Jumat, 29 Februari 2008
Car Insurance : Broad Coverage Of Risks : Auto insurance Qoute 2009
by Smith James
People are fond of possessing vehicles that suit their needs and serve their purposes. Be it a cash down purchase or the much obvious loan purchase, a car needs to have an insurance cover. The car insurance keeps you out of financial crisis due to vehicular damage pertaining to repair or loss. A vehicle may get prone to accidental damages or thefts. There arise a need of backup, which pulls you out of repair problems and compensation against total loss. Car insurance exactly does the same.The insurance is always a matter of choice for sensible people. As good car insurance will be helpful on the occurrence of unpleasant situations. Having the most comprehensive cover of car insurance can only prove to be a ready help all through the odd happenings. A research about the car insurance service and policies available must be done prior to being insured. There can be insurance companies who will be giving away freebies and benefits like car wash coupons, free repair checks etc.A need of putting the available car insurance side by side and evaluation will effect the best judgement. The judgement may be driven by your personal choice related to your need too but a research and analysis will help in availing the best service. The car insurance often comes allied with breakdown cover too. It is the matter of your choice, if you wish to avail the service or not. An extensive comparison at the internet will give you a clear picture of the benefits offered with various car insurance firms.For a good research, use the internet sources and analyse the service you find most suitable according to your need. The car insurance availed with a prior evaluation will give you a better understanding of its utilisation and benefits you are paying for.
Link chryler cars : New Chrysler
Kyle Busch
Kamis, 28 Februari 2008
Top Reasons to Purchase a Hybrid Vehicle : New Auto Hybrid car 2008
by O.T.F.
On Track For Top Reasons to Purchase a Hybrid Vehicle http://ontrackfor.com/carFor people looking for ways to save on the costs that are associated with fuel, purchasing a hybrid vehicle may be the answer. Hybrid vehicles work on an engine that uses both fuel and electricity in order to function. Rechargeable battery packs work to power the hybrid vehicle. There are many advantages to owning a hybrid vehicle. In this article, we will look at some of the top reasons to purchase a hybrid vehicle.1) One of the top reasons to purchase a hybrid vehicle is that it is safe for the environment. The hybrid vehicle uses less gasoline than standard vehicles, and it releases fewer toxins into the atmosphere. Because the hybrid vehicle uses less gasoline and burns less oil overall, it makes it extremely safe on the environment. It is not 100% safe for the environment, but it is nearly 100% safe for it. For people who wish to "go green" purchasing a hybrid car is one of the best moves to make.2) The second top reason to purchase a hybrid vehicle is that they have a very good efficiency rating when it comes to gas mileage. The hybrid vehicle is constructed in such a way that it has lighter components that it is composed of, and it is generally smaller than standard vehicles. These two reasons are the main for the hybrid vehicle when it comes to saving gasoline. In addition to this, when a hybrid vehicle comes to a stop, the engine automatically shuts off until the gas is pressed once more. This makes the second top reason to purchase a hybrid vehicle a very appealing reason.3) The third top reason for purchasing a hybrid vehicle is the fact that the government will issue tax incentives to people who own a hybrid vehicle. These tax incentives can give you as much as approximately $3500.00! That is a large cut for simply choosing to purchase a hybrid vehicle. The reason that the government offers this type of tax incentive is that you are preserving oil, gas, and the environment.4) The fourth top reason to purchase a hybrid vehicle is that you now have just as many choices in the hybrid market as you do in the standard car market. Of course, hybrid vehicles are a tad more expensive, but it is worth it in the end because they will eventually pay for themselves.As you can see, there are many top reasons to purchase a hybrid vehicle. Not only does purchasing a hybrid vehicle benefit you, but it also benefits the people around you. It benefits the government, the nation as a whole, and the environment. If you have the opportunity to purchase a hybrid vehicle, it is one of the wisest investments that you could ever make. Purchase a hybrid vehicle, and we all win in the end!
Car hybrid : New Auto Hybrid car
Rabu, 27 Februari 2008
Selasa, 26 Februari 2008
Owning a new car is an expensive business : New Cars review 2009
by Ling Valentine
According to the AA, the average cost of running a small family car over 10,000 miles per year was £5,611, up from £5,534 in 2006. Depreciation is the main cost issue to consider, accounting for around half the annual running costs.
Fixing your annual costs by renting a car for up to two or three years is becoming more and more popular, according to Ling Valentine (34), the extrovert Chinese immigrant owner of LINGsCARS.com.
This method of financing a brand new car, (commonly referred to by the catch-all phrase "leasing") avoids increasing interest rates and APRs, by fixing the monthly rental of a new car in a simple, clear figure. This monthly payment can then be compared on a like-for-like basis across a wide range of new cars, something that is almost impossible with the many different "offers" surrounding traditional finance.
"The monthly cost depends on several factors", says Ling, from her Gateshead 'World Headquarters'. "First I take the discounted price of the new cars I get from ordering in bulk, often from dealers who need to shift volume to hit targets. Then, I check around a dozen different contract-hire finance providers, who will each value the residual value differently, guessing what the car will be worth to them at the end of the lease term. Finally, I package this together, making sure my own overheads are dramatically less than those of other providers, including the franchised car dealers and car companies themselves. I do not have dozens of expensive glass-palace showrooms to run."
The result is that LINGsCARS provides, at the touch of a button on a web-browser, a price list of over 400 different brand-new makes and models of cars, all with an easily comparable monthly rental figure. Ling even does something which is unheard of in the new car trade, and lists every car in price order, allowing visitors to her website the ability to compare cars from a £111 a month Chevrolet Matiz to a £735 a month Range Rover. No car dealer in the UK allows that "street-price" comparison, across such a wide range. She lists prices based on annual mileages of 10, 15 and 20,000 miles, suiting most peoples' use; "You are rewarded for driving less, a very Green way of doing things", she claims.
New car dealerships often require you to put down a large deposit and then take out a finance deal on a brand new car, or the alternative is to take a loan and write a large cheque. Ling's argument is why tie up large amounts of your capital or borrowings in a car? "I only ask for three-months rentals as an initial payment, followed by a direct debit payment every month. For a nice new car costing around £300 a month, such as a SAAB 9-5, or a Kia Sorento 4x4, or an Alfa GT or the latest Honda CRV, that means you only have £900 invested, and you are paying the rest month-by-month as you use the car. At the end of the agreement, the car is simply returned to the finance company, you can't keep it. You have just paid for the use of the car. It is impossible to fall into negative equity, and there is no lump sum to pay at the end."
"I would suggest you put your spare cash into your house or your savings, not into a big deposit on a new car, which is a depreciating asset", says Ling.
The necessary oil and filter servicing is cheap, Ling insists, as the cars are brand new and never fall due for an MOT and are unlikely to need major items like brakes and tyres. She says road tax is fully included for the term; "I deliver these new cars to your door, all you have to do is insure them, service them and put fuel in them".
Breakdowns, which are unlikely on new cars, are fully covered by the manufacturers' warranty. Some AA or RAC type cover is included for at least the first year. A big benefit is safety; ...new cars have the highest safety ratings and the latest safety equipment built in, an important consideration for families.
Talking about traditional new car ownership, the AA says: "As most owners come to pay their motoring bills, each is more expensive than last year's - undermining claims that cars are getting cheaper to run."
Ling insists she can change that; "As long as you are credit-worthy and you look after the car like it is your own, you can release the equity in your current car and get into the cycle of changing your car for a brand-new one. You can do this very cheaply, every two or three years", Ling says.
It is no wonder that in 2007, LINGsCARS rented over £28m of new cars, and that Ling has been awarded "Best non-franchise motor industry website of the year*". In this Beijing Olympic year, this is
Senin, 25 Februari 2008
Why Pickup Truck And SUV Bumpers Will Never Get Better : New SUVs car new suv review 2008
by Jeff Mohr
Why Pickup Truck And SUV Bumpers Will Never Get BetterBumpers have been a long standing battle between automakers and auto insurers with consumers stuck in the middle. Automakers want to make lighter, lower-cost (and higher-profit) vehicles with sleek cab-forward designs and short overhangs. Insurers want big, strong bumpers that stick out ahead of the rest of the body to provide maximum protection - and maximum profits for the insurance industry.The smooth, flowing lines of most new cars and trucks conceal bumpers so well consumers rarely give them a second thought. But back into a pole in a K-Mart parking lot on a busy weekend and bumper design suddenly becomes an important part of your life.If you ram the pole in a Ford F150 going 5 mph (8 km/h), you're looking at $2,042 in damage and all the hassle that entails: dropping the truck off at the body shop, fighting with the insurance company, mooching rides to work for a week while they fix your truck. But it's not just Ford! Out Of All The Pickup Trucks Made Today, Not One Has An Energy Absorbing Rear Bumper That Will Withstand A 5 MPH Impact!When it comes to bumpers, Andy Rooney probably said it best: "Bumpers don't protect anything except the income of automobile parts departments."But, what is the purpose of bumpers?According to the Federal Bumper Standard, the car bumper is designed to prevent or reduce physical damage to the front and rear ends of passenger motor vehicles in low-speed collisions. Automobile bumpers are not typically designed to be structural components that would significantly contribute to vehicle crashworthiness or occupant protection during front or rear collisions. It is not a safety feature intended to prevent or mitigate injury severity to occupants in the passenger cars. Bumpers are designed to protect the hood, trunk, grille, fuel, exhaust and cooling system as well as safety related equipment such as parking lights, headlamps & taillights in low speed collisions.So why won't pickup truck and SUV bumpers ever get better? Because, THEY DON'T NEED TO! These vehicles fall under the category of trucks and consequently have NO Federal Bumper Standards. Only passenger cars are required to have 2.5 mph bumpers."Pickups may look tough, but they're clearly not tough at all when it comes to preventing damage in low speed crashes" says Adrian Lund of the Insurance Institute For Highway Safety. Today, the average 5 mph rear-into-pole accident for full size pickup trucks costs $1,618 to repair! (That's in 2004 prices - the last time the IIHS tested pickup truck bumpers)How about SUVs? "SUVs may be advertised as rugged and manufacturers tell potential buyers they can drive these vehicles anywhere adventure leads' them... But consumers can expect big repair bills if they're unlucky enough to bump these so-called rugged vehicles into something at slow speeds" says IIHS President - Brian O'NeillSo how can bumpers be made better? "If you don't have enough overhang, no matter what you have, you're going to have problems," says Mike Ciccone, special projects coordinator at the Insurance Institute For Highway Safety. "You need overhang, energy-absorbing material and a strong enough bumper beam. Those are three main elements."How do I know if my vehicle meets or exceeds the Federal bumper standard?Manufacturers self-certify their products in order to meet the bumper standard, as well as all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards. Since this is a minimum performance standard, the manufacturer may or may not be providing a greater level of protection. The agency does not require manufacturers to report the actual performance capabilities of their bumper systems.Although many manufacturers voluntarily include bumper performance information on the window stickers of new passenger cars sold in United States, only California and Hawaii have bumper performance disclosure laws that require manufacturers to be specific about its performance capabilities.
SUVs car review : New SUVs
Cheap Car Insurance Isn't Worth Dropping Your Pip : Car insurance low price review
by Joseph Welusz
One of the most basic no-fault coverages in your automobile policy is your Personal Injury Protection (PIP). This covers you or any other person traveling in your vehicle for a minimum benefit per person for injuries, regardless who is at fault and this coverage may be optional. These benefits vary from state to state.The following are types of coverages that may be extended to you under typical personal injury protection coverage:1. Medical Expense Benefits. Hospital, medical, surgical, professional nursing, X-rays, ambulance, optometric, dental and prosthetic services are all included in you medical expense benefits.2. Rehabilitation Expenses Benefit: This benefit includes charges for psychiatric, physical and occupational therapy, and rehabilitation.3. Work Loss Benefit: This benefit includes coverage for loss of wages up to a specific limit for a specific time period following injury.4. Funeral Expense Benefit: Included in this benefit are reasonable charges up to a specific amount for cremation expenses or funeral services including burial costs.5. Survivors Loss Benefit: Included in this benefit are payment to your dependents or surviving spouse up to a specific limit for a specific time period.If you live in a state where Personal Injury Protection is optional you may want to consider keeping this coverage as part of your policy. Medical expenses might not be otherwise covered. Many medical insurers refuse to pay for medical claims due to a car accident. You may also have a maximum limit to your medical expenses. Your PIP coverage will be separate from these coverage and not have the same limitations. There are other places in your auto insurance policy you can adjust to help you get cheap car insurance.
Link insurance auto : Car insurance
Ryan Newman
Awesome! Ryan Newman,Kurt Busch,Team Penske...teamwork...beat everybody on the last lap at Daytona 2008
acrylic on paper 9x12"
Minggu, 24 Februari 2008
Chrysler Covets Plastech Equipment : New Chrysler new car 2009
by Anthony Fontanelle
Chrysler LLC is asking the court to lift stay order it has issued to preclude it from repossessing equipment held by Plastech Engineered Products Inc., an auto parts supplier.The supplier repeated financial and quality issues forced the automaker to rescind its acquisition orders with the distressed supplier, and gives the automaker the right to reposes its tooling this week, Chrysler attorneys told U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Phillip Shefferly Wednesday.The Auburn Hills automaker is asking the bankruptcy court to lift the order so it can turn over the work to another supplier. The work covered by the pact between companies includes both interior and exterior plastic components used in every Chrysler vehicle.Plastech attorneys, meanwhile, said the automaker does not have the right to take the tooling because its Feb. 1 bankruptcy filing protects it from having to surrender those assets. Attorneys for Plastech and its creditors noted, "Without Chrysler's business Plastech would fail to continue as a business.""Other major customers still want to move forward," said Frank Merola, an attorney representing Plastech's second-lien note holders. "Lifting this stay sentences this case to liquidation."What would be the greater impact of the dispute in the auto industry as a whole? If Plastech stops its operations, it would mean paralyzing General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Johnson Controls Inc. Why? This is because the supplier provides key components for the automakers major products such as the Ford F-150 pickup and GM's full size crossovers.GM and Ford said Wednesday they support Chrysler's rights to the tools, though not necessarily their efforts to reclaim them. They operate under similar contracts, but continue to order parts from Plastech, according to Detroit News.Chrysler canceled its purchase orders on Feb. 1. The automaker famed for the manufacture of durable Jeep doors sought to take the tooling from Plastech's plants. To avoid the situation, Plastech filed for bankruptcy. Due to undelivered Plastech parts, five Chrysler plants endured a one-day shutdown.Douglas Doran, Chrysler director of interior purchasing, said that consultants BBK Ltd.'s advice that Plastech was financially insolvent was the primary reason Chrysler sought to end its relationship with the company. He added the Auburn Hills automaker on three occasions sent a third-party to work with Plastech on quality issues and cited Plastech on some 450 specific quality issues in 2007 alone.What's more, it was revealed that the automaker rejected a pre-bankruptcy plan. The plan, which require Chrysler to spend $100 million over the next four years, will allow Johnson Controls Inc. "This situation was a meltdown for us," Doran admitted.
Link cars article: New Chrysler new car 2009
Sabtu, 23 Februari 2008
Does Cold Weather Affect Hybrid Cars : New hybrid ferrari 2008
by Cary Bergeron
Hybrid cars are considered to be the car of tomorrow. Because of the benefits it can give you, you will definitely want to get one for your own. In fact, more and more people are now considering selling their conventional car and purchase a hybrid car. So, why is it that more and more people prefer getting a hybrid car instead of a conventional car even if hybrid car retail prices are far more expensive?The answer to this is that these people are thinking of the long term benefits that a hybrid car can give. With a hybrid car, you can cut fuel consumption in half compared to conventional cars. Hybrid cars will be able to give you maximum fuel efficiency. It will be able to give you far better mileage to the gallon. Just imagine, with a hybrid car, you can get more than 60 miles to the gallon of gasoline.This is because hybrid cars run on two engines. One is the conventional internal combustion engine that you will find in conventional cars and the other is the electric motor and batteries. Hybrid cars are basically cars that combine electric energy and gasoline energy. By combining these two to power your car, it will run quieter, cleaner and far more efficient than conventional cars. These are the main advantages of hybrid cars.Another advantage is that you will be able to save more money from tax breaks imposed by the US government to hybrid car users and buyers. If you own a hybrid car, you will be able to enjoy tax breaks. Also, you will be able to enjoy free parking and other incentives that the government imposed on hybrid car owners.Now that you know about the main pros of the hybrid cars, you also need to know what the cons of hybrid cars are.People have been purchasing hybrid cars because of the ability of saving a lot of money from fuel consumption. However, the main advantage of hybrid cars, which is the electric motor, is also its downfall. When a hybrid car is involved in an accident it will be difficult for you and the rescuers to get you out of the car because of the dangers of electrocution. Hybrid cars carry large amounts of voltage. When it gets involved in an accident, wires from the battery may tear off and will be potentially dangerous to handle.Another disadvantage of hybrid cars is that the retail price is higher than conventional cars in the same weight class. However, the hybrid car can counter this disadvantage by allowing consumers to save money in a long term basis. When you look at it in a long term basis, hybrid cars tend to be cheaper than conventional cars. Try and compute the amount of gasoline both cars will consume during its lifetime and add it to the retail price of the car. You will see that the conventional car will tend to be more expensive than hybrid cars when you look at it in a long term basis.These are the pros and cons of hybrid cars. You can see that it contains more advantages than disadvantages. Most hybrid cars today are now integrated with the latest technology in car safety. So, if you are planning to purchase a car, think hybrid.
Link auto review : New hybrid ferrari 2008
Jumat, 22 Februari 2008
Ferrari 375 MM,WIP3
Kamis, 21 Februari 2008
Important Things To Consider When Purchasing A Hybrid Vehicle : Hybrid car 2008
by Levi Quinn
Hybrid vehicles are growing in popularity with consumers because they want the best value for their money. In regard to hybrid vehicles, they can offer that with fuel costs. You may pay more for the vehicle itself, but the good gas mileage factor is an attractive feature. There are some things, however, to consider before you purchase one:
When you're looking to purchase a hybrid vehicle, one thing to look at is the size. Hybrid vehicles use to be very small, but auto manufacturers have expanded their size selection with hybrid vehicles. When you're looking at the size of the vehicle, keep in mind how many people you may be transporting and if you'll have a lot of miscellaneous loads, such as groceries, gifts, etc.
There are some hybrids that only seat two. This is ideal for a single person who doesn't have any obligations, as far as children are concerned. There is room to put some things in the trunk. There are compact sedans that seat five; the downside to this is the trunks are smaller due to the battery storage. There are also SUV hybrids that are two and four wheel drives. The Ford Escape and Saturn VUE fit in this category. There is an SUV hybrid that seats seven people. So far, Toyota is the only car manufacturer that has it (Highlander Hybrid).
The lowest starting price for hybrid vehicles can be approximately $19,000. On the high end, the highest price for a hybrid vehicle can be close to $55,000 - $60,000. Because of the specialty functions of the hybrid, they will cost more than a regular vehicle. You'll have to figure in at least several thousand dollars more. These figures listed represent base model prices. Like with a regular vehicle, if you want additional features, you have to add that to the base cost.
The gas mileage is one of the main reasons why people are now switching to hybrid vehicles. With hybrid vehicles, the EPA estimates are usually higher than the regular vehicles. Hybrid vehicles that have manual transmission offer slightly more mileage than those with automatic transmission. At lower speed levels, hybrid vehicles such as the Toyota Prius can operate with just the battery.
Appearance should be an important factor on what type of hybrid vehicle to purchase. Some of the vehicles look similar, but if you want to stand out, you'll want to purchase one that looks different from the rest. There are some hybrid vehicles that look like they come from another planet. Some people like them, some people don't. There are some hybrid vehicles that look like regular vehicles. The distinction is the symbol or marking on the vehicle.
The real test will be when you take it on a sample ride. You'll get to drive it for a few minutes to see how it feels. In addition to the above facts, it may be advantageous for you to consider at least looking at one of these. These hybrid vehicles won't let you down, especially if you're looking for quality and cost.
NYC Car Wash Tips: New York City Car Washing 101
by Moshe Farkash
We all know that keeping your vehicle cleaned and properly waxed is the most important step toward preventing it from prematurely losing its luster from the dirt, salt, and contaminants stirred up by New York's temperamental weather conditions. Further, making sure your interior is meticulously cleaned will go a long way to preventing ground-in dirt from staining and wearing out upholstery while eliminating lingering odors. (Just try and remember where you've been walking in this city and the picture becomes abundantly clear). This is especially true from those who lease their vehicles and have to pay premiums for any exterior damage to their cars. However, finding a good car wash in Manhattan can be a bit of a chore. From assembly-line centers that care little about your prized vehicle to inflated pricing at detail centers, finding a responsible car wash that will give you a professional job at a competitive price isn't easy. But making sure you know what to look for can help you keep your car looking like new without breaking the bank. When you look for a good NYC car wash, make sure you look at their menu of services for certain key items. A basic NY car wash should always include a rust inhibitor, undercarriage cleaning and some sort of foam wax. A full-service New York City car wash should include all of those items plus interior vacuum and washing and possibly interior window cleaning. Packages are usually built from these basic services that include extras like complete Armor All, a hot wax, hand spray wax, plastic mat cleaning, and wheel rim shining. The automatic car washing systems most of us have grown accustomed to usually provide this type of standard or basic washing service. In these mechanized brushless car-washing systems your car moves on a conveyor belt though a series of tunnel-like bays. Water and soap are sprayed onto the vehicle and large, bristle free fabrics wash away dirt. Tires and wheels are likewise sprayed with a hot water and soap mixture and vigorously scrubbed to eliminate dirt and grime. A high-pressurized rinse cycle follows and, finally, a wax foam forms a protective layer around your car. Sometimes Manhattan car washes will finish with a spot free soft water rinse, but other times the foam wax is merely buffed to a high shine. Once your car has moved through the system attendants dry off the car, vacuum the interior if you choose a deluxe wash service, and clean your plastic floor mats. For a more polished look, exterior detailing services usually include full service washes paired with meticulous hand washing and waxing techniques that often cost a little more. Costs can vary for this kind of service based on what you'd like done from hand washing and waxing to carpet shampoos deodorizing and upholstery cleaning. (You should expect to pay a little more for SUVs, trucks and vans that you would for a standard car since they obviously require more effort to clean.) A complete interior and exterior detailing job can be anywhere from $115 to over $200. What you're paying for is personal, loving attention to detail, however when you pay for complete detailing you should make sure you receive it. A complete interior and exterior detailing package should include:* Full Service Wash or Hand Wash * Compound" Treatment * Oxidation Removal * Tar Removal * Wheel Well Cleaning * Exterior Dressing (Armor All) * Hand Wax * Full Service Wash * Carpet Shampoo * Upholstery Cleaning * Carpet & Upholstery Drying * Interior Dressing (Lexoll) * DeodorizingThis sort of custom service avoids harsh abrasives and utilizes only mild soaps and sponges guaranteed not to scratch your car's surface. To keep your car as beautiful as the day you bought it, your best route is to get your car detailed every few months to the maintain and then follow up that detailing with frequent standard cleaning services from a carwash that guarantees your car won't be damaged by its machines. With today's brushless car wash technologies, there is less danger of scratches or damage. Whatever New York car wash services you choose, your car should roll out of a cleaning treatment gleaming and sparkling just like the day it caught your eye. If you find your local car wash cutting corners than that's evidence that you should go to a professional who cares.For the best treatment in the NYC Car Wash business come down to Broadway Bridge Was & Lube and enjoy our full service wash and lube center for all of your car maintenance needs.
Shopping link : Car care product sale online
Dale jr.
For me,the highlight of the Daytona Speed weeks was the domination of the early proceedings by Dale Earnhardt jr. what a difference the same car makes!
acrylic on paper 7x12" sold
Rabu, 20 Februari 2008
Hendrick Chevrolet- A full-service dealership for Chevrolet vehicles. : New Chevrolet new car chevy
by hendrickchevrolet
Hendrick Chevrolet is the premier location for the most preferred auto brand of millions of auto enthusiasts in America - Chevrolet. This is the brand which has created a special place in the hearts of Car lovers all over the World. While we pride ourselves about being dealers for the whole range of this prestigious auto brand, we would love to draw your attention to some fabulous features on our website. Let us start with the Cool Winter Savings Event that we are currently running. You have a chance to receive $250 off if you purchase your vehicle online from us. This is a special offer valid only for internet based customers. To avail this offer, all you need to do is print the coupon at our website and present it at the time of purchase. Our bouquet of surprises does not end here. You could also take a look at our Specials. There are a great variety of specials at our dealership. Whether it is on parts, service or sales that you are seeking specials, they are all there! We are here to provide you 100% satisfaction for all your purchases and also to provide great follow-up support to our esteemed customers. While on our website, discover the entire range of pre-owned and certified pre-owned vehicles at our dealership; you would never tire of the models at our dealership. Check out our vast assortment of SUVs, Coupes, Sedans, Roadsters, Trucks, Vans, Hatchbacks and Convertibles which include Chevrolet: Corvette, Cobalt, Aveo, HHR, Impala, Malibu, Malibu MAXX, Avalanche, Colorado, Silverado 1500, Silverado 2500 HD, Silverado 3500, Equinox, Suburban, Tahoe, TrailBlazer, Express and Uplander. Visit our dealership for a wonderful experience. It is a convenient place to get all the information and discover interesting facts about your favorite Chevrolet vehicles. This is a dealership you would not expect to forget in a hurry!
Selasa, 19 Februari 2008
Saab 9-3 Range Offers New V6 : New Saab new car 2008
Saab 9-3 Range Offers New V6
by Katie Jones
For the 2008 model year Swedish car manufacturer Saab will come out with a redesigned Saab 9-3 range. The new variants of the 9-3 will come with more aggressive styling cues than their predecessors. Aside from exterior design changes, the new 9-3 range will also offer an all-wheel drive configuration and a selection of powerful gasoline engines.On the outside, Saab revised the front, side, and rear styling cues of the 9-3. The front of the new 9-3 exhibits styling cues was taken out of the Aero X Concept which was unveiled at the 2006 International Geneva Motor Show. The "Clamshell" hood is the most notable similarity that the third generation 9-3 has with the Aero X Concept.Aside from the new hood design, the 9-3 also comes with new bumper moldings for the 2008 model year. The headlight and taillight configuration of the new 9-3 also received modifications. The extent of the redesign on the exterior of the Saab 9-3 includes the new design for the doors and their corresponding door handles. For the Sport Sedan trim level of the 9-3, 70 percent of the external body panels are new. This shows that the company has changed a lot in the exterior of the car.Other notable external changes made to the Saab 9-3 include the flat wiper blades and new alloy wheels. The flat wiper blades produce less noise when battered by strong winds as compared to the previous wiper blades used on the 9-3 range. Two external colors are also added to the range according to Saab. One of the two new colors is the same as that used on the Aero X Concept which is Snow Silver.In terms of performance, the 2008 Saab 9-3 range boasts of 100 percent rear torque transfer. The new all-wheel drive configuration gives better stability and handling for the new 9-3. The all-wheel configuration provides an improved traction for the car in any road condition.Engine choice for the 2008 Saab 9-3 range includes the 2.8-liter V6 turbocharged engine which can produce as much as 280 horsepower. With the Sports Sedan trim level, the uprated V6 engine can propel the 9-3 to 60 miles per hour from a standstill in just 6.3 seconds. From 50 miles per hour to 75 miles per hour, the engine will only take the engine 7.9 seconds.According to Saab, the new engine features a lightweight, all aluminum construction, variable inlet valve timing, twin scroll turbocharger, and hydroformed exhaust manifolds. The new manifold features stainless steel liners and improved air injection for a better cold starting capability.The Saab 9-3 also comes standard with a Tire Pressure Monitoring system which warns drivers if their tires are under inflated. The system pinpoints which tire have a pressure below the set standard. The entertainment system that comes with the Saab 9-3 is a Bose Centerpoint Surround Sound audio system."We are introducing significant developments across three key areas: design, performance and handling," says Jan Åke Jonsson, the Managing Director of Saab Automobile. The result is a major step forward in strengthening the visual and driving appeal of our core product line-up, which accounts for about two-thirds of global sales." And with the interest that the Saab 9-3 is generating among car buyers, it looks as if Saab has succeeded in improving the design, performance and handling of the 9-3.
Link car saab : New Saab new car 2008
Jari-Matti Latvala
acrylic on paper 9x12" sold
Jari-Matti Latvala was very impressive last year,driving the socks of his Stobart Focus. This year he got the works Ford drive...now he is the youngest ever WRC winner,
at just 22 two years ahead of Henri Tiovonen.
More slush than snow in Sweden...we all know why...
we got broadband today,vroooom! this means i can upload bigger pictures,click on the image and enjoy!
Senin, 18 Februari 2008
Ferrari 375 MM,WIP
Hi folks,back from a lovely break...still been busy....painting landscapes,outside in the glorious weather we are having here in Wales,lucky me!
if you are interested to see,please go here, painting Wales

Any way,i know you motorheads are more interested in them vroomers,another biggy,showing you the steps of this beautiful Ferrari 375 MM,oil on canvas 30x50"
More Advantages For Converting From Gas To Hydrogen Powered Cars
There is soooo much data online about gas saving pills, and all sorts of squirrely alternatives for increasing one’s gas consumption but there is really only one complete solution. And that is to switch completely from gas to hydrogen and never have to pay for a gallon of gas into your car again! Of course one can also set up a hybrid system of gas with hydrogen. But why go only half way down why just settle for a field goal when you can score the winning touchdown? ? The way that water4gas readers are trained to set up a fuel system based on hydrogen generated through agitation of water is a completely clean technology. There are no environmental hazards , no Exxon Valdeez spills and such with hydrogen. No harmful emissions exist either. Because it is a self perpetuating ecological system. The hydrogen emanates from the agitated water and then recombines with oxygen to create water all within the system! Nothing comes in, nothing goes out . It is the Hotel California of automotive fuel systems. Another key benefit in this violent world we live in, it helps make America stronger by eliminating dependence on foreign and unfriendly countries . It’s free and easy to produce . This is what is scariest to the oil companies. Good! Let them be very afraid! Muwahahahaha! They have had their game and they lost it . This puts fuel production into the basements of America. It is just so easy!! The hydrogen economy is the future. Be the first one on your block to tell the oil companies to go to hell!Hundreds and thousands of people are switching from gasoline to hydrogen systems every month with just a small bit of study and for less than $120 . People it is here, it is easy!It is that easy to do. You can do it. And it is very liberating in multiple ways including those listed above.
Avoiding Used Car Clones : used car review
by David Leonhardt and Corey Rozon
How many people have something to hide? More to the point, how many cars have something to hide? It is reported that one in three used cars has something to hide. It might just be a poor maintenance record from a lazy owner (and aren’t we all lazy sometimes?) Or it could be something more serious, such as damage from an accident or flood. Or it could be a stolen car.
Yes, thanks to the increasingly common practice of “used car cloningâ€, you might by a stolen car without even knowing it. Thieves take the vehicle identification number or VIN from a legitimate vehicle and slap it on a stolen car. Because each VIN is unique, the stolen vehicle becomes a clone of the legitimate one. Add some fake papers, and the thieves are ready to sell you a vehicle that looks perfectly legal.
Here are five tips to protect yourself from becoming a car clone victim:
1. MAINTENANCE RECORDS: You should also inspect all maintenance records, which are not only a good way to see if the car was stolen, but also will give you a hint of how well the car has been taken care of. Checking the mileage over time on the maintenance records is one good step to ensure that the seller did not tamper with the odometer.
2. LOW SALE PRICE: If the car seller is asking a ridiculously low price for the vehicle, inquire why. Smart buyers usually research car prices online before purchasing. To check current car values simply search for a similar vehicle on a popular car classified website. If the vehicles asking price is significantly lower, be suspicious the car could be stolen.
3. INTUITION: Trust your instincts. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If you feel suspicious about a vehicle or the seller, walk away. Even if the vehicle was not stolen, reconstructed after flood damage or older than it appears, it’s not worth taking the risk. There are plenty of other used cars available.
4. VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: Check the VIN. Every vehicle sold has a VIN. This number should match the number on the title and registration. The VIN is located on the driver's side above the dashboard, inside the driver door and under the hood. Look for any signs that these numbers could have been tampered with. If the windshield contains slight damages, such as scratch marks around the area, there is a strong possibility that the VIN has been replaced. If so, the car is probably stolen.
5. REGISTRATION PAPERS: The registration papers will give you some clues about the vehicle. Make sure the license plate on the car matches the numbers on the registration papers. Make sure the owner’s name matches the sellers ��" and ask for picture ID.
The best way to ensure you don’t end up with a stolen vehicle is to buy your used car from a reputable dealer. Not only will the chance of buying a problem vehicle be much smaller, resolving any issue will be much simpler if the need arises.
And remember, if it looks too good to be true, if it sounds too good to be true, if it feels too good to be true … it probably is.
Minggu, 17 Februari 2008
Audi TT Second Generation 2006-Present : New Audi new car review 2008
by Sam Carson
The Audi TT brand has been in production since 1999, but the second model has just been in production for about 2 years now. The Second Generation TT is strongly based on the Volkswagen A5 platform, and has two classes, which consist of a roadster car model and a luxury sport. The original plans for the Audi TT Second Generation were revealed in 2004, then it was first showcased to the public on April 6th, 2006, and it was dubbed by the internal indicator of "Typ 8J". And like its predecessor the First Generation TT, it was praised by critics for its innovative, bold, provocative look and design, which is has been kept traditional with the brand. The ideals of the original unmatched design of the Audi TT both first and second can be heaped upon to its creative designers Freeman Thomas and J Mays of the Volkswagen's California design studio, as well as Martin Smith for the original concept and designing of the prize winning interior.The prototypical Second Generation TT production car comes standard with the "3.2 litre VR6 engine" that outputs 250PS (247hp or 184kW). But the car has an additional option of Audi's rendition of direct injection engine in the form of the "2.0 litre Turbo I4", also known as the FSI (Fuel Straight/ Stratified Injection) outputting 200PS (197hp or 147kW). The FSI mechanics was obtained from the specially crafted Le Mans racing cars, which resulted in an overall improvement of fuel capabilities, and enhanced power turnover. This technology was imitated, enhanced, and integrated into Audi's format for the 2.0 litre engine. The transmission of the car came with the basic 6 speed manual drive, but has added the alternative of the DSG refined model as well, along with the "quattro all wheel drive" trimmings being standard with the 3.2 litre V6 engine.The body-style of the original TT has been augmented and matched up to a higher level of elegance, and style, but still supporting the fundamental traits of the First Generation TT. The car is still being offered in the sheik roadster design, and the 2+2 coupe (4-door coupe), in keeping with the tradition for all the inherited lovers of the First Generation TT car. One of the TT's newer design is that it is manufactured out of aluminum in the front end, and out of steel in the rear end in order to magnify the balance of the car overall. This change also allows the car to be obtainable in both all wheel drive, and front wheel drive. The specifications of the second generation TT includes a length of 4178mm (164.5in); wheelbase of 2468mm (97.2in); a height of 1352mm (53.2in); and a width of 1842mm (72.5).The TT comes with a couple of new performance intensifying embellishments that makes the car truly unique and allowing for a smoother ride, like the new reactive suspension the "Audi Magnetic Ride" being available as an option for the TT and is firmly based on "Delphi's MagneRide magneto rheological dampers". The "Audi Magnetic Ride" allows the suspension to automatically adapt relying on the present road settings that car might meet. A further addition to its interactive list is the redefined back spoiler that automatically lengthens allowing speeds over 75mph (120km/h), but can also retract at an appropriate location to allow even a low of 50mph (80km/h), which can also be controlled by the driver by utilizing a switch on the dashboard.The Second Generation TT has captured many awards for the combination of the old with new and complete innovation at its best. The TT was the very first recipient of the "Drive Car of the Year", and outright won "Atuobild's Most Beautiful Car", "Fifth Gear Car of the Year 2006", "Top Gear Coupe of the Year 2006", "World Design Car of the Year 2007", and has been a finalist for "World Car of the Year". In 2004, Audi has announced plans for the next generation TT that will completely be manufactured out aluminum, and would go into the production line in 2007.
Audi link : New Audi
Enjoy the royal 2008 Mazda3 at Royal Moore Mazda! : New mazda new car 2008
by Cris John
We, at Royal Moore Mazda, leading dealer for Mazda vehicles in Hillsboro, Oregon, proudly announce the arrival of the classy 2008 Mazda3 sedan at our dealership!The Mazda 3 sedan has everything you had wanted in your sedan: A combination of wonderful looks, awesome power, great handling, superlative ride quality and more than anything else, total safety for the family!Each of its three trims â€"Sport, Touring and Grand Touringâ€" has been crafted for your utmost utility and power. While the entry-level Touring comes equipped with a 2.0-liter, four-cylinder engine that produces 148 horsepower, the Sport is more powerful with its 2.3-liter, four-cylinder engine that emits no fewer than 156 horsepower. Now be prepared for the Grand Touring. This hatchback packs a deadly 156-horsepower, 2.3-liter engine with the finest ride! You could also choose from five-door options for these models. Its list of safety features is long, but let us mention just a few â€"anti-lock brakes, traction control, anti-skid, curtain side air bags and front side air bags. It also has a host of superbly done interiors and neatly chiseled exteriors.We have been the number one dealer by volume in Hillsboro, OR, and those living in our vicinity â€" Cornelius, Beaverton, Forest Grove, Gales Creek, Kansas City, Banks, Maplewood, Tigard, Burlingame, Milwaukee, will testify to our class!You can check out the other models of Mazda as well. These include Mazda 5, Mazda 6 and the MX Miata, B Series, CX 7, CX 9 and Tribute. Don’t forget to try out our virtually unlimited convenience features! Online Specials, New Vehicle Specials, Pre-Owned Specials, Finance, Parts and Accessories, etc. For more details, log in to our website: http://mazda.royalmoore.com/
Mazda link : New mazda new car 2008
Jeep Seats Production To Move To India : New Jeep new car review 2008
by Anthony Fontanelle
The Jeep Wrangler and other off-road vehicles from the automaker may have etched a historic mark for the United States by helping win previous wars. But soon, the vehicles may no longer have an all-American bequest. The production of its seats will be transferred to India.Chrysler LLC announced that the production of Jeep seats will be moved to India. The Auburn Hills automaker, parent company of the Jeep brand, added the outsourcing will start 2010.Officials at auto parts supplier Johnson Controls Inc.'s facility in Northwood earlier informed union officials there that the seats workers make there for the Wrangler are being outsourced to India beginning in 2010. As a direct consequence, the said factory of the automaker will lose work in 2010.At present, it is still not clear how many plant workers will lose their job due to the latest plan. Aside from seats, the plant also manufactures other Jeep parts. Additionally, the Northwood plant also makes instrument panels for the Jeep Liberty and Dodge Nitro. Both vehicles are assembled at the Toledo Jeep Assembly facility.United Auto Workers Local 12 President Bruce Baumhower said he called Chrysler LLC officials about the lost work. "We just lost the third shift there [at Johnson Controls]. We lost 60 guys when the third shift went away [at Toledo Jeep Assembly]," Baumhower said. "We're very concerned about that. That's a great plant out there. It's a very competitive plant, and it's hard to believe that they could ship seats from India and manufacture them cheaper than we could."Baumhower noted the move could eventually mean the slashing of approximately 75 jobs at the plant if it is unable to find other customers or products it could manufacture.Robert Nardelli, Chrysler Chairman, has made a point of saying that the Auburn Hills automaker would move aggressively to acquire parts from "low cost" companies."It should come as no surprise that emerging markets play an increasing role for Chrysler as well as for our suppliers. Partially driven by our growth strategies in key markets, such as Asia and Europe, Chrysler will work with suppliers in those local markets, as well as in its own backyard to support this growth," said Chrysler spokesman Kevin Frazier in an email. He further intimated he could not comment on "certain aspects of its supplier relationships."According to the Toledo Blade, the identity of the new supplier was not disclosed but was reported to be based in New Dehli. Last Sunday, the details of the original $101 million pact were reported in an Indian business publication. The news authority said a spokesman for Johnson Controls could not be reached for comment.
link jeep article : New Jeep 2008
Sabtu, 16 Februari 2008
President's Day: Special lease offer on 2008 Toyota Camry LE : New Toyota camry new car 2008
by Cris John
Fordham Toyota, the leading dealership for New, Pre-owned and Certified Pre-owned Toyota vehicles announces Special Lease plan for this President's Day. The all-new 2008 Toyota Camry LE is available in a special lease offer of $199 per month for 39 months and $0 down.2008 Toyota Camry LE: Automatic, 4 cylinder, Power Steering/Brakes/Windows/Locks/Driver's Seat, AM/FM Stereo/CD, Keyless Entry, A/C, Cruise, Tilt, ABS, MSRP: $21,814Disclaimer: Excludes tax, title and dmv. Lessee responsible for excess wear & tear. Lease incl 10k miles/yr. $0.20 per mile thereafter. Total payments/residuals: '08 Camry=$7761/$13,572, '08 Camry=$0 Down+$695 Acq. Fee+$199 1st Payment+$0 Security Deposit=$894 Total Due At Signing. Down+$695 Acq.Fordham Toyota feels proud to be the only Toyota Dealer in New York City to be endorsed by A.A.A. We own the largest New Car Inventory in Bronx, NY. We stock all Toyota cars, trucks, SUVs/vans, Hybrids, including Toyota: Avalon, Camry, Camry Solara, Corolla, Matrix, Prius, Yaris, Tacoma, Tundra, 4Runner, FJ Cruiser, Highlander, Land Cruiser, RAV4, Sequoia, Sienna, Camry Hybrid and Highlander Hybrid.We sell all genuine Toyota parts and our Parts Inventory is the largest in New York City. Fordham Toyota is the only Toyota-approved certified used car dealer in Bronx. Not only this, we also offer excellent service on Toyota vehicles as all our technicians are A.S.E certified. We are located off the major Deegan in Bronx and serve customers in Bronx, NY, Manhattan, NY, Westchester, NY, Yonkers, NY, Queens, NY, Fort lee, NJ, New Rochell, NY, Englewood, NY, Tennafly, NJ, Mount Vernon, NY and nearby areas.
Alfa Romeo 166
by Sam Carson
The Alfa Romeo 166 is an illustrious member of the Alfa Romeo family, and the Italian automaker has kept this tradition with a long fruitful production period from 1998 to 2007. This executive class car has its own unique appearance that is synonymous with the Alfa Romeo line; the pointed nose and the drooping headlights. The 166 was the successor of the 164 which also possessed and stuck to its reputation of unorthodox features, which the automaker considers to be "corporate" in stature.This 4 door Sedan with an FF Layout, has a wheel base of 2720mm (107 inches), a height of 1416mm (55.7 in), a generous length of 4720 (185.8 in), and a width of 1810mm (71.2 in) making the Alfa Romeo 166 one of the heftiest Sedans on the market. But nevertheless, the 166 still received rave reviews for its handling distinctiveness, stylish designed exterior and the range of its engines.The four different types of engines that the Alfa Romeo 166 were available with at the time of production are: a 2.0-litre Twin Spark engine (155PS), a 3.0 V6 (226PS), a 2.5 V6 (190PS) or a V6 2.0 Turbo (205PS). Whereas the diesel engine came in a L5 2.4 10v common rail turbodiesel edition with a 136, 140, and 150 PS yields. The 3.0, L5 2.4 and the V6 Turbo were distributed with a six speed manual gearbox, while the 2.5 and the 3.0 had the choice of a Sportronic automatic, and the TS model possessed a five speed gearbox.The Alfa Romeo 166 had many problems with overall marketing and sales of the vehicle; in spite of its rave reviews, it was out done in sales by the stronger German made brands, and because of its immense depreciation factors in the UK. The car would be sold for roughly 30,000 British Pounds and its fall within a year would in the ballpark of a ghastly 13,000 British Pounds. It simply did not work out financially strong in the ending for its customers.And even though, the 166 underwent a substantial makeover in 2003, it was still withdrawn from the right-hand drive markets in October 2005, because sales of the car still didn't increase. A few markets kept the marketing of the 166 strictly to the company car arenas where it may still be well received, and where it built its standing.Even though with all of its highlighted shortcomings, the Alfa Romeo 166 still possessed its poise and grandeur of its lineage and will go on, and morph into something else, that is certainly to become another trend setter in the Alfa Romeo family.
Cars Link : Alfa romeo new car review 2008
Harley-Davidson MotorClothes® Motorcycle Gloves Buying Guide : New Harley davidson 2009
by Taylor Knight
It's hard to argue against the benefits of motorcycle gloves that protect your hands and are comfortable. Gloves are your best protection against road rash and flying debris aimed at your fingers. I have personally been saved from some serious rock and bug hits because I had my gloves on. Most riders I know have at least three pairs. One for warm days, a medium weight pair and a pair for those rainy, cold days.Motorcycle gloves are generally made up of leather, nylon or a combination of both. Some have hard polycarbonate shells over the knuckles and other high impact areas. Many styles and features are available.Which are the perfect gloves for you? This buying guide will help you make sense of the choices available in the Harley-Davidson MotorClothes® line. That way you can be aware of the options and make a better decision based on the available features, your riding conditions and personal preference.Glove Design and FitErgonomic Thumb - Extra material sewn into the thumb area where it meets the rest of your hand to allow more freedom of movement. Sometimes called an articulated thumb.Power Stretch - A flexible fabric or accordion looking design generally used across the backs of the knuckles. It stretches as your hands grab the controls and returns to it's original shape when you flatten out your hand. This provides greater flexibility and less bunching.Wrist Closure/Adjustment - Helps you get a customized fit from your gloves. There are several kinds. The most common is a Velcro® like hook and loop closure. It's easy to use and helps you get a better fit from your gloves. Zippers and elastic are also used for closures.Gauntlet - Extra material that extends the length of the glove over the wrist. Designed to stop the wind (and bugs) from going up your sleeves when you ride. Some gauntlets also have a draw cord around the end that provides an additional way to seal out the wind and rain.Padded Palm - Extra material or pockets of gel (Gel Padded Palm) on the palm to provide comfort and reduce vibration.Perforated - Small holes in the material to increase airflow on those warm days.Polycarbonate Shell - Molded polycarbonate around the knuckles on the back of your hand and/or fingers. Offers superior protection from road rash and flying objects.Pre-curved Fingers - Provides less bunching around the inside of your fingers as you grip the controls, making for a more natural and comfortable fit.Glove Materials and FunctionGore-Tex® Liner - A lightweight, waterproof and breathable liner inside of the glove that keeps water out but still allows sweat to escape keeping you dry and comfortable.Thermolite® Insulation - Warmth without weight. Thermolite® insulation provides warmth even when wet. It's an extremely lightweight fabric made with hollow-core fibers. This fabric also wicks away moisture from your skin and transfers it to the outer layer of fabric where it can evaporate more quickly. It's comfortable, flexible and dries fast.Waterproof - It's a common misconception that all gloves labeled "waterproof" are actually waterproof on all layers. It's simply not true. Many gloves have a liner that's waterproof but the outer layer is not. This is most common with leather gloves. The outer leather can get wet and soak up water but your hands stay dry because of an inner liner such as Gore-Tex®. You can improve your gloves outer layer performance by treating them with a waterproofing product made for your type of gloves on a regular basis.Windproof - A lightweight, stretchable membrane called Windtex® is incorporated into the glove. This membrane has a superior ability to repel wind which keeps your hands warmer when you are on the road.Buying OnlineYou may not have a store near you or prefer the convenience of shopping online. When you purchase gloves online, or any accessory or clothing for that matter, it's VERY important to buy from a reputable dealer. That way you can exchange them for a different size or style without a hassle in case you decide that they won't work for you. You don't want to get stuck with gloves you can't use!Measuring Your Hand - What Glove Size Are You?Ever see those darn manufacturer sizing charts for gloves? How do you measure that anyway? They are talking about hand circumference.Hold your hand out and keep your fingers together and straight. DO NOT include your thumb in this measurement. Wrap a cloth measuring tape around the largest part of your hand above where your thumb attaches to your hand. It's most likely just below your knuckles.If you don't have a measuring tape you can use just about anything flexible - a strip of paper or a string and mark it when it's around your hand so you can lay it flat next to a ruler and measure that way. Take several measurements. They will vary slightly depending on how flat your hand is at the time. Use the largest one. If you are between sizes according to the manufacturers size chart always go up to the larger size.The Perfect Glove FitI learned a little trick awhile back when I was buying gloves for the first time and thought I would pass it on. When you try on a pair of gloves they should seem a little bit long in the fingers. The reason they are will become clear as soon as you grip the controls of your bike. It seems that the action of gripping the controls forces the gloves back on to your hand more and the finger length is just perfect. So keep that in mind when trying on gloves. Don't get gloves that fit perfectly when your hands are flat. As soon as you grip your controls they will seem tight.Have Fun RidingWhichever gloves you choose, remember that motorcycle gloves should fit well, be comfortable and, of course, stylish. When your hands are too cold, hot or the gloves fit poorly, at best it can be an unwelcome distraction. At worst it can be a safety issue.If you have any questions about any Harley-Davidson MotorClothes® please let me know.See you on the road and ride safe!
Kamis, 14 Februari 2008
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X : New Mitsubishi new car 2008
by Billy
After nine generations, Mitsubishi’s cult car has an all-new chassis platform and an all-new engine. Even Mitsubishi’s all-wheel-drive hardware has received a high-tech makeover.It takes just one glance at this car’s sleek exterior to realize that it’s no longer business as usual in the Mitsubishi’s design studio. Gone is the souped-up look of a Tokyo taxi and in comes a lean, purposeful shape with great proportions. Though it’s disguised by projector-beam headlights and fast-acting LED taillights, this is a new sort of Mitsubishi, far more European in character than ever before.There’s plenty of aluminum in the bodywork, including the hood, roof and the distinctive square-section fender blisters. Twin exhausts are an Evo first, and help improve the look. A tall rear wing has quickly become an Evo trademark, so it’s no surprise that it continues here (although it’s no longer made of carbon fiber). The same goes for the aerodynamic diffuser that peeks out from underneath the rear bumper.The 20-inch wheels seen on this car won’t make it into production and will be replaced by 18-inch rims.New turbo engineThe Evo uses the new Mitsubishi Lancer chassis, itself based on a platform originally developed in partnership with DaimlerChrysler. The Lancer is actually 0.6 inch shorter than before, but the wheelbase has been stretched 1.5 inches to 103.7 inches. The car is 2.7 inches wider and 3.8 inches taller. The chassis is more rigid in bending and torsion has improved more than 50 percent, but it’s unfortunately also about 200 pounds heavier.Mitsubishi engineers hope that an all-new turbocharged inline-4 will provide enough power to cope with the extra weight. Designated the MB11, this all-aluminum, DOHC 2.0-liter design has symmetrical cylinder dimensions, which should deliver free-revving performance. Mitsubishi’s MIVEC variable-valve-timing technology has been applied to both camshafts to broaden the power band. Mitsubishi has also done its best to engineer this aluminum-block, open-deck engine to withstand the stress of turbocharging as well as the former iron-block 4G63 design.Mitsubishi is remaining tight-lipped about power and torque figures from the turbo MB11 for now, but we expect horsepower to increase to 320 hp from 286, while torque will climb to 325 pound-feet from 295. This power should enable the Evo to sprint to 60 mph in less than 4.5 seconds....Continued on: http://www.voguerides.com/?p=14
Link Car : New Mitsubishi
Rabu, 13 Februari 2008
History Of The Great Ford Mustang : Ford Mustang New car review 2008
by ClassicMustangs
As far as the consumer is concerned, the history of the great Ford Mustang began when it was shown to the public at New York's World Exhibition. The prototypes had been in existence since 1962, with the Mustang 1 (T-5) being first introduced to the motor racing world at the Watkins Glen Grand Prix where Stirling Moss and Dan Gurney drove it for a few laps each as a demo.
In the early 1960s, Ford desperately needed a new car to compete with the sporty Chevrolet Corsair Monza, and its first attempt, the Falcon Future, failed to compete. A brand new car was needed, and the idea for the Mustang was born. It was sporty and quick and a four seater. It was appealing to youngsters, and the prototype was well received when shown at the motor racing circuits.
It went in production in 1964, and was an instant hit. Its launch on 17th April, 1964 was the beginning of what was to be the most popular car ever in American history, and it sold half a million in its first year. Its customers included every age and it was equally popular to men and women.
Many of its parts were taken from the failed Falcon, and its immediate success had as much to do with the almost perfect advertising campaign as it had to do with looks and speed. The advertising power of the three major television networks was used extensively, and with its distinctive mane and tail galloping across the red, white and blue of America the 'Pony Car' was the phenomenon of its age, representing the flavor of the 1960s more perfectly than its designers could ever have dreamt possible.
It was a car of its day that arrived with perfect timing. Later to be called the 1964½, the original Mustang was available as a convertible and as a coupe, both with chrome wrap-around fenders, the distinctive chrome grill with running pony, and a lengthened hood. Although it claimed to have four seats, the back seat was a bit small and it also sported three tails lights on each side. It has sold a million by 1966, although before that the GT and fastback model had been introduced.
The car continued to progress, and by the end of the 60s had become longer by four inches, and a lot heavier than the original, much of this in response to the development of Chevrolet's Firebird and Pontiac. It was the Corvette, however, that brought the Mustang into the road racing arena. The Mustang was so popular, especially with the young, that Ford were desperate to race it against the Corvette. However, only production two seaters were allowed to race, and to enable them to do this at least 100 two seaters had be produced by January 1965.
This was achieved with the help of Mustang fan and racer, Carol Shelby, who modified 100 of the 2+2 models into GT 350 models, in the process re-equipping them to render them more suitable for racing. The suspension, wheel and brakes were all modified, and the cars were to become the basis of many future models that are even now are much sought after.
During the early 1970s the Mustang lost its way a bit and became a bit too big and unwieldy. The original grace and élan that so attracted early admirers was lost, and it became just another car. Part of this was due to emissions regulations, but sales dropped so much that Ford had to rethink its design strategy with the Mustang.
The Mustang II was introduced in 1974, and although it was small and vastly underpowered, it takes its place in the history of the car because it brought to a halt the drop in sales. It sold because of economy in fuel, and the 1973 OPEC fuel embargo. People were afraid that a gas guzzler would hurt their pockets, and so temporarily went for the smaller car. However, this did not last long, and 1975 brought back the V8 engine to the Mustang. However, although it had a 5 liter engine, the carburetor was too small and the catalytic converter combined with that to render it lifeless.
Then came a period of relative stability although there were a few trim changes. Fans must have seen the end coming because the late 1970s saw a slight increase in sales, rather than the drop that model now deserved. The Cobra II and King Cobra versions did little to spark a return to the glory days for the 1960s, and Ford made a last ditch attempt to rewrite the Mustang in 1979. The new Mustang was available as a coupé or fastback with a bit more room inside than the either the original or the ill fated Mustang II.
However, the running horse had gone, and the rear lights lost their distinctive three segments: this expanded to six, while the side scallop also disappeared. It no longer resembled a Mustang! Alterations continued to be made, and the California Highway Patrol found a use for a special coupe model as a high speed pursuit vehicle. With its 157 HP V8 engine, this car was used by a number of law enforcement agent up until 1993, when Ford killed them off.
The fans were wrong, however, and development continued as the Mustang conformed with the coming of fuel injection, air bags and other essential improvements, though the original concept had completely disappeared. In 2005 Ford finally ditched the ancient Fox platform and introduced that now used for the Lincoln and the Thunderbird. The newest Mustang has reverted to some of the original features, and it is a miracle that the car has survived so long.
Nobody involved in 1962 development team would have believed that the great Ford Mustang would still be around 45 years later.
: New Acura new car 2008
by Fei Lim
Looking for an SUV that handles like a luxury automobile? Look no further than the 2008 Acura MDX. With a 300 horse power, V-6 engine the 208 Acura MDX handles like a luxury sports car with all the comforts and room of an SUV. What would you expect from Acura? For years, Acura has been making some of the best quality automobiles around, including SUVs, sports car and luxury sedans. Once you take a look at this quality SUV, you will be surprised and pleased at the features you can get for just over $40,000.
The key features of the 2008 Acura MDX include the following:
1. The powerful V-6, 300 horse power engine
3. A built in navigation system with voice recognition, Zagat reviews and a destination database
4. Premium surround sound system that includes an XM Satellite Radio with an optional entertainment package
5. Bluetooth link
6. Custom settings
7. Automatic climate control with air filtration
8. Custom settings
The real time traffic setting can help you navigate through traffic jams and accidents by suggesting alternate routes. The voice controlled feature allows you to use the system safely.
The 2008 Acura MDX offers a five speed automatic transmission with the Acura branded SportShift paddle shifters unique to Acura. The five speed automatic transmission make it easy for the vehicle to navigate even rough terrains.
Rough terrains aside, this SUV handles like a dream on the street as well. It is loaded with safety features, and the third row option makes it an ideal family vehicle as well as a well handling luxury sports utility vehicle.
Safety features included in the 2008 Acura MDX include the following:
1. Front and side curtain airbags with a rollover sensor
2. Three point seat belts in the second and third rows
3. Traction control
4. Fog lights
5. Child seat tether anchors
6. Impact absorbing crumple zones in the back and the rear
7. Rear window defroster
8. Side impact door beams
9. Four wheel drive with anti locking braking system
10. And more
As for the chassis, it includes both independent front and rear suspension, stabilizer bars and torque sensing power steering. The In addition to the powerful performance offered by this sports utility vehicle, the appearance of the SUV is one that is attractive and sleek. The 2008 Acura MDX comes in a variety of different colors, including he popular silver model.
The seats are leather trimmed and very comfortable. The driving seat has an eight way power adjustments and lumbar support which makes driving long distances much easier and comfortable. The front passenger seat also has eight way power. The front seats are heated, a great option in the cold winter months.
The second and third row of seats fold down to maximize room in the SUV if you want to transport anything besides your family. The second row of seats recline completely, making a long distance trip easy enough for the kids to sleep while mom and dad listen to the music from the state of the art sound system.
The 2008 Acura MDX is one SUV that is both practical as well as fuel efficient. In addition to being efficient and offering supreme performance, the vehicle also has all of the luxuries and accessories you would expect in an Acura. This is one SUV that sticks out above all the others. Not only in appearance, but in features and performance.
While the MDX begins at $40,000, there are also different packages that you can add if you want more luxuries and accessories included in the vehicle. One of the best aspects of choosing the 2008 Acura MDX is that you can choose the best package to suit your needs. The package options available for this vehicle include the following:
1. The Sports Package - which starts just over $45,000
2. The Technology Package - which starts just over $43,000
3. The Entertainment Package - starting at $43,000
In addition, you can combine the technology and entertainment packages as well as the sports and entertainment packages for additional savings.
Standard features included in every 2008 Acura MDX include seven passenger seating, sports seats, premium sound system, leather trimmed interior and the spectacular performance afforded by the powerful engine and all wheel drive.
For the ultimate sports utility vehicle, test drive the 2008 MDX Acura today. Once you experience the power and luxury of an Acura, you will want no other model vehicle.
Senin, 11 Februari 2008
The 2008 Volvo C30 : New volvo New car review 2008
by Cris John
The 2008 Volvo C30 is a sleek beauty; it is Volvo's most compact car in the market. It has got shorter than the S40 by a good 8.5 inches, and is available at our dealership! This 2-door hatchback is highly compartmentalized, with bucket seats for each of the passengers. The newly redesigned 2008 Volvo C30 packs power that belies its small frame. It has no fewer than 227 horses on its 2.5 liter, Inline 5 cylinder engine to take you places. It has a great torque of 236 pound-feet, assuring a great quality ride. This model is high on comfort and comes with some deadly features that enhance its looks. Take a look at its Custom Build Ordering process, by which you can select the color of your choice from 17 exterior shades, and 12 interior ones! Or you can play music to energize your soul from its 160-watt MP3-ready stereo. Then, there is also leather-wrapped steering wheel, 17-inch wheels, power windows and remote locking. And if you thought all these come at the cost of safety, think again! The 2008 Volvo C30 has Dynamic Stability Traction Control, and is made up of various kinds of steel to offset the gravity of accidents. The features of this wonderful model get complemented with our service; just drop in for some wonderful offers on our Online Specials, Finance, Parts and so on. Ours is the ideal destination for those living in and around East Pleasanton, Radium, Dublin, San Ramon, Livermore, and Trevarno and nearby places!
Sabtu, 09 Februari 2008
Aston Martin Vanquish : New Sedan new car 2008
by Sam Carson
The Aston Martin V12 Vanquish or just Vanquish lived a short, illustrious, and limelight filled era, and spanning just 7 years, from 2001-2007. This level of elegance and distinction could never be misconstrued for anything or anyone else, because it screamed outstanding performance, and timeless looks from the new car on the block.It was the forerunner of the Virage/ V8 Vantage, and was based on the theories of two concept cars, the Bertone Jet 2, and the Zagato Roadster; both were presented at the Geneva Motor Show in 2004. The Vanquish's stint in the limelight came from being the official car in the twentieth James Bond movie "Die Another Day", after that the Aston Martin Vanquish became one of the most popular, and easily noticeable vehicle, it was the car on everyone's lips. It was Aston Martin's prime, emblematic, production car for the 7 years of its life. It was created by Ian Callum and it is in the "grand tourer" class, and is manufactured by "Aston Martin Lagonda Limited". Unfortunately, it was dropped in 2007 and would be temporarily replaced by the "Aston Martin DBS V12" as Aston Martin's pendant vehicle until 2010, when a permanent replacement will be made.The Vanquish's core force consisted of "5.9 litre (5935cc), 48-valve, 60º V12 engine" outputting a max power of 460bhp (343kW) at 6,500 rpm along with a torque of 542 N·m (400 ft·lbf), running at 0-62mph in 4.9 seconds, succeeding a top speed of 186mph. A "fly-by-wire" throttle with a six speed "clutchless, sequential, manual transmission" directs the control system for the engine. The braking system on the otherhand includes 355mm (14in) ventilated and drilled disc brakes that have ABS, containing electronic brake distribution.The Vanquish's engine mechanics is almost exact to the blueprint and components of the "3.0 litre Duratec 30 V6", even down to the last stroke and bore specifications. The car possesses a FR layout along with the basic Coupe body style, the Vanquish dimensions were carefully crafted; a length of 4666mm (184in); a wheelbase of 2690mm (106in); a height of 1318mm (52in); a width of 1923mm (76in); and a curb weight of 1835kg (4045 lbs).The Aston Martin Vanquish car was altogether unmodified until 2005 rolled around, when the second model came out by the name of the Aston Martin Vanquish S, which was introduced at Paris Auto Show in 2004. The changes that came with this model was the increase in strength and more power all round, elegant styling changes, and all new 19 inch wheels. They also gave a choice to opt for a sportier appearance and performance with the "Sports Dynamic Pack" with potent braking features, powerful, sportier suspension, and refined steering capabilities. The engine, 6.0 litre V12 was masterminded by Ford and outputted a max power of 520bhp (388kW) at 7000 rpm, along with a torque of 577N m (426ft lbf), increasing 0-62mph at 4.8 seconds achieving a top speed of 200mph. The Vanquish S braking system was stronger than that of the Vanquish with 378mm (15in) situated at the front and 330mm (13in) positioned in the rear rotors.The production of the Aston Martin Vanquish's ended officially on the 19th, July 2007, and that signaled the end of a master. Aston Martin also issued that the production of the last 40 cars would be under the stage name of the "Vanquish Ultimate Edition", having an enigmatic "Ultimate Black" exterior, elegantly done interiors, with tailor-made sill plaques inserted into the dash. The Vanquish is an instant classic, and will always have its critics, but will always have its fans.
Link : New Sedan new car model auto 2008 review
Auto Loans after Bankruptcy: Nothing Can Stop You from Owning A Vehicle : Car loans review 2008
You have a dream of possessing a dashing brand new car or have the idea of opening your transport business. But sudden bankruptcy ruptures all of your desires. You are damn desperate to fulfill your dream but none of lenders are ready to bet on you. At this situation, auto loans for bankruptcy are available and are ready to supervise you, in your financial ground. These types of loans are not only for financial help but can increase your credit in the financial market. Criteria for getting such loans These loans are easily available in local market and online lenders are also available. Both will ask you to submit this following information: 1. The proof of your citizenship. 2. Your financial status. 3. You have to be over 18 years of age. 4. Mention about the automobile, that you are going to buy. If all these information are appropriate then lenders have no objections in sanctioning the loan amount. In the case of local market, there will be more paper works, since there will be a direct deal. But in the case of online lenders, all things are to be done online, and will take less time relative to local market. Form of loans Loan amount is sanctioned to those people who are declared as 'high-risk' by almost every type of lender and financial institute. So if you belong to this category and are having desire of buying automobile then you can go for auto loans after bankruptcy. Generally, it’s of secured type, because you are declared as bankrupt and having nothing precious to keep as collateral, your automobile will work as collateral for lender. If in any circumstances, you are unable to repay the loan amount, lender has the full rights to take over your newly bought automobile. So, you have to be very sensitive regarding repayment. Interest rate will be little bit high, because you are tagged as bankrupt.
Car link : Car loans review 2008
Tom Pryce
Brands Hatch 1974,Welshman Tom Pryce doing what he did best,drifting down Paddock Hill .Acrylic on paper 9x12" sold
Well folks this is it,a whole year of painting/posting a car-a-day,i got away with the car free Sundays a few holidays and some sick days but here we are post number 365...
I'm going to carry on but slow down a little,no more pressure of posting everyday but there will be plenty to watch...Rally of sweden,Daytona 500 just round the corner,we don't want to miss a thing...
A big THANK YOU to everyone supporting the car-a-day blog with visits,sales and comments,i would never have been able to push on,without an audience.
Jumat, 08 Februari 2008
Bmw M3 2008
Bmw M3 2008
by Sam Carson
The BMW M3 has an illustrious, rich, and long lineage since its inception back in 1986 to presently, it has included many distinct concepts and design of cars, and many distinct names from the original E30 M3 to the current M3 2008. This is the forth generation of the M3 cars, it is designed and manufactured by BMW M GmbH aiming to breathe futuristic life into a new addition to a long family tree, with general high performance, comfort and safety. The car was launched in 2007 with exceptional special features, supreme design concepts, and a lot of technological gadgets. Its foundations are based strongly on the 3 series Coupe, and is set to carry on the legacy of both motorsport racing and on the road driving. The M3 2008 has a very unique, superior character with excellent driving advancements that will make it a contender in the market and on the racetrack.The new BMW M3 first priority is the issue of sophistication, and high quality everything and the interior is definitely no different as the perfectly mannered insides are available with a wide range of accents to fully customize it to the drivers individual tastes. The choice of interior range from high quality colours, various materials, BMW individualized high-end audio system that tailored to the car, design eccentric paints, and latest drive enhancing gadgets. It's another car to utilize BMW lightweight construction technology to maximize movement, and aerodynamics. The M3 2008 is the very first of the M3s models to have very innovative carbon fibre attributes, like that fact that carbon fibre used as a light weight component to decrease weight and lower the car's centre of gravity, and a carbon fibre strengthened roof. The car itself weighs in at 3649lbs, as the suspension and chassis are made out of aluminum, reflecting the further innovation of "intelligent lightweight construction".BMW has decided the new M3 be something reflecting the future, and therefore did something that they have never done before regarding a M3, and that is placing an 8 cylinder engine into the car. The new engine has been design to displacing 3,999cc as a 4 litre V8, 8 cylinder attains a max power output of 420hp (309kW) with a torque of 400Nm (295lb-ft) at 3,900rpm. But shockingly still, 85% of the V8's climax torque is accessible to the driver all through the extraordinary speed sweep of 6,500rpm. This remarkable development permits the driver to an euphoric driving experience, as the engine revs up to planes of 8,400rpm, giving faultless performances continually. The transmission consists of a six speed manual gearbox with combined, temperature-connected oil cooling, mass inertia enhanced double-coated clutch, also featuring and interacting with "final drive". The M3 2008 accelerates from 0-62mph in just 4.8 seconds, and has realized a top speed of 155mph. And the achieved a weight per horsepower of 8.7lbs per hp, along with a power to weight ratio of 3.8kg/ hp.The BMW M3 2008 power is suggestive to that of a thoroughbred racing car on the tracks. The car is a complete athlete all around, both in looks and in driving ability and potential. The M3 2008 is a real life powerhouse, that will live up to the trendsetting already done by its predecessors, and blaze a trail all its own.
Link: : BMW M3 2008 new cars
Hyundai Veracruz Gets KBB Honors : New Hyundai new car auto model 2008 review
by Anthony Fontanelle
Put your hands together for the 2008 Hyundai Veracruz.
Yes, this new vehicle model which just hit the automotive industry last year has been given an accolade by automotive industry expert Kelley Blue Book. The group had given the 2008 Hyundai Veracruz a spot in its Best New Family Vehicles list.
Choosing the vehicles that would be part of the list was no easy task, the editors of KBB had disclosed through The Auto Channel. They had to go through quite a list of vehicles which were exemplary and had the features that could bring them straight right up the list. However, the editors still had to choose vehicles based on criteria. Is the vehicle safe? Does it have enough space inside? Is it priced too much? How about its resale value? How good is its fuel efficiency? What is the vehicle capable of doing? Would it be dangerous for children? These are the criteria that the editors worked with to find the best vehicles to make the list.
KBB's executive editorial director as well as executive market analyst Jack R. Nerad shared his thoughts about the Hyundai Veracruz: "If you're intrigued by the idea of treating your family to premium accommodations at mass-market prices, you'll want to check out the seven-passenger Veracruz mid-size crossover. The quiet, comfortable, well-appointed Veracruz starts just under $28,000, offers a long list of desirable options and is backed by a reassuringly comprehensive warranty that includes 100,000-mile powertrain coverage and five-year, 24-hour roadside assistance."
The 2008 Hyundai Veracruz is a midsized crossover sport utility vehicle which is currently being sold in quite a few car markets. It has the capacity to take in seven passengers comfortably and for 2008, it now comes with a new navigation system manufactured by LG. The vehicle has been made to be friendly to users and to other automotive products available in the market so much so that you can use a keeper zipnet series cargo net with it. You also do get an AM/FM/XM Satellite radio and a CD/MP3 audio player with the vehicle to accompany you during long drives.
As per safety, the vehicle is equipped with the Electronic Stability Control and has six air bags that come with side air curtains. All three rows of seats have these airbags and side curtains so much so that in cases of untoward incidents everybody's protected well.
Kamis, 07 Februari 2008
Why Ford Escape Hybrid Was Crowned As Best Suv Gas Mileage In Suv Category : New Ford suv New car review 2008
by Muna wa Wanjiru
The sassy SUVs are fast becoming one of the most popular luxury vehicles. Most of the modern vehicles fitting in Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) category get average gas mileage. Cars like Lexus RX 330, Ford Escape, Honda CR-V, Toyota Highlander and Mitsubishi Outlander are in the competition to produce the best SUV gas mileage. When it comes to sport utility vehicle, it is not always true that bigger is always better.Ford Escape Hybrid was crowned as best SUV gas mileage in SUV category. Both the versions of Ford Escape Hybrid delivered good mileage. The four-wheel drive version delivered 28 city and 27 highway miles per gallon while the front-wheel drive version of Ford Escape Hybrid was at its best delivering 31 city and 29 highways. The Mariner that is Mercury's version of the Escape also delivers the similar mileage. All the versions of Ford and Mercury hybrid sport utility vehicles use four cylinder engines of 2.3 liters.The two wheel drive versions of Toyota Highlander Hybrid and Lexus RX 400h deliver 28 city and 25 highway miles per gallon using 3.3-liter six-cylinder engine. The 27 cities and 25 highways miles per gallon is delivered by 4WD versions of the Highlander Hybrid and RX 400h. The Saturn View Hybrid delivers 23 city and 29 highway miles per gallon. The engine used is a 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine. Have a look at some of SUV Gas Mileages stated below: These figures are not listed in any alphabetical order but i have taken time to research on the different types of SUV available in the market today.* Ford Escape Hybrid FWD use 2.3-liter four-cylinder engine and delivers 31 city and 29 highway miles per gallon. * Ford Escape Hybrid 4WD and Mercury Mariner Hybrid 4WD use 2.3-liter four-cylinder engine and delivers 28 city and 27 highway miles per gallon. * Lexus RX 400h 2WD and Toyota Highlander Hybrid 2WD use 3.3-liter six-cylinder engine and delivers 28 city and 25 highway miles per gallon. * Lexus RX 400h 4WD and Toyota Highlander Hybrid 4WD use 3.3-liter six-cylinder engine and delivers 27 city and 25 highway miles per gallon. * Saturn Vue Hybrid use 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine and delivers 23 city and 29 highway miles per gallon. * Jeep Compass 2WD and Jeep Patriot 2WD use 2-liter four-cylinder engine and delivers 23 city and 27 highway miles per gallon. * Jeep Compass 4WD and Jeep Patriot 4WD use 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine and delivers 22 city and 27 highway miles per gallon. * Chevrolet HHR FWD and Chevrolet HHR Panel FWD use 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine and delivers 21 city and 28 highway miles per gallon. * Ford Escape FWD use 2.3-liter four-cylinder engine and delivers 21 city and 27 highway miles per gallon. * Toyota RAV4 2WD uses 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine and delivers nearly 21 cities and 27 highways miles per gallon. * Chevrolet HHR Panel FWD use 2.2-liter four-cylinder engine and delivers 20 city and 29 highway miles per gallon. * Chevrolet HHR FWD use 2.2-liter four-cylinder engine
Labels: : New Ford suv New car review 2008