people to the green idea will try something new to save money. Share what you are doing with people you meet and make a difference!
Kamis, 12 Juni 2008
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Top 10 Reasons to use Water Fuel Technology : New hybrid Cars 2008
by Charles Bledsoe
Water-fuel technology is a proven fact. Running your car with the added benefit of water: also known as hydrogen/brown's gas or HHO will provide a low-cost solution to the ever-increasing price of gas. The Benefits of converting your vehicle to run with water:
1)Your car runs more efficiently on water 2) Cuts down on pollution and helps reduce Global Warming 3) Improves the Burning efficiency of fuel up to 50% 4) Less wear on your engine, you will have a longer life expectancy from your engine, the pistons, rings and valves. 5) Less engine clatter, you will have a quieter and much smoother running engine, thus a smoother ride. 6) The engine will operate at a lower running temperature. 7) Less carbon deposits in your engine and cleans your engine as you drive. 8) Greatly enhance engine power and performance. 9) Drive your vehicle more miles per tank of fuel 10) SAVES MONEY ON GASThese are just some of the advantages of using Water Fuel Technology. You can build the device needed to make this technology work for you from the comfort of your own home. Water Fuel Technology can save you a $100 or more per month on gas depending on how much driving you do. That’s $1200 or more per year. How it Works A quart-size container with plates or spirals is placed somewhere under the hood, you fill it with water. The device gets vacuum and electricity (12 Volts) from the engine, and produces HHO gas (Hydrogen Oxygen) this gas is then injected into the engine along with the gas from your gas tank. This hybrid system is an easy do it yourself job with a little bit of mechanical know how. All parts needed for the job can be found at any hardware and auto parts store. The benefits of this system is it works on about 99% of the automobiles including trucks, vans, diesel or gas powered cars, it allows your vehicle to become 40% more fuel efficient, thus saving you money at the pumps, it is 100% safe and it works with plain tap water. This is a 90 year old technology that the big oil companies have tried to keep suppressed to keep the big money going into their pockets. Just look at the price of gas and if they have their way it will continue to go up. We need to start using our technology and not depend on these countries to supply us with their high priced oil. If we the people of the United States would use our technology, we could drastically cut our dependency on foreign oil. This technology to use water to run your car is so simple that anyone with a little mechanical ability can install it, and if you don’t have the ability to install it you can always find a friend or someone who can. As the price of gas keeps going up, can you afford not to take this Water Fuel Technology seriously?
2008 Honda Civic : New Honda civic 2008 review
by Fei Lim
Coming in with some newer models is the 2008 Honda Civic. Body styles are the usual 2 door coupe and 4 door sedans. Being included in the sedan line is a gas/electric Hybrid model. In both sedans and coupes are the DX, LX, and EX models. New models in 2008 is the EX-L, Si trim and the Civic MUGEN Si sedan. Available only to New York and California markets is the Civic GX. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration front crash test rating gave five stars to both driver and passenger fronts. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety gave 4 star ratings (4 star being the highest) across the board in all areas it judges minus a 3 star for driver torso. The MUGEN Si has Twin-Ring Motegi track- tuned suspension with stiffer springs and firmer dampers. BF Goodrich g-Force T/A KDW High grip tires (215/40R18) surround the forged aluminum rims (18 x 7.5 inches). It comes with is a "Cat-Back" sport exhaust system. With the added aero-package you get front spoiler and sports grill, side spoilers, rear diffuser, and adjustable rear wing. Under the hood you'll find the 122 cubic inch, 197 hp, 2.0 liter, 16 valve inline 4 engine. It has an aluminum block and head with port fuel injection. Torque is 139 pounds per foot at 6200 rpm, maxing out at 8000. It'll go 0 to 60 mph in 6.8 seconds. Transmission is a 6 speed manual. Wheelbase is 106.3 inches. Brakes are ABS and vented disc/disc on the front wheel drive. There is only planned for a release of only 1,000 per year with a MSRP for this model of Civic starting in at $30,000 Standard features on the 4 door sedan or the 2 door coupe EX-L model include Occupant Position Detection System (OPDS) with airbag cutoff sensor for the passenger controlled by weight in the seat, electronic brake force distribution and in-glass radio antenna. EX-L models come with heated front seats and leather upholstery. Seats 5 passengers and is available in 12 trims. Engine specs come in at 110 cubic inch, 140 hp, 1.8 liter, 16 valve inline 4 cylinder. Torque comes in at 128 pounds per feet at 4,000 rpm. Only a 5 speed transmission here that's manual or automatic front wheel drive with navigation system and standard overdrive. Wheelbase for the EX-L is 106.3 inches. Also coming standard is the ABS. MSRP for this model $19,910. The 2008 Honda Civic Hybrid is loaded with standard features including but not limited to XM satellite radio, OPDS, and tire pressure monitor just to name a few. This gas/electric hybrid is at 110 hp combining both gas and electric requiring no plug-in charging. When you need a boost to your acceleration the electric motor will kick in automatically. It's got a 110 hp, 1.3liter, 8 valve inline 4 cylinder with a VAR speed automatic transmission. Torque for this model is only 123 pounds per foot at 2500 rpm when running on gas or electric. The 15 inch tires on the Hybrid are stopped by disc brakes in the front and drum in the rear. Comes with independent suspension all around on this front wheel drive. MSRP for this model starts in at $22,600. With the last of the newer models is the GX. The 2007 model was named greenest car of the year. This car runs on compressed natural gas. This models standard engine specs are 1.8 liter, 113 hp inline 4 cylinder with multi port fuel injection. It is accompanied with a 5 speed automatic transmission with overdrive. Torque comes in at 109 pounds per foot at 4300 rpm. This front wheel drive has disc brakes in the front and drums in the rear. 15 inch wheels are all around the car with a wheel base of 106.3 MSRP starts off at $24,590. Hondas Civic DX is the basic version. This 16 valve, 1.8 liter, 4 cylinder engine has a multi port fuel injection system pushing torque to 128 pounds per foot at 4,300 rpms. You can get the 5 speed transmission in either 5 speed automatic or manual. The DX is riding on 15 inch all season wheels with and independent suspension containing front struts and a rear double wishbone. For stopping the ABS brakes have electric brakeforce distribution among the two disk brakes that are ventilated and drum in the rear. This car is available in both coupe and sedan with a starting MSRP at $15,010. The first upgrade to the DX is the LX. It upgrades feature including cruise control, air conditioning, and a more powerful audio system as well as other features not seen on the compact class. The Lx caries the same engine as the DX. The ABS brakes are the same as well. MSRP start is at $16,960. The EX goes above and beyond in with the features over that of either the DX or Lx. Some of these features are alloy wheels, moonroof, 60/40 split fold down rear seat. You can also get an available navigation system. Once again like the LX the EX caries the same engine and brakes as the DX. MSRP starts off at $18, 710.
Your Honda Dealer Won't Give You an NSX, But a Civic Type R Will do Nicely : New honda civic hybrid 2008
by Tony Hilton
It's funny what you remember about your childhood. Ask me what I had for my eighth birthday or where I went on holiday when I was eleven and I honestly cannot remember. Despite forgetting the large, important milestones in my life however, I can still remember the night I closed my eyes and thought I'd opened them two seconds later only to have slept for ten hours, or when I scored a dipping volley off the crossbar playing football up the park.
Another useless memory is accompanying my dad around every conceivable car showroom on his quest to find the latest family car. I remember getting very excited about a Volvo with pop up headlights, a Chrysler Neon because it accelerated far quicker than it had any right to and a Honda NSX which the dealer informed me I could have if I worked hard at school. Well Mr Honda dealer I did and it appears you've forgotten my NSX because my driveway is looking sparse.
The Honda dealer must've impressed my dad though, because once we'd clambered out of the NSX my dad bought the next best thing to a Ferrari rivalling super car - a Honda Civic. I must admit that despite this drastic step down the car ladder I was over the moon. The Civic in question had leather seats, electric everything, alloy wheels, air conditioning, CD player and Pearle sent paint that glowed green, purple, blue and everything in-between.
As we left the Honda dealer I'm sure you can picture the scene, my dad sitting tall and proud behind the wheel with me looking up at the great man, swinging my legs as I teetered on the edge of the leather upholstery, straining to peer over the dashboard. And then it happened. The drive to see my grandparents yielded approximately fifteen Hondas, mostly Civics, that were all driven by post retirement folk.
"Dad, why is everyone in a Honda grey?" came my cry to which my dad could only twiddle some electric buttons to cheer me up but it was too late. Honda was soiled, Honda was un cool and Honda was not a boyhood dream anymore.
It takes a lot to win back my faith and trust but a few years ago I was watching television and saw every single part that makes up a Honda Accord clunk and clatter into one another in a domino/crazy inventor's laboratory way and was blown away. Another advert had a diesel engine being smashed to smithereens by cartoon rabbits and then there was Jacques Villeneuve, my favourite formula one driver. His car was a Honda and he was really cool, the adverts were cool and at the age of eighteen my love of the Honda brand was restored.
The power of the brand is one thing, having the cars to match is quite another. Happily your local Honda dealer can oblige with the simply stunning Honda Civic Type R. Originally a Japanese edition, the Civic Type R (that'll be Type Racing) finally made it to our shores in 2001 and became one of the biggest selling and best performance hatchbacks not only in the noughties, but in the history of motoring. A bold statement yes, but a truthful one. A 2.0 litre VTEC engine gave 197bhp and 0-60 in 6.6 seconds, all for £16,000 and things have just gone space age with the latest offering.
The only criticism with the older model was that if you looked past the 17 inch alloy wheels it essentially looked like the standard car. The new Civic Type R however cannot be missed. It's still all triangles like the base model, but features deep front and rear bumpers, huge 18 inch alloys, and a growling bonnet bulge. Racing seats hold you in place and there's plenty of 'Type R' badges dotted around in case you forget you're in a special car. A high roof spoiler does just that to your rear view but looks fantastic and the car also features twin triangular exhaust that gracefully emerge from the rear bumper.
My favourite feature has to be the speedometer which changes colour the higher the revs go, and boy does it rev, all the way onto 8,000rpm. The exceptional VTEC engine remains the same 197bhp as before, which means that the only grey haired people you'll see driving one were turned that colour with the whiplash inducing acceleration.
Senin, 09 Juni 2008
Convert Your Car To Run On Water: The Truth About convert your car to run on water : new water car hybrid review 2009
by T.Leudy
With rising gas and diesel prices, and no end in sight everyone is looking for ways to save a few bucks at the pump. I would like to talk about and review the whole Convert Your Car to Run on Water theory. The theory is, the battery is used to break down water into it's two basic elements Hydrogen and Oxygen. And that forms a gas called HHO other wise known as Brown Gas. The HHO is than combined with the gas and air to produce Energy. It is a very simple idea, and has been around for 90 years. Moreover, from my research it works. It has not been in the spotlight over the years because basically gas WAS relatively cheap to buy and the oil company’s obviously want you to buy as much gas as possible. So they can have as much profit as possible for there shareholders. Now people cannot sit back and take it any longer while our house budget shrinks and the Big Oil Company’s Profit Soar. There are a lot of guide's out there that help you Convert your car to run on water. It is finding the right one that is going to work for you. Any car or truck can do this. Gas or diesel- it works for both. It can be a new Car or an old one, it does not matter. Anyone can install this system. You will be looking at 50% to 75% fuel saving's. Just buy the right guide. All the part's you will need are very common. And easy to install. It does not hurt in any way your engine, and for any reason you want to uninstall it. You can do it in very quickly. And there will be no harm done to your car. And by the way, this system will in know way affect your warranty. This is the wave of the future. Everyone’s car will be called the water hybrid. And it gets two thumbs up from this researcher. To learn more on Convert Your Car to Run on Water follow the link. Discover how to convert your car to run on water - the easy way. http://www.convertyourcartorunonwater.org/
Improve fuel economy by running your car on water, is it really possible ? : New hybrid cars 2009
by Vince Martela
Many books are being published in recent time, that address the possibility on running a car on water. This doesn't necessarily mean that the car runs solely on water, but it uses an extra water fuel cell which gives power to the engine, thus the car needs less gas to run. There have even been some cars which run solely on water.
In the past... there have been several gas alternatives, which seemed cheaper and more friendly to the environment, but yet.. they failed. One of the reasons for that are the oil companies. Oil is an industry worth trillions of dollars, they won't just let any cheap alternative fuel come on the market and take their business.
Another reason why the gas alternatives didn't quite work, was because gas was cheap in the past, people were happy with the gas prices, and weren't looking for alternatives. However today, gas prices are rising, and many people struggle to afford gas. Everyone is looking for an alternative. The popularity of gas is falling quickly.
So you might be asking, what will replace gas?
Will it be the energy powered hybrid vehicles? Will it be water fuel?
We cannot know for sure, but probably both will have much success. Currently, with the latest rises in gas prices, water fuel is the hottest thing on the market. People are already converting their car so they can run on water. The good thing about water fuel is that it can be quite easily applied to any car that is running on ordinary gas with an investment of 200$-300$, meaning you don't have to buy and expensive hybrid car in order to save on gas. Water fuel is also friendly to the environment, the waste product your car produces is plain water. Meaning, it doesn't pollute the environment. To find out more on how to get better mileage and run your car on water visit http://www.squidoo.com/get-better-mileage
Run Your Car on Water - An HHO Conversion Guide : new water hybrid cars 2009
by James Topz
Converting your car into a water powered hybrid may be worth considering due to the drastic increase in gas prices around the world. Hybrid cars are expensive to buy off the lot, so you may not save enough to make it worth it, however converting your current vehicle to a water hybrid is a very inexpensive option with similar results! How would you like to save 30%-60% on gas? I'll tell you how!
Hybrid simply means you can run your car on something else, along with gas, in the case of the water hybrid, that something is water. Using electrolysis, water is charged electrically, producing a surge of energy. When this power surge is mixed with regular fuel, it makes what is known as "brown gas", a fuel that is often 3 times more powerful than standard gasoline or diesel. These systems are often known as hydrogen generators, water car systems, or HHO. To build your own system is simple. You simply need a set of plans, an hour or two of time, and about $25 or $50 worth of household parts that you may already own.
Saving gas is not the only benefit of HHO or water hybrid cars. Several readers and most users have reported smoother shifting, a smoother and quieter engine, increased pickup, and much lower emissions! Save money and the environment!
This technology has been around for several decades, but has been mostly kept under wraps by the big oil companies as well as car companies hoping to maintain the value of their overpriced hybrids!
To begin your water car / HHO conversion, we recommend reading the free Run Your Car on Water Guide Blog. It's also worth signing up for their free water car conversion newsletter!(site:http://run-your-car-on-water-guide.blogspot.com)
Robert Kubica
Minggu, 08 Juni 2008
Is The Water Car A Dream? - Gas Savings Discovered : New gas car hybrid review 2008
Is The Water Car A Dream? - Gas Savings Discovered
by: Andres Rodriquez
With the cost of fuel increasing, greenhouse gases, and global warming developing changes in our planets climate, a water powered car is considered a long-awaited answer to the increasing high cost of everyday life and the evironmental issues. This idea has grown to almost mythological proportions. Is it real? Is it even feasible? Unfortunately, 100% water trucks or vehicles are still in the experimental stage. While many researchers are still pounding away at it, no practical solution has yet emerged. Currently, they are way too much to manufacture and too complex to implement. But, there are Right Now solutions. An alternative to the water powered car is using Water For Gas. To run your car on water may seem crazy for some but you should try to understand that an hydrogen powered car is less complicate than you think. It would only need a system to contain and brake water into hydrogen and oxygen and then inject these gases to a regular engine so it would run “on water”, the future is at hand. With just some technical effort we can realistically think about converting our regular car or SUV a vehicle which uses water for gas that will allow us to spend less at gas stations that appear every morning in the news. Take Action on how you can Right Now turn your car into a gas saving machine So You Can Run Your Car On Water. It’s easier then you think
Hybrid Car Comparison: Which Hybrid Car Should You Choose : New Hybrid Car Compare 2009
Hybrid Car Comparison: Which Hybrid Car Should You Choose
Hybrid cars are getting more and more popular today. In fact, more and more people are now purchasing hybrid cars because of a number of reasons. One is that they will enjoy tax incentives as a buyer of a hybrid car, two is that they will be able to save a lot of money from the rising cost of precious, expensive and limited supply of fuel and three, it will enable them to generate less pollution to the environment because of the extremely low toxic emissions generated by hybrid cars.Because of the growing popularity of hybrid cars, more and more car manufacturers are now competing to produce the best kind of hybrid cars. They are now producing hybrid cars integrated with state-of-the-art technology that will enable consumers to save more on fuel, and also a car that will be able to produce low toxic emissions. However, because of the growing market for hybrid cars, and also because of more and more car manufacturers that are now integrating hybrid technology in their cars, many people tend to get confused on which hybrid car to purchase. Besides, all car manufacturers promises to offer the best kind of hybrid cars in the market today.In order to know which hybrid car to purchase, you have to compare them closely for you to know which hybrid car is for you and which hybrid car you can benefit from more. You have to compare some factors of hybrid cars in order to determine which hybrid car is better than the other.However, before you go on and compare hybrid cars, you first have to know a little something about how hybrid cars work and how you can benefit from it. First of all, hybrid cars use the cleanest and the most efficient source of energy, which is electricity and also gasoline. Hybrid cars are what you can describe as a cross between a conventional gasoline-powered car and an electric-powered car.It allows you to save fuel and emit lower volumes of toxic fumes because hybrid cars run on electricity when it is idle. What this means is that when you are stuck in traffic, and the hybrid car is running idle, or not in motion, it will automatically switch of the gasoline engine. Therefore, the hybrid car will run purely on electricity. Once you step on the accelerator pedal, it will automatically switch on the gasoline engine again to run the car.So, now that you know how hybrid cars work and how you can benefit from it, you now have to know how to compare hybrid cars in order to get the right kind of hybrid car for your everyday use.First of all, you need to determine how you will use the car. If you have a family, it is recommended that you get an SUV hybrid vehicle. This will enable you to carry more passengers. However, you also have to consider that SUV hybrid vehicles can cost a little more than hybrid cars.The main advantage of a hybrid car is that it is fuel efficient. You have to choose a hybrid car that is the most fuel efficient in order for you to maximize its benefits. You can ask your dealer about the fuel efficiency of the car. They will be able to tell you how much miles a gallon it can save compared to conventional cars and other hybrid cars.These are the ways on how you can compare hybrid cars in order for you to choose which one to get. Remember all these things and you can be sure that you will be able to get the right kind of hybrid car available in the market today. To start your search, Honda and Toyota are two of the leading companies today that produce affordable and efficient hybrid cars.
(Author: Hilal Abdelwali; site: http://www.articlesbase.com/)
Sabtu, 07 Juni 2008
Repairing Your Hybrid Car : New honda CR-V cars 2009
Repairing Your Hybrid Car : New honda CRV cars 2009
by Thomas Jones
You look around while your stopped at a traffic light and realize that your surrounded by hybrids. Then it hits you that hybrids really are the new wave of the coming future. Hybrids offer many features that the conventional car does not have. But no matter how advances hybrids are they are still expensive to purchase and repair, just like any other car. Some repairs and problems with a hybrid need to be done by a hybrid certified mechanic. Before you make the leap and buy a new hybrid you might want to take a look at two of the major repairs you might have to deal with after you make your purchase.Engine and Motor Repairs Just like conventional cars hybrids also have a gasoline only internal combustion engine. During the life of your car there will probably be a point where your car will leak oil and will then be in need of repair. You might have a point where your hybrid’s motor will not babel to turn over or the connective system that runs your wiring could become loose and will need to be repairs. Because unlike the conventional car hybrids have both an electric motor and a gasoline engine the make up that lies under the hood of a hybrid is quite different from a conventional car. While a hybrid is great in so many ways a regular mechanic might not be qualified or have the ability to service your hybrids engine or motor.The Battery PackIf your used to driving a conventional car you know that they run on a lead acid battery. When it dies you can usually replace it easily yourself. You just have to purchase on at the local auto part store, purchase a new battery and replace it in only a few hours. Sometimes conventional car battery issues can even be solved by simply giving it a jump start. Hybrids on the other hand are not so simple to fix. The ability to hook your car up to another vehicle to get a jump is not an option for a hybrid. The hybrid does not come equipt with a place to hook the cars together and if you try to do so you will more than likely end up ruining both cars, permanently.If the battery pack in a hybrid fails you only have two options to fix it. Both of these options involve a specially trained mechanic. You might only have one cell inside the hybrid battery pack that is malfunctioning or it could be the whole battery pack that is malfunctioning. If it is only one cell in your battery pack that will only cost you about $180. If it is the entire battery pack your look at a cost of about $4,000 or even more. It depends on the type of hybrid you own. It takes time for mechanics to become trained for all the new parts of technology that are coming into our world. Over the years things will change and there will be more mechanics available to hybrid cars. But for now the pool is quite limited.
Tags: honda cars
: RayongHotelGuide.com
Water4Gas dot com-The Future of Alternative Energy is Here : New gas hybrid car 2008
by Mark Myers
Water4Gas dot com is the number one site on the internet for personal alternative energy for your automobile. You can now transform your present automobile to use hydrogen from water. This site was made by Ozzie Freedom to guide you step by step through the process. His personal goal is to slow the current energy crisis one automobile at a time. Water4Gas dot com will change how we think about alternative energy for ages.Imagine using water to supplement your gasoline costs by 50%. Thanks to Water4Gas dot com, you can do this with simple tools and materials available from your local hardware store. Rather than struggle to make ends meet with higher than ever energy prices, why not convert your car to run on water. Gas and oil prices have been skyrocketing like crazy for the last two years; it is time to discover alternative energy. Below are some of the benefits you will get from Water4Gas dot com;* Protect the environment * Decreased engine temperatures * Longer life expectancy of your motor * Get a tax credit for converting your car to use alternative energy * Engine runs quieter * Less pollution * Increase fuel mileageHow does it work? Hydrogen, the most basic and abundant object in the known universe. This is what makes the Water4Gas dot com system different. Hydrogen is compressed in water and can be easily removed with electricity from the battery in your automobile. It is safe because it only creates hydrogen as it is used, so it is never stored.You can buy other systems on eBay for more than $1000, or you can make your own in a few hours for under $60 with the help of Water4Gas dot com. You no longer have to wait for your local car dealer to offer alternative energy vehicles; you can use your present vehicle and convert it into a water gas hybrid. Water4Gas dot com will be with you step by step through the entire process. Not only will you get instructions, illustrations, and a video series to help you, but you will be able to contact an entire network of people who have already installed this technology, and are willing to help.In steps Water4Gas dot com. The authors have created a simple and easy to build gizmo that uses water to supplement the gasoline you already buy. You will obtain all the know-how required to both construct it and install the device for around 60 bucks using simple tools.Alternative energy still has a long way to go before it reaches every day use. Hybrid vehicles are too expensive to build and maintain than expected. Electric vehicles are constrained by present battery technology. Fuel cells hold the most promise for sustainability, but hydrogen is dangerous to store and transport.Thousands of these devices have been installed in over 50 countries to date. You will obtain plans to five total devices to help you save gasoline, not all are as simple as the Water4Gas device, but start small saving 30%to 50% and when you are ready change more and save more.You always have choices in life. You can choose to believe that this could never work, that it is stupid, and choose to do nothing but pay way too much for gas. Or you can take action. Do something proactive. Help change the world. Save gas and money at the same time. Visit Water4Gas dot com, and see what the future can offer today.
Related: new hybrid car
: Rayonghotelguide.com
Hybrid Cars Reduce Noise Pollution? : New Honda new hybrid cars 2008
by Steve Longoria
Hybrid cars are becoming quite popular in recent times mainly due to the savings that they bring in fuel costs and also the fact that hybrid cars reduce emit less pollution and are therefore are better for the environment than cars that run on petroleum based fuel. One other reason that hybrid cars are becoming popular is that they also reduce noise pollution.Have you ever gone on a trip to the country and listened to the birds chirping and water trickling down a creek close by? If you have then you have probably also sat there enjoying the sounds of nature and thinking how nice it would be if it were always that peaceful. Unfortunately these days the world is so busy and so noisy and so stressful. If you live in a city or suburbs you will hear constant traffic noises and the peaceful sounds of nature are usually nowhere to be found. Along with the financial benefits and the benefits to air pollution, the hybrid car also brings with it the benefit of reducing noise pollution. The hybrid car that runs on an electric motor, winds its way through traffic creating hardly any noise. How good would it be if all cars were that quiet and the busy hustle and bustle sounds of traffic became a thing of the past?The one concern with the hybrid car and its reduced noise is that it is so quiet that you can hardly hear it coming. This has become a concern for some people and in particular a concern for blind people who rely on noise to hear a car coming.With cars that are so quiet, blind people need to be even more cautious when crossing roads. Most traffic lights do have beeping equipment for the blind and many blind people do have guide dogs with them and if they do take that extra caution when crossing roads they should be fine.The question has been asked though, for safety reasons should the hybrid car perhaps have a sound of its own so that a blind person can distinguish the sound of the car coming? Should hybrid cars have a minimum noise standard that they should meet?The noise doesn’t have to be loud but just something distinctive enough to make them safer for pedestrians would be good.The quietness of the hybrid is very welcomed by many people however as the new peaceful sound of the motor world. So if you hate traffic noise perhaps you should look into a hybrid car and help reduce noise pollution.
Tags: honda accord hybrid 2009, honda civic hybrid car
Related: new hybrid car: Rayonghotelguide.com
Kamis, 05 Juni 2008
24 heures du Mans
Rabu, 04 Juni 2008
Ford Escape Hybrid Overview : Ford Escape Hybrid car 2009
Ford Escape Hybrid Overview
by Thomas Jones
With the high interests of fuel-efficient vehicles in the car industry the Ford Motor Company finds itself in a quick race to fall into the category, however with a slightly different approach. Entering with an immediate turnover, Ford introduced a sports utility, this being the first of its kind we’ve ever seen.Compared to with the Ford Escape which is an SUV, it’s evident that the hybrid was designed around this vehicle, maintaining that the only difference being that it uses an electric and a fuel engine in accordance which enhances the idea completely.
Being the initial SUV vehicle with hybrid technology to enter the industry, the Ford Escape Hybrid maintains a luxurious aspect to it. Developed at Ford’s factory in Kansas City, it retains many of the aspects of the Mercury Mariner Hybrid, also developed by Ford. Indifferently the Ford Escape Hybrid takes the lead as Ford’s SUV with the greater prospect of fuel-efficiency.
Because the Ford Escape Hybrid is a hardcore hybrid vehicle, it maintains the power to, without any complications and time-waste, maneuver between gasoline and electric power. Retaining the regenerative braking system found in other competing hybrids, the Ford Escape Hybrid also incorporates a system whereby the vehicle can produce both electric and fuel-emitting power simultaneously to increase and obtain highest performances possible by the car. The regenerative braking system, identically similar to that found in other hybrids uses a process to convert mechanical energy and charge the electrical motor with the simple act of the driver using the brakes to slow down when in motion.
Ford Motor has implemented many cost-saving ideas to promote the car’s reliability and worthiness, from a two-thousand dollar cash-back on certain deals, to one-thousand dollar rebates without incentive on finance-approved deals. Ford intends to keep on promoting the Ford Escape Hybrid, expecting that a sturdy and recurring rise in sales by reducing costs would standardize, if not strengthen its rise in the car sales industry, as this method is especially accustomed to North Americans.
Edmunds, which is a market research company evaluated and significantly outlines the industry’s interest in the Ford Escape Hybrid SUV. In an evaluation the vehicle proved to be cost-efficient, retaining that a buyer would be able to cover costs within 3 years �” and this is due to the fuel-efficiency whereby maintaining less expenses to the average car user. The continuous rise in fuel prices admits the car further into popularity among car buyers in today’s industry.
Considering the various stats which outline the Ford Escape Hybrid in positive light, buyers would inevitably flock to experience the idea of the hybrid SUV. Titled the Truck of the Year in 2005 by the North American Auto Show, and even awarded in recognition as the eleventh greenest vehicle by the American Count for an Energy Efficient Economy, the Ford Escape Hybrid would surely impress the hybrid car market.
Money on Rising Gas Prices : New Gas Hybrid cars 2009 review
by Nickolie
Have you seen the news, the latest gas prices? Gas is now $4 dollars a gallon. With no sign of lowering anytime soon. In this article I don’t want to get into why gas prices are going up. What I want to do is what the average person can do to counter this. I haven’t heard from any of the forecasters give any really solid solution to this oil/gas problem. Well I have found a device that not is a ways to improve gas mileage on my vehicle, but also increase power to the engine at the same time. Now At first this solution will sound crazy, but it works. The best solution is to convert your car to run on water.Say What Convert My Car to Run On Water? �” Yes here’s why…
- When you decide to convert your car to run on water, you are guaranteed to improve the gas mileage by 30% - 50%. Depending on your make and model of the car.
- Many vehicles only burn around 20% of the gas in the tank, by converting you’re car to run water will boost that percentage and is one way to improve gas mileage, while you are spending less on gas to fill up.
- Also, I’ve notice that senses I have convert my car to run on water my engine is running smoother and quieter.
More Key points before you decide to convert your car to run on water.
- You engine will not run only on water, it will still be using gas, but it will be using the water/gas mixture more efficiently. Doing this will boosting power to the engine and improves gas mileage.
- There are all ready 22,000 people using this device all over the USA. And they are seeing an improve gas mileage.
- Although this technology is very new still, it is 100% safe to use and on the environment. It has even had a Fox News presenting this method how to convert your car to water. Most of the parts can be found at your local store, and it runs great on tap water.
- This device is totally reversible, if you notice anything you don’t like, or you didn’t get an improvement in gas mileage. Then you can take it off and the car will work like it use to.
: Hybrid cars review, Honda
How to Save Gas, Tips and Products to Improve Mileage : New Gas Hybrid cars 2009
How to Save Gas, Tips and Products to Improve Mileage
by Onputtha
Frustrated about today’s high gasoline prices? Want to know how to save gas and increase your car mileage? With the price of gas going up daily. On this page you will find several very useful resources on how to save gas mileage and learn all about how to improve your engine performance. Thanks for taking the time to visit our site.
Combining trips is one way to save gas costs, but there are some additional tips related to car maintenance and behind-the-wheel habits that can also help you save on gas.
Here is 5 Simple Tips on How to Save fuel Mileage:
Tip One Try to fill up your gas tank early in the morning or later in the evening, after sunset. If you fill up at these times of the day, the temperature is generally cooler, your fuel will be denser and you’ll be pumping more gas for your money.
Tip Two Check your local gas prices to find the best price available. You can check your local gas prices online as well, which will prevent you from wasting fuel while driving around to look for the best price.
Tip Three Maintaining your car in good condition is another excellent way to increase your gas savings. A simple tune-up can increase your fuel efficiency by up to twenty percent. Tires that are under inflated will cause fuel consumption to increase by 6 percent.
Tip Four You should also make sure that you change your oil and air filters on a regular basis as well. These two actions will greatly improve your fuel efficiency.
Tip Five & More Always change your oil and air filters at regularly scheduled intervals. Maintain the proper speed limits, as well as a constant speed. Reduce your amount of total driving, by combining your errands. The less you start your car, the less total fuel you will use. By taking the time to follow these tips, you’ll be amazed at just how much fuel you can save. Gas prices are becoming ridiculous these days, which is why you want to do your part to conserve little drop that you can.
Thanks for you time and effort in reading this article. Feel free to continue to browse around my website For More Stategies, tips, and advice on how to increase fuel economy please visit www.fuelconsumptions.com